is Shaking it up!! First 100 Listings to Be Announced

Morning Folks!!

This has been one exceptional week! Is it only Thursday morning? WOW!

First I want to thank those I turned down for understanding what I am trying to do and just how narrow and defined it is. I can only use domains I feel I can truly believe in and get behind. I think when we announce our first list next week that many will be surprised and happy with what we have been getting in the way of quality domain names and our overall chances of success.

We will spend the rest of December getting the listings. Then we go to the next phase and that will be focusing on the end user. I am not looking for thousands of listings. More important that the listings we do have make a statement and is attractive to end users. I only look at this through the prism of a 3rd party leasing it. That is the threshold. Not picking a domain is no reflection of the domain whatsoever. I appreciate that even those I turned down understand. Thank you!

As I have said my entire life online and before....Everything is timing! This IS the right time. Not this moment, but as the next 3 years unfold I will tell you that between now and then the landscape is going to change drastically. My goal is not to disrupt however a success here will absolutely disrupt. Imagine sponsors competing for your traffic again. Remember what that looks like?

The single biggest factor is I don't have to say 'Yes' to grab an undervalued lease to eat and either do you. I have a history of saying 'No'. Folks always ask me how I turned down $500k or $700k on iReport. A domain most would have sold for $5k or $10k. All I can say is I see value and am able to attach a price to that value. Then I stick to it. PERIOD! I could have done the deal 10 other times with 10 other folks and none would have been as good for all as the current deal for all parties. Same with the others.

Here is my promise. SLOW RESULTS! We will not be an overnight success but we will have successes. Our goal between January and June is 3-6 leases. That's not a lot. But it will demonstrate the viability of the model. My experience looking back at all my deals........most take 3-6 months and more. Some 1-2 years. That is NORMAL. Those numbers will accelerate in the 2nd half of the year and when I sit down to write a post in a year from now I will have demonstrated that leasing domains IS the way of the future IF you have domains that fit into my narrow definition.

Believe me,I turned down some really great domains. Domains worth 6 and 7 figures because they just did not fit what I am trying to do and I can't sell what I can't sell.

Last night I was thinking about when I started selling in life. 42 YEARS ago and I have never stopped. 42 years. That even surprised me. That's what allows me to differentiate things to the 'Nth' degree. That's what gives me an 'Attitude' capable of detecting a buyer from a bullshit artist. A guy that will make you money from a guy that will cost you money. The invisible clues that are not invisible after 42 years.

So far the lowest monthly lease is $750. Highest is $15,000. Most fall into the $2000-$5000 category. One way you might be able to calculate a monthly lease value is to take your current PPC earnings or however you are monetizing and multiply by a minimum factor of 10X and generally much more. So a domain earning $250/month on PPC could easily command $2500/month on a lease and the end user is still getting the bargain of a lifetime and the ammunition to change their entire destiny. That's PRICELESS!! I know that and since I KNOW that, no reason to be weak!

And remember, you can still leave your domain as is and there is nothing for you to change. In January I will give some recommendations that will help the effort if you choose.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

And Away We Go! I Need Ammunition if WE are Going to Shake Things Up!

Morning Folks!!

I told you I don't work in December. Ever! Except 2012. I guess. But only for a few more days to get things off the ground. Over the past 3-4 weeks I have had thousands of domains submitted to me for consideration. I have indicated to about 10 of you that I would be willing to list your domains. Now that the new site is set up, I will ask you to go to and re-submit your accepted domain so we have a permanent record and can keep things in order. Contracts will be ready to send out and your domains will be on the site by Friday.

I am gratified by the response and I am asking all my old pals to send me at least ONE domain name worthy of leasing and allow me to build on this and help me achieve few believe is possible. In one form or another this is what I will be doing for a very long time and I have been waiting a very long time to do it. I had to plant a seed and wait nearly 2 decades for it to grow into a tree and produce fruit. It's not easy staying on course when so few see what I see. But I see it as clearly as watching a movie over and over again and I know many of you do too.

When I have a domain like I can sell the value because it is apparent. I need about 100 domains in that league to make the impact and give me the ammunition I need to accomplish this. It will be EASY for me if I have this and not as easy if I don't. Either way it will work. Just depends to the magnitude and the depth. So I need your help with that ammo. One and two word domains that are a specific and profitable category and have traffic. Very simple. I can sell the equation. That's what I can do. Nothing you can't do. But I am set up for it and have been doing it for a very long time. Only difference is the timing makes it universal. Allow me to show you what I see and change the destiny of all those with the best domains.

I am sorry, I just can't help those with marginal domains at this point. It won't work in my equation. There is nothing for me to sell or to show a benefit. It starts with traffic because a ZERO in my equation ends up with ZERO. Just 10 visitors a day make it worthy of a look. 100 is better. 1000 and you have COMMAND of the market. More and away we go! But no traffic makes it very difficult to justify a lease at THIS point. It would have to be something very catchy that would be in demand.

So I want to thank everyone for the well wishes on our new updated site and starting in January we'll be all caught up and in full operation. This is a slow meandering train that will prove in time why leasing trumps selling. My equation is simple. Why sell a domain for $25,000 when you can lease for $2000/month? used to lease for $30,000/month. The lessee wanted to buy for $60,000. When I laughed at them they got pissed and pulled the plug. Their loss for making a ridiculous offer and I have made many times that $60k since then and my oil well is still pumping and I still own the asset. Millions of visitors have passed through the doors of ebid and millions more are still to come.

Notice how I left off the .com on the last 'ebid' above? That is how mainstream we are getting that the only extension that may not have an extension in the future is .com. I am even seeing commercials with website names and no .com. Just the word or name. Sorry, I got a bit off track. But worthy of noting. Nothing I would do. Always include the .com.

I'll keep you all updated on the progress but for now I have done what I needed to do in getting the word out. I know my mission and I eagerly await the day I can report that has been leased and a long term deal has been negotiated. That is what I call 'Branding'!

It may take me 2-3 days to respond to your emails. I am quite backed up and once we are rolling I will be responding much quicker. Thanks for your well wishes, support and please think what a success would look like and just how much it would change the field we play on.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Raw, Under the Hood, Sneak Peek. Here is the Reason Why and What’s in it for You!.

Morning Folks!!

A marathon entering the final stage is how I look at the next 3 years. The last 3 years of a 20 year plan that not a person on the planet took seriously then and maybe only a couple hundred do today. My job was to fly over 20 years of temptation and still have my portfolio in tact and stronger. Not to sellout during times like this but to fortify and get even stronger in the face of recession, second guessing and the 'Second coming'.

I take things slow and just try and move things in the right direction. This is what I will be doing for the next 3 years and beyond. Always my general plan. Lease, don't sell. Extract as much recurring revenue as possible with an exit strategy that makes sense.

What you have seen over the last few weeks at has been raw and under the hood. It was the content behind the mask. That's how I think of it anyways. Like a chassis before you put on the skin called the body. So many cars look the same with no body. Slap on a new body and you have an entirely new vehicle on the outside, but what actually runs it inside does not change.

That is exactly what we have done with My words, Danny Welch engineering the chassis so my words would work and then Danny Pryor to design the new body unveiled for the first time TODAY! RIGHT NOW! Then we add Howard Neu into the mix and he writes the manuals in the way of the contracts. So that is the foundation is built on.

Plus my view of the world. My view of what makes business tick and brands made. My view of how history is the road map to the future and the difference between chasing yesterday and creating a pathway to tomorrow and arriving before all others. Knowing the difference between markets and marketing. Lastly, knowing that nothing happens on this planet until the sale is made and companies revolve and thrive because of sales. Sales drives everything. No sales = no budgets. More sales = increasing budgets. Simple! And I will always keep the most complex as simple as possible. It's not about winners and losers. It's about winners and winners.

Let's start with a simple premise and a simple example. My belief and my bet is that it is harder to sell a domain like for $3.5MM or $5MM or whatever the owner wants for it then it is to lease for a few grand a month to understand why that domain will command those dollars. To give some business entity the opportunity to take the entire domain and test an idea or experiment for only $5000/month is an incredible opportunity for somebody selling rings or has an idea. $5000. CHUMP CHANGE!!!!

But there is a huge bonus in the way of type in traffic.

You know going in that the domain will receive over 10,000 visitors between Thanksgiving and Christmas with nothing there! Tens of thousands more visitors during the rest of the year. You know Google is charging several dollars for each click. You know the owner of is making pennies on those clicks. What is in the middle is called 'Opportunity' and some see it and some don't. To me it is like the sun shining in the sky. How exactly can anyone miss it?

See I don't have to convince you. I don't have to convince a stadium. I don't have to do anything but find one sharp business on the planet that sees what I see. I am betting that in time that will happen and I see a deal happening with That's why I need the BEST domain names. Look guys, before the auction I said flat out I could not use high end domains because domainers were not going to buy them. Well, exactly the opposite is true here. I want the best of the best and together I think there is a path to very high revenues.

We won't try to sell and lease to other domainers. You won't see emails from me touting one domain or another. I will announce domains that fortify what we are doing and if allowed I will exploit the hell out of the leases we write. Our efforts will be invisible to the domain community. We will pursue end users. One on one. Old school. NEED, WANT, DESIRE! Not worried about anything but doing deals. The overhead for this is ME. No extra office. No extra staff. No extra bills. No extra anything but helping to spearhead what I see. What Danny Welch sees. What many others see. Then add to that opportunity at a time of high unemployment. 90% of all of our overhead came with just setting this up. Sweat equity! Time and energy driven by passion and belief. A 20 year plan that gets closer with every passing day and while most may laugh and chuckle, I just stay steadfast to a path that has proven life changing over and over and over again.

This is a pretty simple bet. We are betting that there are 2 guys out there just like the guys that have a burning passion to go to the next level and come to the table with some credentials no matter their business or industry. We can create money, it's very difficult to create passion. What a category killer domain does for someone is make them an instant player. They instantly have a seat at the table. Instantly have to be taken seriously if the site is serious. one day won't be $5000/ will be $50,000 a month. The world is moving in this direction all though slowly. About 20 years slow. But it is worth opening now. Better early than late to the single biggest boom you have ever seen. But first, they have to pay the price with .whatever.

When they find out the train to nowhere just cost them millions, they will finally see the bargain at hand. The birdie in the mine has died many times. And even a success will result in failure because no entity can lose 35%-50%-61% of ALL their traffic and survive. Yes in time that number will go down But please tell me how many ships would leave port knowing their ship is taking on even 25% water? And this is no short journey. They are doomed to sink before they can even get out of port.

Look, in 100 years it won't matter. But we will all be dead. The question becomes how long will it take folks to adapt to a new .whatever until his leak to .com goes under 10%? (Still huge btw) Not in my lifetime. And even when they have a great success on .whatever, the first stop is to acquire the .com. Why? Because it is in their self interest and it will be costing them plenty of dollars each and every day not to have.

It's the mall on 'Main STREET' Folks. They are building their mall on 'Maine AVENUE' and they are going to take out their anger for their bad judgement and lost business on us. Just ask Marcello.

A mine filled with dead birdies is what is going to be the fuel to propel leasing. Just follow the path. Follow it before them and we can all share a Pina Colada and a Ginger Ale at the beach. And originally it was just with an umbrella. Now it comes with a cabana at the Ritz! We may be on the wrong path as I have been told for nearly 18 years. But I sure as hell like where 'wrong' leads to! Please give me more of that!

My target audience for listings are the 500 domain investors that have one word domains that they know in the right hands could be life changing. These guys probably don't need me to change their life. They did that themselves long ago. What I am asking from this group is to send me 1 or 2 domains to discuss. 1 or 2 domains that are not doing the numbers they should and allow Danny and myself and the team we are assembling to go out and do battle. Like I said, not anything you will see. Invisible. You don't need to change how you are currently using the domain. Just allow us to do some old fashioned door knocking and create leads to follow up and turn them into deals. Long term, complex deals.

It's a slow tedious process as you already know. But in 2013 all we have to do is demonstrate 6-12 deals that are meaningful enough to prove the finesse we have in being able to do COMPLEX deals with all types of options plus current and future revenue streams. Lots of moving parts all designed to take advantage of the future and the risk we are all willing to take.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Excel is NOT My Co-Pilot. Business Run by Wusses

Morning Folks!!

Excel can not run a business. It can give you vital info and keep track of things but it can't run it. Guess what? 'Bean Counters' that use spreadsheets are now the pilot in the plane, the surgeon in the hospital and the Chef in the restaurant. But these guys don't belong there. They are in the wrong place. They belong NEXT to the pilot, NEXT to the surgeon and NEXT to the Chef.

These other folks have surrendered their power and knowledge and eventually there well being to bean counters that should follow not lead. Follow not lead. Why are leaders following? What genius figured that one out? What exactly turned them from risk takers into wusses that are scared to override decisions by others especailly when they are bad ones!

See, bean counters don't know about RISK! They know about SAFE! They are not entrepreneurs. They are not even business people in most cases. They are accountants. I love my accountants. Been doing business with the same 2 firms for 20+ years. They educate me on this and that. Offer advice to minimize risk. But I have NEVER deferred to them to make a decision. That would be INSANE!

Guess what? Many companies today are set up this way. It's like flying upside down with 'Safety' being the only factor. Sorry, RISK is a huge part of business. If you are not willing to risk losing money you are not willing to make money. Just depends if you lose a little, a lot or everything. That comes to judgement and other factors.

Sorry, I just see the world differently. I have a longer perspective on things. Have not been indoctrinated by Corporate America to think wrong. Every one of them started by taking a risk. Well not exactly. The new business model is to lose other people's money. A half assed untested idea looking for a weekly pay check.

See in the old days you would look for other people's money because you could not fill the orders. You need to expand and grow to keep up with demand. Today there is no demand but it if you invest money in this untested idea we will try and CREATE demand. They will 'Brand'.

This bullshit is so tangled up even this post is tangled because one bad thing leads to another bad thing. Selling would be next on the list. Most have very poor or nonexistent sales skills. How do I now this? I buy a lot of stuff. I run into folks that just can't figure it out. May as well just have the bean counter do that too.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Google Has a Problem….Microsoft and Apple Hate Google. Let’s Rumble!!

Morning Folks!!

We know Microsoft does not like Google and we know Apple does not like Google. That really puts Google in a tricky position. Especially when you have billions of dollars involved and at stake. It has been ramping up for a long time but now it is beginning to be noticeable and by 2013 we could have a full out tech war.

I have really given this very little thought but there is no question that there is a boiling point and I think we are at it. I don't know how it will play out. But the battle of titans like this will dominate the next cycle. There will be winners, losers but doubt there will be a surrender.

What makes it even more interesting is Apple does not like Microsoft and Microsoft does not like Apple. Google, they hate everyone equally. And Amazon could be a wild card in all this.

In business, pay close attention to December. It's one of the reasons I take December off. So much to take in. So much happening. So many long term decisions being made.

Even when I had very limited financial means I would always stop working on December 7. Never work the last 3 weeks in December. Now let me define not working. I observe, I think, I ponder, I ask questions, find answers and look ahead to what the next year is going to bring. Let me just won't be boring. December is the month I set course for the following year. This year a bit more difficult as we don't know the tax situation nor the implications going forward. I think that is why you are seeing Apple sell off. That is where the holdings are of many investors and they are grabbing some $$$ before whatever hits, hits.

I realize there are many points of view about the Bing commercial. Just the fact that there are 2 active sides prove it will work. I am still stunned to see Bing/Microsoft go after Google in such an aggressive manner. Like I said the other day, never saw a commercial in my life that was that in your face negative about a competitor. Have you been Scroogled? Love it! I give it the award for best commercial of the century. Why? Numbers! Bing wins and I can prove it. Google is sitting pretty in their white tuxedo. Bing comes along and splashes mud all over the suit. That's an equalizer. Not an equalizer in the sense that they overtake Google but with the sense that they will take market share. And they will. All they need to do is keep running that commercial and add to the campaign. If they abandon it, game over. Bing loses. Run it for a year, they win, real competition begins, payouts rise and we are off to the races. That's how I see the world on December 7th.

Just a reminder....2 weeks from today the world ends. Please get your affairs in order. ;-)

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Ghost of Sahar and vs 3rd Tier Branding

Morning Folks!!

Sahar sent me the link below the other day and knew I would not be able to resist blogging about it. Prick! ;-)

Let me pull out the single most idiotic statement in their 'Expert' opinions. This is the reason why there is still so much upside in domaining.

'In our client's goal is to build a strong brand, we advise against the adoption of generics or near-generics as their company or domain name. We far prefer the ownable, brandable to, for example.'

Wonder what other wrong moves they would 'Prefer'. And this is just one of the reasons I always say your journey to success usually fails on the very first few steps. Welcome to designed failure.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Next Internet Collapse is Here…..NOW!

Morning Folks!!

In the days ahead and into 2013 expect a new round of dotcom bombs that will be shutting down and closing their doors or being acquired for less than pennies on the dollar. We are in the midst of a huge reshuffling of things and as companies sit down to discuss these things they are going to get out their shotgun and put these marginal websites down and out of their misery.

Nothing to be alarmed about. It isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. But between December 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 just don't be surprised or even change your game because of this. Completely foreseeable. Just another mile marker.

And again, for domainers with weak stomachs, stop reacting to yesterdays news and tomorrows pitfalls. Being aware of them is what gives you the POWER to overcome and defeat them and take advantage of the situation and weakness for those that do have weak stomachs. Go grab some tums and a doggie downer. The best days are always ahead. Cycles and tides are way too big to control. But you sure as hell can take advantage of them and harnessing them regardless.

Reality scares some and empowers others.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Have YOU Been Scroogled by Google?

Morning Folks!!

I think Bing has finally hit a home run with their new TV commercial against Google and takes a direct swipe at them. Bravo!!

It's simple, masterful and it is going to cost Google a lot of business. Well done, well executed, short, powerful, and knocks down the Jolly Green Giant and gives a bit of choice. This is GREAT news for domainers and surfers.

One of the best, most effective, 30 second spots I have EVER seen!

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Domain Name Revealed on

Morning Folks!!

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about a domain name somebody sent to me. Now that the interview is out I can reveal that domain name and you will see me talking about this domain several times throughout the interview.

What is interesting is I did my research on the domain AFTER the actual interview. Here is what I said then about this domain name:

'A domain was sent to me for consideration. The party wanted to know if their domain had a leasing potential. Problem he thought was that it only had 20 visitors a day. First of all, 20 visitors a day has value. Whether it has GREAT value depends on the research I do. I found out that this exact match domain name had multiple people advertising and one guy was upfront and was asking for $2000 for the service.

So let's say this guy charges $2000 for his service and let's say since it is a service he puts in $500 worth of time. Leaving him $1500 profit. Now ask yourself a question. From those 20 daily type ins how many would he have to close and make customers for the domain to pay for itself? Let's say that domain leases for $2500/month. Then back to the question and why many don't see the forest thru the trees. So the answer of course is 2. Let's say he gets one new customer each week from the leased domain. He just put $8k in his pocket with a gross profit of $5500.

What if he grows the traffic to 200 a day? What if he closes twice as many? And don't forget to add the money he just saved sending to Google. That was a chunk of change. Plus these are now clients that can come back for repeat business. What's to reject here? It's math! All the while the lessee is making more money and eventually may be able to afford to buy the domain name. Plus as you do business together over time you come to know each other and a dea becomes easier not harder. It's math!

This is just one example and if the owner gives me permission, I will list the domain. I will transform that domain from making pennies on PPC to thousands with my method. Because I see domains differently than most. I see it with the lens of 'Sales' and nothing more. Since few see sales like I do, I can only attract those that understand what I see and say and have demonstrated over the years.'

The domain name is, owned by Michael Cyger and I would like to list this domain for $2000/month with his permission. In the interview I started at $250/month. Later on I went to $500/month and as I stated thinking about it stated that I would have to do some research on it to see the true value. Which I did in my comments above after the interview.

Value of the lease is in direct proportion to the product or service you are selling and the profitability. Do you see what I see?

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


The Rise and Fall of

Morning Folks!!

Quite stunning numbers for a one day event. But that really is not the surprise here.

I like seasonal domains just like seasonal businesses. Can be very profitable. Not my true cup of tea but I have known folks to make fortunes doing it. Lose fortunes as well.

I have been tracking the alexa numbers for and was impressed to see the rise in traffic starting in October and building up until just over a week ago. I also wanted to see if it had any staying power past Black Friday. It did have for that weekend, but then it crashed like a Christmas Tree tent the day after Christmas. What I was looking for was to see if the decline would be sharp off a cliff or whether it would ramp down like it ramed up. They were in the top 100,000 and top 10,000 and eventually in the top 200-300 for a couple months. Very strong performance. I was just looking to see if it would sustain the entire season or just the weekend.

Still a very impressive run and set of numbers. There is a political push to change the name of Black Friday by several groups. So I think may be a good back up plan.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz