Approaches 250,000 domains. Could be Over 1 Million in 30 Days!

Afternoon Folks!!

Franks Newsletter starts off “We presently have 55 partners and 230,000 of the best names on the web on the platform at”.

In just DAYS, Frank Schilling has attracted some of the very best domains on the net. At this pace, Frank should break 1 million domains by this time next month. That's without an ad. Without a sales force. Without people on the phone. Without anything but word of mouth and reputation!!

Many are reporting 50% increases. I am experiencing numbers much higher. A true watershed moment for domainers that have PURE type in traffic. Let’s see what happens when one platform attracts the very best domains. The highest trafficked domains. The most targeted domains. The ones with the greatest buying power.

What does our traffic look like when it is not mixed with mud and shit? I think the results will be eye opening. I think the results will provide a win for domainers, a win for end users and a win for Google and Yahoo. It’s all about the traffic. But there is real traffic with buying power and there is manufactured or “Phantom” traffic that just dilutes the real stuff so others can make money at our expense.

The genie is now out of the bottle and new information will emerge that will not be able to be overlooked, disregarded or minimized.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


PPC……PAY Per Click or PIMP Per Click? Which is it??

Morning Folks!!

There are folks that loan money and there are loan sharks.

There are reps and agents and there are pimps.

There are slaves and free people.

In each case it is the PERCENTAGE that is divided up that determines and defines things.

If you are a slave, you work and your master takes more than 50% of your earnings. Slave by definition. So the question to be raised is “Are you a slave for your parking company?” I don’t know the answer in your case. You have to decide based on tests and data and NUMBERS.

I think what is most interesting is how many domainers think that it does not affect them just because they may not use Frank directly. They are just flat out wrong. What Frank is doing filters all the way down and that forces payouts up. The other rants are just domainers that still feel a need to pimp for them regardless of any new information.

I like the idea of having the best type in traffic coming from one source and all other traffic coming from another source. Most of us would be using both. The only difference is we don’t have to mix gold and shit to come out with whatever. We can segregate the two. We all have both. The key is defining them and paying accordingly.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

PS: Off topic comments, repetitive comments or any other comments I deem not worthy of this blog, including but not limited to subject matter or personal attacks will no longer be posted. By submitting a comment you agree to these terms and any decision on posting or censoring will be at MY sole discretion.

Note to Parking Companies…..Back off Hounding Yahoo and Google to Drop Frank.

Morning Folks!!

The emails and phones are buzzing like mad as SOME of the parking companies lobby HARD to have Yahoo and Google drop Frank and his feeds or to try create a smoke screen like he has a special deal. No such thing. The only deal is the cut he is taking. I KNOW the numbers so please. Many KNOW the numbers.

What fee is a parking company entitled to as a middleman to provide the service they do? 10%, 15%, 20%??

Google and Yahoo have had to deal with multiple parking companies. That's redundant. I am happy to have Frank represent me because what is good for him is good for all domainers with type in traffic. We were under the impression we had folks fighting for us, but that was not the fight they were having.

So these Parking companies.....BACK OFF!! I will have more to say if this continues. You FUCKED US for years and now you want to fuck Frank???? There is a new generation of parking and monetizing and it is being led by DOMAINERS!! You made a FORTUNE off OUR BACKS. Off OUR TRAFFIC. You had a good run. Now stop whining or I will name a few names and that will make it worse.

You can't take 60% of the pie and say we are 'Partners'. The way to get OUR business back is not thru Google or Yahoo. It is taking your spreadsheets and bean counters and shoving them BOTH out the window and stop hosing us.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Domain Parking Companies Secure the “Mud” Market. Lose The Oil. What’s the Future?

Morning Folks!!

Now I see the numbers and now I can say without doubt that the entire landscape of the domain industry is about to have a dramatic shift. The single biggest shift EVER! An earthquake.

There is no question in my mind that folks are about to shift their TRUE type in traffic to Frank or one of the new companies using Frank's feed like Domain Power and another company set to make an announcement next week.

NEVER have so many domains and so much traffic shifted to one specific entity in this short a time with so much more to come. NUMBERS! That traffic is coming from all these other parking companies and implosion is not out of the question. I'll explain why in a moment.

The mini site has transformed into lead generation, email capture and other models that are taking advantage of the strengths of each individual domain.

The other day I mentioned that your current parking company was “Hosing” you if you have pure type in traffic. Now I can confirm it. Hosed is not the adjective I would use today. Today I would use something much stronger.

So as this unfolds you are going to see some wild stuff going down as these companies scramble to stay afloat. They are going to tell you how strong they are but that may not last long. Their traffic is being gutted as I write this. The BEST traffic. They are watching the OIL come out and they are about to be stuck with the mud. Slow moving mud with limited traffic.

A company can only lose about 35% of their business before they collapse. We are going to see some very aggressive marketing while they FIGHT for survival. Some may not make it and the ones that do will be smaller and weaker. NO DOUBT!

Stay tuned. All I know is NUMBERS and the NUMBERS are about to bury the greedy. Wait til you find out how much this shit is costing you. You are going to KNOW things you don't want to know. Let's see how many will still carry water for these companies once the truth is known.

If you have PURE type in traffic you will be STUNNED by the numbers. Domainers have taken back control of their industry and there are going to be some very unhappy folks!

What will those companies say when you have a domain making .86 cents a day and then starts making $30????????? Sorry we have been screwing you all this time?? Sorry we were getting fat on YOUR traffic??? Sorry we were taking MOST of the payouts?? Sorry but we are FRIENDS?? BULLSHIT!!!

Now obviously this is the most extreme case right now. But the increase overall is staggering. So....

Sorry guys, you got away with it long enough. It's OVER BABY!! Enjoy the mud.

And if you don't believe it.....see what I wrote back in 2009 when I suggested that an event like this could and WOULD do! I am sure I suggested it even before that. Why?? Because I have seen it happen before.

'One new solution by any of these companies has the power to disrupt the entire sector. It could put companies out of business virtually overnight. The market is fragile and no sponsor could afford a mass movement of traffic and survive.'

And here is a classic from 2008. I described the event. but as always, it is the timing. So here we are NOW. Just 2 or 3 years off schedule. ;-)

And for the record, I don't want to see anyone go out of business. But I do enjoy seeing the oil separated from the rest of the mix and having the existing companies get paid FAIRLY for the service they provide. Will it be too little too late? Certainly is not up to me.

Have a GREAT Day!!

Rick Schwartz


What do you do when the .com is already registered? I’ll Tell You What I Do

Morning Folks!!

What do you do when the .com version of a domain is registered and is not for sale? Do you look for something different or do you choose another extension?


For me, it depends. If the name lends itself naturally to another extension, then I will register that. Which are my favorite default NON dotcoms? Well depending on the particular domain name I may go for .org, .tv, .me and once in a blue moon, a .co.

I have said for many years that .org is the #2 extension and it leapfrogs over the .net which has no identity. As time goes by I like .tv more and more. I own (a recent present) and, among others.

My only objection to it 10 years ago was that there were still .com’s laying around to get registered with type in traffic that would provide the income to buy as many .tv’s as you like. Just a strategy and TIMING which is always the key.

I have a number of domains with a .me extensions. Some with other partners. Like Meet,me,, and Some on my own like, and also a few last name and first names with a .me extension.

Most extensions are worthless to me. They are a segment of a smaller and smaller pie by population. I want to cast the widest and most targeted net I can. Most extensions limit that and the groups get smaller the more .whatevers there are.

So come in 500 new extensions. While registrars may find profits, domain investors will likely find liabilities. Without massive National and International television advertising the average guy on the street will not recognize or use any of them. So they become .meaningless.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Bing Changes Search in a BIG way! Google Scrambles. Facebook Flexes Some Muscle!

Morning Folks!!

Did Bing do something that puts Google on their heals?? Youbetcha!

Bing has made an announcement that might prove to be the biggest blow ever dealt to rival Google.

'In short, search for something on Bing and, if you have activated Facebook results, you will see which pages, products and websites your friends like and recommend -- very high in results, no matter if that website routinely ranks first or dead last..'

So for those that did not believe Bing could make an impact, please read my 3 posts on Bing since their inception in 2009 and see who got what right.

Also just came out with their take on things.

Tis is just the first of many new changes and challenges to come for Google by the likes of Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Groupon, Living Social, Twitter and a host of others. By the Fall you will make no mistake the war these folks will be waging.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Is This The End of the Road for Domain Industry PPC Companies? Earn More with Frank Schilling

Morning Folks!!

What happens when you are a refinery and all the oil is pumped out and all you are stuck with is mud? Well the Domain Industry may soon find out. Frank Schilling now has a new Parking Company with a direct Google feed to make you more money IF and ONLY IF you have PURE TYPE IN TRAFFIC. Oil, Gold, the best traffic. HTFJYRTZYSXW

'A no-frills domain monetization platform, for experienced type-in traffic operators.'

I think for the FIRST TIME we will see what happens when you really filter the traffic to have only the best. No domains where the traffic could be anything other than PURE type in traffic. It took the crappiest payouts ever for the BUST to really happen and now we are witnessing it in real time.

If you have that pure type in traffic we all know and love, then you will soon be going thru Frank and his new venture at I don’t even have to pitch it for him. He does not even have to pitch it. He just has to do it and he has and this is a really good thing for a lot of us.

'You WILL make significantly more money here.' Frank Schilling

Congrats to Frank for breaking away in a big way and perhaps turning the tide as this may significantly change the industry landscape in the coming months and years. The NUMBERS will tell the rest of the story and the NUMBERS may disrupt a lot of PPC companies in our space and how they do business. Especially WHEN folks find out that they have been getting hosed!

Be patient, there will be a floodgate of domainers lined up to open their accounts this week and start earning 'Significantly more money'. Each account will be pulling their traffic away from another parking company. The BEST traffic! The most profitable traffic. How much business can a parking company lose and still be viable? And remember, they won't be 'Bleeding' traffic. There will be a mass exodus and more of a rupture.

And it does not stop there. There are more options and other solutions coming our way. I know folks that are quietly working on big things. All I can say is in a few months things are going to be very different around this industry and you will finally get a BILL for your friendships when you see the difference in earnings. Then maybe folks will understand who pays for what and wise up. How much does YOUR friendship cost? I'll be your best friend too if I was making 50% or more on YOUR payouts!!! On your traffic. On your BACK!

And let's hope the takeaway from this is that Yahoo and Google finally see the difference between Mud and Oil and pay out accordingly. I think we can agree that Frank can represent the best interest of domainers and our valuable traffic better than the likes of some companies in the space that may have driven a wedge between Yahoo, Google and domainers in the past.

This is a really great day for old line domainers that have and believe in Type in Traffic. It may be a really bad day for some others that try every trick in the book to get more traffic regardless of the quality and pretend both are equal.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Who is in Charge of YOUR Destiny? You or Everyone Else?

Morning Folks!!

When you are free to think and go where others need permission, it removes limits of what you can achieve. How you can change things. How we as domainers have the POWER to change our own destiny.

There are some wonderful things about to happen to our industry. Why? Because domainers are taking back their own destiny. I have several cases in point.

You have to start your day with 2 things. Both are your health. The obvious one and then your financial health. If you have those, life is good. You also have future health. One you may exercise your body, the other you need to think and exercise your mind.

How to change things? By organizing and having likeminded people do something very specific that have a great impact and a goal oriented result. Read that one again because that may just end up being the focus at TRAFFIC this year. That’s the equation for those that understand what I mean by that.

Domainers are being challenged and that is a blessing in disguise. It all starts with an idea and there are many folks working on new ideas and I like them all.

Whether you want to accept it or not, income is your report card. You don’t have to compare to mine or Bill Gates or anyone but your own income. Up or down? By how much? What’s your monthly nut? When you track EVERY single monthly payout and truly know what your nut is then you know whether you are on the path. But you have to count everything. And then add 10% to cover the stuff you missed or are unexpected.

Your business plan may be challenged in times like this. But this is how you grade what you built. Built to last or is it washed away? If it is washed away like those houses along the Mississippi, then look at it as an opportunity to get a fresh start and start over with what you have learned. You can start over as soon as you do the thing I have said since the get go. “Make sure your FIRST domain purchase is a winner” Build on a winner not on a loser.

If you have 10,000 names and make no money, dump the 10,000 names for whatever and know you now have $75k or so to get that FIRST domain name. Get one that makes $8/day and start there. That’s just a starting point and a direction and that puts you ahead of 90% of the universe.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Just Some Strong and Rambling Opinions on a Saturday Morning

Morning Folks!!

Capitalism is about taking a risk and being rewarded if it works out. That is why so many take risks every single day. The risk/reward level is huge. You never know how big the upside can be while knowing exactly what the risk might be if you do your due diligence.

So we are entering a period in which you are going to have to defend owning large quantities of domain names. Let’s define “Large” as anything over 250 domain names. May not be large to us, but will be to those looking in.

If you look at my posts from 15 years ago you will see that the thing that concerned me the most would be over reaching government intervention. They would target valuable domains and assist those that decided they had more of a right to that domain name than you do.

The defense to all this is the risk we have all taken to get whatever degree of success we can harness by the system that they invented. They set the rules. They set the standards. They set the boundaries. They set the entire playing field.

Given that playing field we all invested in this medium. We did our job by making new business and trailblazing new paths. Personally I invested $500k in renewal fees and in excess of $5 Million acquiring my portfolio. We took risks when nobody else stepped up to do it because they did not see what we saw.


Sure, they see what happened in the last 15 years but they still have not figured out what happens in the next 5 years. THE 5 years. The 5 years that changes how we look and value domain names. All the silly formulas will finally look as silly to you as they do to me.

Domains valued on PPC. Now that is funny!! But as funny as that is, that is the standard the industry adopted. What PPC and a domain have in common in value is way beyond me. Why?? For one reason PPC did not come into play until about 5 years after I started. So was I supposed to wait for PPC to be invented so I could put a value on a domain name? See how SILLY that is??

These were VC formulas that everyone swallowed but NEVER had a true bearing in relation to a domain name. I say this over and over again to be on record and for those that disagreed before now can see what I see and why I see it.

EVERY domain is unique. You can not value a domain on a set of guidelines or ratios or payouts or formulas. That is a false system based on nothing.

Comparative sales? Way over used imo. There is very little relation from one domain to another unless it is the same keyword with different extensions or a plural or some other DIRECT relationship.

The value of a domain is not what it is, it is what it can become. Not 5 years ago, 5 years from now. When you chase yesterday you need formulas. When you chase the future you need vision and gut. You need to see things as they will be not as they are and not as they were.

There is an endless supply of domain names. There is not an endless supply of ideas. So to extract the value of the domain it always will and always did come to the idea. The vision. The profitability of that idea and the size of the audience.

Folks in this business have single domains that get more traffic that some of the cable channels. That’s pretty powerful. That’s just one of the many mediums we compete with while having things in common. Both able to grow and have more power based on the idea and content and the ability to attract others.

I have more projects on my plate today than at anytime in 15 years. It’s hard to keep track of to be honest. Partners, joint ventures, equity stakes, development, new businesses, boards, etc.

There is a time to mine and a time to take your booty to town to sort out and see which nuggets are the ones to keep, collect, build on and which to bury for the future. Which you thought were gold and find out was mineral rock. Until now there was no time to do that. There was a “Unique Opportunity in Time” in play.

Now don’t get me wrong. That unique time is not over. It is just spread out. Mining is more specific. The aftermarket is more targeted. You can take your time and be more deliberate of your selections.

Take a deep breath. We are entering the GOLDEN AGE of domaining. Corporate America may be on the slow boat. But they are on the boat.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Quality vs Quantity, is Quantity About to Lose as Verisign Wins?

Morning Folks!!

Yesterday was not a good day for Domainers but many don't know why. In 2004 WADND filed a lawsuit to stop Verisign from raising their prices 7% a year regardless that their costs are going down, not up. When we ran out of money ($56,000) and there was no support from the industry the lawsuit was combined with that of CFIT. That suit lasted from 2005 until yesterday. Howard gave hundreds of hours to the cause “Pro Bono” as did others. It would have cost several million to carry on this suit and with little support, game over.

So for every 100,000 domains in your portfolio, you are about to spend $50k more a YEAR in fees the first year. Another $50k the second year and another $50k+++ for every year in the future. So in 10 years from now with compounding increases, 100,000 names will cost you about $300,000 MORE than they do today. That will destroy some of the models out there. Turn them from an asset into a liability and therefore will be dropped. MILLIONS of domains will fit in this category.

So Verisign is your new partner. The $$$ they take are right off the top. PROFITS!

My mindset had a hard time ever playing the quantity game because at $100 a pop, you have to make decisions of what to get and what to leave. That sucked. But that was the reality. That was what I had to deal with. Maybe a blessing in disguise as my portfolio is among the smallest not the biggest.

When domains went down to $6, it changed the way some viewed things. With payouts strong, they bought and bought. But there is always a tipping point. A point you just don’t want to get to. But when you are aggressive, that is the pitfall you always have in front of us. We push the envelope until the envelope pushes back.

Ok, the envelope is pushing back. What to do? Well if you are surprised, then you may also be in trouble or at least have a problem. These are the stormy waters I have been speaking of as early as 2007 and 2008. You could see it back then. The event started back then but would take years to manifest themselves. Well, consider things manifested and there is more to come.

If you have been paying attention to what I have been saying you are way ahead of things and life is on top of the rapids. Slow, serene, peaceful. You get to enjoy the days. Even if it is cloudy or raining or cold.

Now the other folks are still in the Rapids. They are having a hell of a time keeping the raft upright. They are still dealing with those other elements just not in the serene way others are.

See the difference? When you see it coming you can build that financial bunker to see you thru. When not, scrambling day and night to keep it together. Been there, done that. No fun.

But now that you know, you have an opportunity to size it down and benefit from what you have learned. Like traffic on a domain does mean something regardless of the naysayers.

When I started I knew nothing. I still don’t know much. But when you own a great domain name you have the luxury of time to figure it out and you got those folks that dream that say “If I only had I could do this and that. That's the time!

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz