Evening Folks!!

DEVELOPING! The leader of one of the world's largest most innovative companies that has more CASH than the USA is resigning!

The Thomas Edison of the era is stepping down. One can only ASSUME at this point that it is health related. (See second line of letter below) We wish him the best and our prayers our with our 'friend' that has changed the lives of every single person reading this.

Here is a copy of Jobs' resignation letter:

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple''s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple''s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.


Will this matter to Apple? Of course it will. However he leaves knowing he has planted the seeds that has set the direction of Apple for many years and perhaps decades to come. While he may have the title of 'Chairman', it may be nothing more than window dressing to prevent any overreaction that may make their stock take a short term hit. I smell a buying opportunity. Apple is going nowhere but up for the forseeable future.

Rick Schwartz

Welcome to the Era of Domain Names. The Next 5 Years. The 5 Years that Count!

Morning Folks!!

Want to know the future? Study the past. Understand the past. Live the past for a few minutes.

The industrial age is not dead. It has moved to China and some underdeveloped countries. The Information Age is something we entered more than 50 years ago but most only saw it 20-30 years ago and used it only within the last 10-20 years if that.

But what is after the Information Age? How will the Information Age change, transform and branch off into other sectors?

Have you been paying attention to the “Pivotal Moment” that I have described in my last posts? Have you seen it yet? Do you understand it? Do you know the bi-products? Do you know how to pick a domain name for the FUTURE not the PAST??

Here is what is going on outside our walls. The entire world is buying up domain names at a record pace. Now I made that up. I don’t know if it is true. What is true is that corporations FINALLY have seen just how important domain names are and they are gobbling up everything they can think of.

I am just reading some of the blog post headlines over the past few weeks. Many sounded like this except with different company names.

“Rim gets 300 Names” is just one of DOZENS of similar articles and events.

So what does this mean?? It means everything and timing is STILL the key. So don’t listen to BULLSHIT about values going down. Quite the opposite. But those spreading that BS DO have a motive and there are MILLIONS of them and just a few hundred of US.

So we have finally entered the stage where in business EVERYTHING starts with a domain name. Corporations have people like at Rim to sit around and think of domain names now. How novel!! Why didn’t WE ever think of that? DUH!

But finally an event that should have happened 15 years ago is now VERY important to business. Hooray. They are getting it. They are seeing the importance of a “Domain Strategy”. (This is one way I find domains.I write a phrase like “Domain Strategy” and then see if it is available. In this case our “Friends” at Fairwinds own this domain. See, kind of proof of what I am saying)

Back to the subject matter. Domains now matter in the boardrooms of corporate America. They will hand register most, buy some and bully a lot of folks. Why all this effort?? Because they realize the FUTURE VALUE of domain names. Not the current value. They understand the POWER that can come with a domain name. They understand the THREAT a domain name can pose in the future either directly or indirectly. They have finally figured it out.

Domain Names are THE subject right now. The story about the Hurricane Irene registration yesterday made national news when the media contacted the new registrant. It was an AOL headline and some in the industry have written about it.

To listen to folks talk is amusing. I see it this way. We are 6000 feet up the world’s tallest mountain and the masses claim because they hit a “Peak” therefore it is downhill after that. When you have a view from there, they can only see where they are but maybe not what where they are going or what is to come. From a plane you could see clearly they are wrong and are only part way there not all the way there. A FRACTION of the way to the summit.

Just like the earth shook yesterday domains are shaking today because the foundation had never truly been set until NOW. Definition and clarity are HERE for some and getting closer for others. They have lessons to learn and facts to discover. They are years behind us but the path is set and paved and they will rally. They always do. Just not at the timing most of US set. This the 20 year plan and this is just too exciting for words. 15 years ago they laughed at me for trying to think what things would look like in 20 years. Some will laugh now for me simply focusing on a 5 year span.

If you don’t see it this way that is okay. But in the next 5 years you will slap yourself silly for not seeing what is coming. Not seeing what is HERE. Not seeing the most pivotal summer in any of our lifetimes. Not seeing the EVIDENCE that is coming out daily in huge purchases and ones you will never ever hear about that are 10x greater than the ones you do hear about.

If you are not getting your share, you are doing something wrong. You are looking at things wrong. You are chasing yesterday instead of understanding how things are unfolding tomorrow. The next 5 years are OURS!

EVERY single day NEW type in domains are born. EVERY single day. But when you chase yesterday, you will never find the sun. When you don’t believe that exists you will never find that gold. Most of my domains start with zero type ins. But when you see the future unfolding you can get to an intersection before anyone knows there is going to be an intersection there to get to. Some by luck, some by design. But nobody keeps score of that because it does not matter.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Turmoil and Opportunity. Some Will Get Rich, Some Will Go Broke!

Morning Folks!!

When we left off nearly 2 months ago I said we were at a “Pivotal Moment”. Anyone out there that does not believe that now? The entire landscape has changed. But what does that mean? I needed TIME to THINK and understand how overnight, DOMAINS and Internet Addresses became the center of the universe.

Go back to my 2008-2010 posts and you will see I have consistently said the worst part of the recession would start in mid 2011 because of the extended weakness we were about to endure. Welcome to that point. This is when the recession STARTS, not when it ends. This is when it can become dire for some and great opportunity for others. But if you saw this coming you had time to prepare. While others laughed at my doom and gloom, I prepared. While others got weaker I aimed to get stronger.

You have to step back, take a deep breath and STOP. I have said so right on this blog many times. How will things change? What direction will things go in? I get some laughs out of some of the comments of what it all means. Let me be 100% clear. It DOES mean something. Something very big. Something that looks very different.

I learned about hypothesis vs. predictions and the difference. A monkey can make a prediction but hypothesis is based on experience and events and knowledge and understanding and training and life and common sense and 50 other ingredients and awareness’s and senses. There is a BASIS for an outcome, a conclusion. That’s how you see what will unfold tomorrow while FAILURE chases YESTERDAY or just curls up and dies as they become VICTIMS of events instead of beneficiaries of those events.

Most base their predictions on hopes. Or they base it on what they need and want as opposed to whatever REALITY is. Turmoil and Opportunity. That is what best describes exactly where we are. For some FEAR is the natural reaction. Some get paralyzed. But if you figure out how to time things right, you just focus on the byproduct of that fear and that is called “opportunity”.

Nobody has talked about that and now you will hear that phase over and over again. “Turmoil and Opportunity” is the place and the moment. Both are huge, one very dangerous and one dreams are made of. During the months ahead more industries will be disrupted than ever before.

Just in our tiny little corner of the universe there are companies in our space that are on the verge of collapse. There are companies that wander aimlessly. There are companies that are hiding under their desks. These companies risk sitting on the sidelines while others eat their lunch. In sports they call that a “Forfeit”. There are companies that came with fanfare that have now quietly disappeared. Don't forfeit.....FIGHT!

Don’t know what I am talking about? Then that is exactly what I am talking about. You can’t see great opportunity so you miss it because peril has you paralyzed. That’s just Human Nature at work. But if you don’t understand that part, then you miss it. I agree it is invisible. It is invisible because it is based on conditions and many conditions at that. But if you are oblivious to these things of course you would react negatively. Human Nature.

Instead of forming an hypothesis, some form fear or baseless predictions of no value based on want rather than reality as I stated above.

We may be in a recession, we may be in a crisis, but none of that can harness progress and progress is happening faster than I can type this. So are you getting your piece of it? There has never been so much money sitting on the sidelines. Plenty of cash out there. This is NOT a cashless recession. This is a recession of ideas, a recession of business acumen a recession of risk and know how. It’s generational but this time the generations are determined by how computer literate you might be or many other factors.

Generational because in less than 20 years we have gone from factory based societies to information based. Where the #1 tool in the world went from a hammer to a keyboard. And while you might think 15-20 years is a long time, it is not when you talk about progress. We had 1000 years of progress in 20 years. That’s like driving a Ferrari at 200mph when you’re taking a right turn. We added a communication dimension we never had and it is NOW that we are just understanding the new things that can evolve from that. Recession forces folks to step up.

How do you blog when the changes that are happening at this very moment are the most profound in any of our lifetimes? And on the other hand there are such numerous things coming out each and every day that no human or group can even chronicle the changes or stop long enough to understand the impact if indeed there is one.

So many companies are being rocked to the core right now. Others are rocking and rolling like never in history. What a stark difference. But these dynamics are what create opportunity on a large scale. See the largest changes in history are happening each and every day and while you may not see it, I am telling you, I sure as hell see it.

Just look at how many industries the iPad is revolutionizing. If you have not noticed then you are doing something wrong. You are not paying attention to the future. The iPhone was Apple's 'Backdoor' to taking market share. But the iPad is a disrupter right through the front door. And while there are now 100 tablets on the market, when added all together, they are still in the shadow of the iPad and will never catch them.

How many new uses and applications and cost saving and other features just from this one device? I have been all over since day #1 because I understood what was about to happen and why it was about to happen. Still we are in the infant stage and most don't see or understand it. There is a REASON Apple has more cash than the US Government.

Let’s analyze unemployment. That is a fallacy. What has changed is who provides the job. Who books your time. In more and more cases it is ourselves. We, as a society, no longer work for the factory in town. We create revenue streams not a 9-5 job. The largest, fastest growing parts of society are the people that move and shake and make things happen one deal at a time. One job at a time. One contract at a time.

Massive changes are coming to the Domain Industry. An entire new breed with very deep pockets are coming to the table. The biggest are faultering. The smallest are disappearing. The weakest are already gone.

10 GREAT domains make you a domainer. 100,000 worthless domains makes you a pigeon shit farmer at best and a fool at worst. The quantity game has collapsed. Quality is and always has been the real game.

I have listened to a LOT of propaganda over the past couple of years. Most of it was not true. Just based on a wish. Based on a prediction. Based on need and want. Not an hypothesis based on how things were actually unfolding and then finding a parallel in history to help understand.

I watched the entire future unfold with doteverything going viral overnight. But .everything just made .something (dot com) much more valuable and famous. The new game is expensive, but the game is trying to duplicate something you can’t duplicate. Every .everything will want, need and HAVE TO HAVE the dotcom counterpart. That counterpart is worth a king’s ransom!

Exciting times. Lots of new ways to make new money as I watch the masses…..GET IT WRONG once again. But wrong does not mean unprofitable. Right does not mean you will get rich. Confused? Start reading this blog and you will get a lesson in life as a dividend of learning and understanding domain names and what they have to do with Human Nature. Seasoned domainers, pay particular attention to the May and June posts. It only proves what I have said for a very long time. Some folks deal with the truth and some folks do what they do when confronted with it.

I have been very public over the last 15+ years as I did everything in my power to bring domain names to the consciousness of everyone and have them understand why they were important and valuable. With .everything, that mission has been accomplished and then some. Critical mass in domains has been achieved!

So the next phase is completely different. It’s based on another hypothesis. The one I came up with in 1995 and 1996 is now blossoming and unfolded as described back then. The new hypothesis includes the entirety of the last one plus 50 other ingredients and awareness’s and senses as described above. The only difference is in 1996 I yelled it from every mountaintop for all to hear without VISIBLE BASIS and now I see no need to do that. Point proven. The record speaks for itself and I intend to exploit that record.

My blog is my diary and opportunity to memorialize things with a date certain. To announce events and sales and thoughts and ideas. I always believe my posts would stand the test of time. Now more than ever. On the record, for the record.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Unfiltered, Unvarnished and Undistracted. On the Record for the Record.

Morning Folks!!

The Domain Industry is at a pivotal moment. I want my thoughts ON RECORD and CLEAR as this is the single biggest moment EVER in what we all do. I don't want to have to defend what I see. Take it or leave it. I just am doing this for ME to be on RECORD just like I have been on record since 1995. My name, my words, my thoughts, my vision. I see FIRST what others see much later or not at all.

There is a volcano of change coming and some don't like it. Many 'Domainers' are going to be washed away. Some companies are going to have to reinvent themselves or may not survive. The new tide is going to devour some. Like the tsunami in Japan, what is happening now is going to re-draw the map in what we do and the way we do it. It's sometimes not visible to the naked or untrained eye.

I have long said it would take 20 years for domains to become an 'Overnight success'. We are coming to that point right now. The tree has grown up and it is about to bear fruit.

There are less than 500 true domainers in the sense that we are talking about. That number will only grow 1 at a time in an industry that will attract many from every walk of life. Some will hit big, most won't.

There are more folks working at just 1 company 6x over than all the domain investors out there. There is a stadium full of folks that have things for the 500 domainers that invest for a living and the millions that have just 1 website. That is ok. But please recognize how the landscape has changed. How we are a small minority in a big stakes money game where BILLIONS are at stake.

You need MONEY to play the new game that is coming. Deep pockets. Or you need to find an untapped path or you can use what is tried and true by putting one foot in front of the other. Without CASH, there are few shortcuts.

I posted this weekend and defined traffic sources that are worthless but are disguised as type ins. Mixed together. Shit and gold. The problem is domainers have been overwhelmed by allied companies with motives and they could care less about traffic quality or the end user or domainers.

The biggest group next to the employees of all these companies seems to be the 'Chatter Class' as I call them. They have few accomplishments if any under their belts but are blathering experts on domains and traffic and everything else. They seldom put their name on their words and when they do, sometimes it proves my point. They think I am wrong regardless of the RECORD and I think they are clueless because of the RECORD.

So it has been refreshing to keep my thoughts on track. To be able to post without worrying about the blowback from blowhards. But that does not mean I don't want to hear your comments. Your responsible comments. Your constructive comments. Your intelligent comments. So I am thinking of doing something a bit different. I will open comments but may only choose a few from time to time to post that I feel ADD to the conversation and it will be done at my sole digression. More like 'Letters to the Editor' in which just a snapshot of comments are chosen to share. My train, my locomotive, my thoughts, my destination.

Dozens or more of you are blathering idiot wannabes and you crowd out the real folks with something to share. Them days are over.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Questions I Asked in 1996 and the Answers a Generation Later. New York State of Mind.

Morning Folks!!

It started that I had a vision of EXACTLY how the Internet would unfold based on human nature, history and parallels. Once I had the vision I had to match a timeline with that vision so I could match things up. Those that think they got a raw deal for getting in late are only 50% right. They also got a head start that many of us did not get. You got to copy success, we had to INVENT success.

At that time less than 5% of folks were online. It was new and barren. But that would change. I bet that would change. Then I figured out how many years to hit critical mass. Then how long before they would go online every day. Then how many minutes a day they would go online for. When would it turn into an hour? When would it turn into 2 hours and 3 and so on? When would it overtake the TV as the #1 device in the universe? How long would it be before we could no longer live without it?

Then I had to ask when would they use TV to advertise? When would it replace the 800 number as the life line of a business? When would folks learn to operate a computer efficiently? When? When? When? Everything started with WHEN because there was no NOW. Now you have now. Then you had when. Confused? Why?

So I realized it would take a generation for the 'When'. 20 years. 20 years to evolve to the stage that what I saw was no longer laughed at and could be easily understood and embraced. I have sold 12 domains and as of last year, I doubt I will be selling any more in the traditional manner. I have attached myself to each transaction from last year on. Dollars alone won't get ANY deal done. Want a domain? I may give it away for free. I may 'Build to Suit'. I may do a lot of things to bring in continual and growing income.

But I can say that now without laughter. I have been saying it for many years. But the difference is then it was met with laughter. Today it is met with offers and new partners. Today things are different. Today we are just a tad ahead of the 20 year plan. We could hit critical mass in the way I envisioned as early as this fall. We have evolved to the point that if an end user does not want to settle for .whatever, then he has to make some concessions to get the .com.

There is Montana Real Estate and there is Times Square Real Estate. My advice is to get a 'New York state of mind' even if you are in Montana. Don't just sell your domains, grab a piece of the action. The ONLY one that can do that is YOU and you do that by not doing deals that don't fit the criteria. You do it by saying 'No' and never looking back and never thinking twice.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Worthless Traffic Illustrated and Defined. The End User is Getting Fooled. It Starts Here!

Morning Folks!!

Let's correct that. The End User that has a website is not getting 'Fooled' he is getting 'F*cked! But I could not use that in the title. If you have a website or you buy traffic, reading this will tell you how much you are getting 'F*cked' for and who is doing the 'F*cking'. If you just typed in a domain name and wondering WTF am I doing here? Keep reading. It will all come together.

So I read Mike Berkens Post yesterday about the snapname auction of domains “that were recently registered by SnapNames due to their high VeriSign Data Analyzer Traffic Score and Generic Word strength!”

So I look at the list. (some printed below) PURE PIGEON SHIT! I mean PLEASE!!! Insulting! Waste of time. This is total bullshit. IMHO! Disagree at your own peril.

I make the following comment on Mike's blog:

'I think this list illustrates the difference in traffic. While these domains may get traffic from old links, spam and whatever, they are not type ins.

A 'type in' is a person behind a computer that actually types in their destination for a reason. They have a specific intent and reason. (You may be an example depending on how YOU got here)

That is different than taking a wrong turn on a dead end by clicking a link that no longer goes where you thought it would or is just misleading or worse. One is very valuable and one is worthless. WHY mix the 2 together and treat them equally?? Who does that benefit? Certainly not the end user. He is paying the same and not knowing or understanding the difference between targeted traffic and general traffic at best. That is my issue with PPC, Google & Yahoo. Just because they don’t know the difference either or more likely don’t care, does not make them equal.'

But I did not want it just as a comment. This was way too important. This was an opportunity to define WORTHLESS domains and WORTHLESS traffic at one time with one arrow. And it is worthless. Untargeted vs targeted. Can some untargeted traffic have value? Sure, even a stopped clock is right 2x a day, every day. But that does not mean it has the value of a fully functional clock. And in my world, it has no value at all. It takes up space and wastes resources. The same space that a perfectly working clock can sit.

So the search engines don't know the difference between the traffic. I sure as hell do and you sure as hell do and anyone who reads this sure as hell should. But the end user, the customer for all of us is getting SCREWED! We should all be aware that if they get screwed, we get screwed. Label the damn traffic. It is NOT EQUAL> It never has been and never will be. I have a lot of end users reading my blog and it is up to THEM to DEMAND they know the SOURCE of the traffic they get. Your future depends on that. You want a leg up on your competition? You want more sales? You want to grow your business bigger and stronger? Not one thing you can do more than what I just described and change things overnight. Do you want a million visitors or 5 paying new customers?

Below are the top domains on the list. They don't mean anything. They are not easy to remember. Not easy to spell. They make no sense. Compare the list below with powerful keyword domains that DO mean something and get REAL people looking to make purchases. Like When somebody types that in, and spells it right, do you think they are just goofing off? That is a RIPE and TARGETED customer. That is superior to anything on that list. The traffic the list below gives (if any) is worthless. Do you know what ANY of them are actually looking for??? With TRUE type in traffic from a domain there is no guessing. They are targeted. Don't sell traffic to someone looking for info on football. Sell that traffic to end users and don't mix it with the PIGEON SHIT below and call them EQUAL. They are not and they will never be.

UPDATE: And as I wrote this, Mike did a Follow up post that is quite interesting and asks for specifics.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Quadruple Your Income and Lose Some”Friends”…….Let me Think What to do??

Morning Folks!!

Let's go back a few years. This is not a 'Franky' post. This is a story I have never told before but it is time to see the world the way I do and the REASONS I see the world the way I do.

When I know personally that certain information is correct or not am I supposed to just sit idly by when that information is not even known? Or misrepresented? Or worse? Well I have. The peer pressure is like a secret vault.

It's not really a secret because it is MY private information and I am at not obligated to say or reveal anything. So I’ll tell you why I say what I do and what I see using information only known to me. BUT FACT!

Most folks know I test, test, test. That allowed me to make 100x the revenue of others early on. I thought my calculator was broken until the checks started coming in during 1996. Every one else was making 1/10 of a penny per click when adult just started and I was making 10 cents a click. How as that possible?? TESTING!!! So I started TESTING in 1996 and NEVER stopped TESTING!

What if I told you a had a certain domain group with ppc company “A” several years ago and that group was earning just a tad under $2000/day. When I moved that group to ppc company “B” it started making over $8000/day, peaked at $11,000 and it did that for over a YEAR. So what lipstick would you like to put on THAT pig??

Since I test and few others test like I do, I find things out based not only on traffic but numbers and dollars as well. How much BULLSHIT am I supposed to swallow? You can swallow as much as you like but I get an “I told you so” out if it. That’s about it.

It’s always easiest to attack the messenger when all you have is an agenda and are on the wrong side of an issue. So these fools try and create a smoke screen, a diversion, go nameless. Nothing more, nothing less. BUT I KNOW WHAT I KNOW and TO HELL with ANYONE that EXPECTS me to do or say what THEY want.

There are 3 new companies on the scene as I described the other day. I have been using and testing all 3 for as much as several months now. Each has strengths. All still getting better at what they do. The key is to exploit the strengths and avoid the weaknesses. How do you do that? You learn to TEST! You learn to test METHODICALLY. You learn about your domain names and the traffic they get.

Of course if you have no traffic, there is nothing to test. Maybe that is why so many rant and rave. But I have said from day #1 that the key to all this is traffic. Focus on domains with some sort of traffic. 1 a day is infinitely better than zero. 1 a day, 5 a day of type ins is NOT a high bar. It is VALIDATION of VALUE.

So don't believe, don't agree, but the way to climb the ladder is earning $1 dollar more today than you did yesterday. On the net it is daily income not monthly or annual income. Grow the daily because you can CONTROL the daily. You can focus on the daily. That takes care of the monthly and the annual all by itself. Focus on the month and you lose 30 opportunities to grow your income. Annual, and you lose 365 opportunities.

Yeah, I know, you don't believe this or that and many think I am wrong. So what's new? How's your way working out for ya?

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


How DARE I Think That Way!

Morning Folks!!

What's it like being me? Well from my first job at 100% commission in 1966 to my first product I marketed to my first 800 number to my first domain name to my first whatever......I was always met with something much more than skepticism. More like 'that's just a stupid thing to do and I was a moron for trying'. It's a familiar spot I find myself in time and time again.I am sure I am not the only one. I imagine what the guy with the Pet Rock must have gone thru. lol

My social skills are not always the best. I went to 3 high schools the last 3 semesters of high school and then another new school with college after that. 3 semesters at one place before I dropped out. Almost a record for me. I went to a total of 9 schools in 12 years as my dad worked on top secret stuff for the government and then went into private industry also working on sensitive things. The school systems all had different curriculums. So sometimes I was lost and sometimes I was ahead of things. But seldom was I in sync.

Making friends was difficult sometimes. Always the outsider and the new kid. What worked in New York, did not work in Maryland. What worked in Maryland, did not work in New Hampshire. What worked in New Hampshire did not work in California. And so on. You can add Texas, New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts to the mix.

But that prepared me for my 15 years on the road. The road became one of my longest homes and an education money could never buy. The stories I heard and the events I witnessed. But I was an underachiever in those days. I would earn enough to live on. I would work 2 days a week, take off 5 days. I retired for 18 months at one point. I used about 10% of what God gave me.

I was unorganized, unprepared and still one of the best out there. Half the age of almost everyone else i worked with. But I had more energy on Monday and Tuesday to make sales than the 'Average' guy did in a week. So I coasted. I did that for most of my life.

That changed when I went broke and I realized that you only get a second chance one time. From that day on I changed how I looked at the world. Then I became motivated to do better. I asked more of myself. I dug deep and found out just what I could do and what I could accomplish if I was organized.

The world did not change, I did. I was the same person, I just looked at things differently and when I did I was able to do bigger and better things. So if you traveled in my shoes, you would see what I see. But since you can't, the best I can do is try and put it into words. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But willing minds look for reasons to figure it out and unwilling minds look for reasons not to figure it out.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


The most Repeated Phrase in the World is “Dot Com”

Afternoon Folks!!

The most Repeated Phrase in the World is “Dot Com”. Want to argue the point? It’s a fact! How do I know? Who reported it? I know because I know and I am the first to report it. Maybe. But that does not change the FACTS regardless if they are known or even proven. Maybe put that in the “Gut” column. But it is FACT! Fact because I believe it and business and life is based on beliefs.

Want to talk me out of it? Is 2+2=4?

So with those UNPROVEN FACTS that I totally BELIEVE I move forward. I look at every commercial. I look at every magazine ad. I listen to every radio ad. I look at every brochure. I look at every flyer. I listen to everything. The ONE THING they all have in common is their web address. Used to be the phone number. Now it is dot com. It’s a dot com world.

Maybe the most repeated phase in history. Probably neck and neck with “F*ck you”. That’s what you call looking at the world from both sides.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Domain Bucket List. One for Pure Type Ins…..One for Everything Else.

Morning Folks!!

So after giving others heartburn and sleepless nights Frank Schilling finally makes his first real public in depth statement via an interview with DomainSherpa. It's top notch and I wish I was as articulate as Frank. Well worth the time and while I may be a bull in a china shop, Frank is a bit calmer and smooth as silk. lol. But the message is the same and the changes that are happening are profound and disruptive and there is more disruption to come.

As I said in My original post, Frank does not even have to sell his program to be a success. Now just 2 weeks later and well on the way to 500,000 of the purest type in domains on the planet, Frank breaks his silence.

Strength is disruping an industry with two sentences.

A no-frills monetization platform for experience type-in operators. 'If you want to make more money, try us out.'

If you are a domainer or you deal in traffic or are reading's a must.

What he does not do....Back the truck up to 'Problem Names' and THAT is the key. No trademarked portfolios and other such domains. Will some get in? Sure. But they will eventually be filtered out. Anyone that has a large portfolio may have a few names that are challenged. But that is a far cry to those that back up the truck and just load up on those type names.

All I am saying is different type traffic should not be mixed together any longer. Frank describes it as buckets and that is a perfect way.

I would have One bucket for type ins, one bucket for the various other types of traffic. One for the 'Forbidden fruit' of trademark traffic. One for typos. One for link traffic. One for SE and SEM and garbitrage. And if you are within that group of 'Various other traffic' and you think what you have is superior, then it is YOUR job to make another bucket. Make a bucket marked with what you have.

The simple take away. Low overhead, no hand holding and 2 buckets. 1 bucket that he has created and wants to attract pure type in traffic and one bucket that he has no interest in for all others to share. Simple, brilliant and long overdue. Now just sit back and watch what happens when you take pure type in traffic without being mixed in with ANY other type of traffic.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz
