My First List Ever Made of My Aftermarket Domain Purchases from 1996-2012

Morning Folks!!

The way I have always looked at the domain game was not in a contemporary manner. I don't compare it to today. I compare it to history. Hence I look at the domain game as gold miners in Alaska in 1898. I looked at how hard they had it. How many died. How many were just lost. The only think I suffered through was several bath robes.

It gave me chills up and down my spine when in 1998 I went to Alaska to find the Gold Rush Centennial. I just happened to pick the 100 year anniversary of what I was copying. Land and mineral rights. Land was the domain and traffic was the mineral. That made it extra special. Together they had great value.

I was on a cruise ship and learned a lot about a time I was trying to parallel and only had limited knowledge of. That August day in 1998 was exceptional as while all this was happening, I learned that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were also on an Alaskan Cruise and had been in the same towns we were in less than 24 hours before us. Pretty cool. A mystical confirmation that I was on the right path.

But that has little to do with this story and this post. What it as to do with is 'Booty.' I looked at mining domains as booty. You don't count what you have in the mines. You DIG in the mine. There will always be time to figure out how much gold you mined later. And so I did. But until then my mission was to lay claim to as many mines as possible and then I would have the luxury of TIME to come back to explore and exploit.

I have an admission to make. Until just a few weeks ago in December, I had NEVER compiled a list of domains I had bought in the aftermarket. The 'Aftermarket' that was created 7 years after I started buying domains from 3rd parties. I NEVER added up those purchases. Never even had a list. I always knew there would be time to do that since I believed we were in a 'Unique moment in History.' I was just investing in them as fast as I could. Every available dollar would go back in to get more and more as I knew this was the most time sensitive thing I had ever seen.

So in December 2011 I compiled my first list ever and this is what I found.

I was able to reconstruct almost every domain purchase since my early ones in 1997. I even found out that while I paid $42,000 for, only $37,000 went to the seller. The other $5000 was a finders fee for the guy that sold the week before for putting me in contact with the new owner. So I doubled his take just for that info. I have the original faxes that are barely legible 15 years later.

I found the original contract and the contract and all the early 1990’s contracts. Not that there were that many. Most were in the form of an email.

1. I purchased about 750 domains from 3rd parties that I contacted 1 by 1. Never sent out a bulk spam. Always targeted at a specific domain name.

2. I purchased another few hundred in small portfolios. Usually targeting just 1 domain mixed in with many others. I did not want to tip my hand by isolating the one worth what all others together added up to. So I would make a bulk offer. Even if I did not buy the entire lot, I would still buy 5 or 6 not to isolate the winner in the group.

3. I spent a total of $6.5MM in the aftermarket. That is really not a very big number. However, when you look at bang for the buck, I think it represents a true value 10x-20x or more what I actually paid plus the daily dividends those domains provided for over 15 years now. Enough to bank roll that many times over and still continues.

4. This does not make me a big player. Quite the contrary. Some single domains have sold for more than my entire portfolio cost. So I am under no illusions. But I play in my comfort zone. I risk what I am comfortable risking. Diversification has always been my back up plan. Turning 'Virtual' Real Estate into 'REAL' Real Estate. And I think I got great bang for the buck at the time I was most active by recognizing the opportunity early on and following through with what I saw.

5. I never took a penny out of my pocket to get into the domain game. I charged $1800 on a credit card and by the time I was billed by Network Solutions and got the credit card bill I was able to pay it from the Internet earnings back in 1996 before Google was born, before PPC and when only 10% of the U.S. population was online and very few others around the world. I took the earnings from 1996 and the first half of 1997 and parlayed them into buys from third parties.

6. I overpaid for some and got some incredible money makers and bargains on others. Plus I hand registered more than 7500 others during this time. Of those hand registered domains I have sold 11 for $100,000 or more each without ever trying to actively sell them.

7. Total Value today of all those purchases? I guess we will see. But I think and tote the note and the other 748 are just gravy before we even discuss the hand registered domains.

8. Of the 750 domains I bought from 3rd parties, less than 20 actually had a contract. I beleive that the time element involved and the risk of losing the domain to a higher bidder was a greater risk than anything else. So I would just send the money as fast as I could. To me, that was the best way to seal the deal. I would use the emails as a contract if need-be. Only one deal went south in all that time for a domain I paid $1500 for and maybe someday I will lay claim.

9. My motive was figuring out how to hold on and afford these domain names for 20 years without selling and at $100 a pop ($50/year with a 2 year minimum) that was a consideration at least 7X-8X more important than it is today. Maybe exponentially more important. How would $100 per domain name and $50/year do to your equation or business model? So when it went to $70 and then to below even $7, that took the pressure off me because my equation was $50/a year and now it was on $6 or $7 a year. Plus $100 back in 1996 had a lot more buying power than $100 in 2012 making it an ever riskier investment.

10. Luckily the earnings for the type ins more than paid for the renewals and a fairly nice war chest for additional buys. I had to focus on adult because there was no mainstream and we were years from a mainstream model. However I took those dollars and bought non adult domains knowing that someday this sector would not only develop but dwarf the adult market. Even tho there was virtually no traffic to those domains but I did correctly believe that traffic would develop in time.

I had to balance looking for domain names with retirement in 1998. Retirement was more important and domains would be what I did when I was doing nothing. So my retirement schedule has always trumped my working schedule. It is to this day. I don't like having to do something by a certain time or having to be someplace at a specific time. I want to work when I want to. Many times that is 18 hours in a day. But that is SOLELY up to me. When and where I want. My own drum and drummer. My own beat. My own time and rhythm. That has great value to me. Life is short and I believe we have been trained to work in excess.

I am not motivated to earn billions. I just look at my hopeful lifespan and ask what will I need to sustain it in exceptional comfort and do what I want when I want. How do I create oil wells? The less maintenance the better. The less time the better. I am also very sensitive not to CREATE WORK! Any moron can create work. The most important part of exploring a business opportunity is time involved vs the reward. Getting tied down on one project could derail everything else I am doing. On the other hand, if there is a calling, I will follow the path.

The mining I did in 1996 and 1997 was enough to sustain me a lifetime. I still invest 6 figures year after year after year and have hopes of increasing that for the right domain name or associated business. The one thing I have learned is 1 great domain trumps 1000 fair to mediocre ones. Quality is the key.

Now the kicker. Now the biggie. Look around you. Outside your window that is. See much building going on? Look inside your screen. See the difference? The Internet is building and growing faster than I can write this post. How many new businesses came online as I wrote this?

Question: What makes land valuable in the real world?

Answer: Assuming there are no minerals like Gold or Oil........Bringing people together by building something that they want and will go to. Then it starts.

Once these people are there, they will need other things. That's what I try and focus on. I don't have to be a casino in Las Vegas to make money. I can sell sunglasses. Provide a service. Open a gas station. The same holds true on the Internet. Patience is the key as I allow folks to build what they build and then see what I have that matches up well with what they are doing. It's just one way to look at things. One way out of hundreds if not thousands of ways.

Parallels with domains are in every direction you look. But you need historical perspective sometimes to easily take advantage of what is coming. I am the hamburger stand next to the steak house. The gas station on the corner of where the largest mall in the region is located. We together own bridges from one place to another and those bridges require a toll.

It's not what is happening today or what happened yesterday. It's about the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, the next 2 years, the next 3 years, the next 5 years, the next 10 years, the next 20 years. And every idea goes thru that time warp in a split second.

I look at the Internet as a series of mountain ranges. Each bigger and more spectacular than the previous one and hard to believe that once you find the peak of one mountain range you only discover the higher peak of the next one. That has happened and repeated itself more times than I can remember. The only thing that kept me sane was knowing these mountain ranges existed and the only test to navigate through them comes in the form of TIME. Then there becomes a point in that time that you can barely keep track of things as you hop to each new mountain range in a shorter and shorter amount of time until it turns into a blur. That is where we are entering now and I believe patience today will pay dividends far faster than in the past. Warp speed. Things are changing too fast to even keep up with but we are in the path of everything coming. It's really that simple.

What's the value of to Overstock TODAY as opposed to 1 year ago? 2 years ago? They just discovered early what many will find out later. WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW! That cost MONEY! That lesson cost MONEY! The value of if it is ever auctioned off went up exponentially. Maybe 2 years ago $500,000-$1MM. Today, could easily be 10X that or more. That's what happens when the SECRETS we discovered YEARS ago are discovered by companies throughout the world. That is why I look at domains as 'Passive income' and compare to savings bonds. The game there is to hold them until they mature.

What I saw back then needed these 20 years to fully materialize and now we are where I expected we would be just 3 years from that target. How cool is that? I saw it so clearly back then but never anticipated the truly colossal business this would become in registrations and a sizzling aftermarket doing HUNDREDS of millions if not billions of dollars in very active transactions and we are just at the starting line.

Domains are the Real Estate of this century. The oil wells and gold mines of this century. The hub of every new business created as far as the eye can see. Facebook is training 800 million people to be online savvy. Many will open websites. All will need domain names and as they grow more successful they will have the desire to move to bigger and better locations. Just like they do in the real world. Expansion and understanding are the two driving forces and that vehicle is moving at full speed on the Internet.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Surviving the Test of Times. Naysayers from 2000 Sound Just Like the Naysayers in 2012. I have Proof.

Morning Folks!!

Words that can stand the test of time are words to be thought about. Nothing makes me sadder than a good person working way too hard and not getting what they want in life. I have done everything over the years to reel those folks in. The guys that have a tug of war between a 'Good Attitude' and their comfortable 'Bad Attitude.' Trapped in the world of 'Mediocrity.' A place I once resided. Dare it be me to say something. To point it out. To show the difference and show the new result.

Work hard for 3 days, then destroy 4 days of work as the MIND takes control instead of them taking control of their minds. Most of you were probably not domaining in 1999-2000. But do you know these NUMB NUTS thought like some reading this right now. They had the opportunity 12 years ago and they BLEW IT! Most of you would give your right arm to have been investing in domains in 2000. But look at the SAME argument then as now. This way of thinking will always make it too late. Even if it was 12 years ago. And I was frustrated and at my wits end at that point in time as you can plainly read. I expected a lot of head wind on this journey. My only surprise in my 17 years of domaining is domainers provide the most head wind of all.

Domains are like jumping rope. It does not matter when you start, it matters how long you can jump and endure and thrive and set records and not be tripped up by the rope or your mind. The timing to jump in and start is still where most get tripped up jumping rope and the same with domainers. They never quite make that parallell and so they jump into domaining without any plan. If you were jumping rope wouldn't you time it just right? If not, you fail before you even start.

So my GIFT to all those 2012 naysayers of the same ilk as the ones in 2000, is my post from that era and see that while few agree, I have not changed my thoughts. Now those domains don't earn that much today. But they do make me more money each month then the $$$ I have parked in bank savings. The dollars they have earned will take care of renewals for thousands of years. That bar is a little low but seems to be the one many use.

From October 22, 2000:

Morning Folks!!

Many, maybe most believe you could not do what I did again. In some respects they are right. In others, they are completely wrong.

I started in 1995 with $1800. So I decided to do an experiment recently.

I bought for $760
I bought for $500

I bought ??? (still looking for 1 more domain)

The #1 thing is BE PICKY!! Choose well. THIS is THE most important part of your job.

The above 2 domains make $80/day

Both of these domain have been bought RECENTLY.

With $75 a day PROFIT I have 2 basic choices. I can buy 5-10 domains a DAY for free. Or I could realize that they will earn $2250/month. That $2250 a month now gives me BUYING POWER.

The next thing will determine what kind of businessman I am or you are. It's the ART of the deal. The FORMULA you must CREATE in which 2 parties walk away happy and getting what they want.

I can buy a domain for $2250 can make a deal and buy a $25,000 domain and pay the guy $2,000 a month for a year. Or you can buy a $2,000 domain EVERY month. or a THOUSAND different scenarios.

Point is:

#1 You can STILL do this.

#2 The FIRST domains are more important than ANY other domains you EVER buy. It is the FUEL you need to get to the next level.

So to those folks that BELIEVE it is all over.......BULLSHIT!!! You just have a BAD attitude and have given up.

I just proved you wrong. But it you buy WORTHLESS domains, you will NEVER make a cent.

Here's the roadmap folks. I can't make it simpler than that.

I REFUSE to even answer a question about this cuz it is in such SIMPLE language that I just don't have the temperament to deal with naysayers.

Got it you Afternic lurkers without the balls to even post??

NOW you understand why I don't deal well with MORONS. If they are not capable of following a SIMPLE example, they are not capable of going to the next level and the next and the next. Morons populate this planet in numbers too high to measure. :-)

Have a GREAT day!!
Rick Schwartz

Sun Oct 22 08:01:16 2000 - - message #4991

So 12 years later, has anything really changed? You have folks that know how to embrace success and those that seem to be allergic to it. Folks that defeat themselves by counting their shortfalls and focus on them and folks that count their strengths to build on them. A destructive force vs a constructive force. Those 2 groups will never see eye to eye. Oil and water. Folks that change ignorance into knowledge and power and those that try and impose their ignorance on others.

Let's be clear. There are dozens if not hundreds or more ways to make money with domain names. Make FORTUNES with domain names. The entry bar is lower than any other investment or industry I can think of. One can come in and build an empire with a direction and an idea and a keen understanding of domain names or at least basic business and sales and understanding the market and the FUTURE needs of that market. I can only feel bad for those that struggle to see it. But keep looking. You only lose when you turn to the 'Destructive' mode. The self pity that human nature seems to have an abundent supply of. Don't be the victim of self pity, be the defeater of ignorance, one step at a time.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

Defining a New Mission, New Path for a New Era vs.”A Kodak Moment”

Morning Folks!!

Mission Accomplished. I had time to think, reflect and verify. Mission Accomplished. So what I have tried to do is re-adjust and re-evaluate to a world where Domain Names are no longer an unknown. Quite the opposite. The entire world now knows that it all starts with a domain name. Every business, every idea, every child born. That's the first step. It is also a step they may need to repeat and revisit if they did not get it right the first time and found any degree of success. That is happening already.

We live in a world today where domain 'Evangelists' are in every corner of the world. Where there are more 'Domain Bloggers' than there were domainers back even as late as 1998 or 1999.

So where do I pivot to from here? What do we as domain investors see? That has been the question I have needed to answer and have wrestled with. I am not looking to create work. That is never a consideration. I retired in 1998 and even the thought about being trapped again is enough to make me run. I do 'Missions.' I don't do 'Jobs.' Is there a difference? You bet your sweet ass there is.

I don't look at domains as a business where I buy and sell. That is always a fallback plan but not the main plan. I look at it as a gold reserve that protects my financial independence. Strictly as an investment with expansion potential when and as I see fit. Each year I buy many more domains than I sell. I don't need a lot of new domains, I just need to invest in some every year that I see as safer than owning dollars and will rise in value faster than other riskier investments.

I defined my financial needs for a lifetime back in the 1990's and my gold bullion came in the form of a .com on the end. Storage was easy and very portable. It had so many faces I am still counting. Many parallels with many things. All making domains exponentially more valuable than the very things we can compare it to. As a commodity. As a collectible. As Real Estate. As the Yellow Pages. As the 800 Number. As Social Media. As Media. As an Address. As a Business. As a Movement. As a Stock. As a Location. As an Investment. As a TV. As Gold and Oil. So many more. What is yours?

I have sat behind a number of monitors and keyboards for 17 years now and I still don't see anything so universal, so meaningful to the future, so multi-faceted as a great domain name. Plus the annual overhead is something paid within the first days of each year.

We are entering an exciting time. It's akin to going to the playoffs. The regular season is over. Domaining now is entering the 'Playoff' stage. A stage that I would guess would last up to 3 years. Possibly less. Then we go to the 'Super Bowl.' The 20 year plan.....EXECUTED!

In the face of naysayers and laughter, my plan is still intact and right on target. What I have had to do was take the 20 year plan and now redefine the last 3 years of that plan to get everything in focus for the trail ahead.

I wish folks could see things in true focus and since they can't, they not only laugh, but have no patience whatsoever. But where was the Telephone after 20 years? The Automobile after 20 years? The Airplane after 20 years? The TV after 20 years? It would be 20 years more before these industries exploded and they are still exploding. Bigger and better and faster and more refined. Point is we are still on the frontier of everything to come. That insures that domain values in the future will continue to rise exponentially.
We are DECADES from a ceiling but we are only months away from the outer edges of the 'Sweet spot' in many cases.

We all now have a collection of FACTS to work off of. proved another fact. You need just 1 entity on earth to want and NEED what you own. The only thing between that being a $5000 domain and a $1 Million domain was the seller and the buyer. The other 6,999,999,998 folks on earth don't count in that equation. That was what you call a 'Perfect Match' and that is what you want and need and have to have the patience to achieve.

It has long been argued who has the power and actually sets the price. Some think the seller is in charge, some thing the buyer is in charge. I have found the TRUE answer. The seller sets the price. The buyer sets the value. When those two either overlap or are close, a deal can be struck. Ultimately the seller is the decider. PERIOD! He is the only one that can actually pull the trigger and say 'Yes.' So I think we can finally put this argument to bed.

More domains were sold in the aftermarket in 2011 than any year in history. More dollar volume was done selling domains in 2011 than any other year in history and the increase from 2010 was staggering. How do I know this? Just like I knew everything else. If you wait for certain things to be reported as fact, you will always chase yesterday. These are just facts that have yet to be reported because they can't be reported. Most deals are private. We hear about a fraction of what actually happens. Nobody has to believe this but me, and I do and I will, and someday it will be reported as fact.

Let me put it bluntly, there is no longer an EXCUSE for Corp America not to get it. For ANY company for that matter, not to get it. Not to make the real world connections and parallels. That dog just won't hunt anymore. Folks either get it and get it NOW, or they will forever be lost in the wilderness of a past century.

At this point you have to use a lot of energy to remain ignorant. It's one thing to be ignorant when you don't know something, but the thresh-hold of fools and moron-hood start at the point you are no longer ignorant but act that way anyhow. Cling to that ignorance. Make decisions still based on that ignorance. Refuse to accept new facts and see how that affects the overall picture.
Companies should have had a 'Domain Strategy' over the past years. They were so busy is short term gains via SEO that they missed the long term strategy that would have given those SEO folks the wind at their back. Short term planning at the expense of the long run.

If you were buying a boat or even a yacht, the FIRST thing you would verify is that there are no LEAKS. The first thing. In domains it is not only the last thing, in most cases it isn't even a thing. Some are completely unaware. When their ignorance is cured, certain domains will have more value.

The FIRST thing anyone should do when buying a domain name for a business is to make sure when that domain is promoted it does not LEAK! With a domain, leaks come in the form of confusion. In the form of misspells. In the form of hard to remember. In the form of the wrong extension. In the form of how it sounds.

Those are just a few. So when I see folks that don't even consider these things, I have to wonder. If he were buying that boat would he still be so foolish? Yes, that person is a fool. Why would that fool get mad at the person for pointing out the leak? That behavior clings to foolishness and ignorance as opposed to understanding it. A moment to climb a step on the ladder of knowledge is lost to losing many steps as folks fight to remain ignorant.

Some folks have a pass and can remain ignorant if they choose. However, CEO's, VP's, Marketing, have no excuse whatsoever to stay ignorant any longer. The buck stops with them and most have failed their companies miserably. The only question now is whether they will cling to ignorance until they are obsolete and looking for a new gig. Budgets are no excuse for staying ignorant. Leaders must lead. They must make decisions others have no spine to make. They must recognize the difference between a 'Time sensitive' decision and all other decisions and make their case. If they can't persuade and sell their own folks, then they are weak and they are not qualified to hold the position they have.

I have said since the 1990's that sometimes doing nothing trumps all the busy work in the world. Sometimes just setting up an umbrella and waiting for the masses makes more sense than trying to hunt them down. But if you do hunt, wait for the hunting season coming soon. Once their ignorance is cured they will beat a path to where ever you decide to camp out or they will have their own 'Kodak Moment.' What's the recipe for a 'Kodak Moment?' Have your company run by Dinosaurs, Lawyers and Accountants. No leader. No vision. No direction. No excuse! We are even seeing it in the domain industry. Corpoations in domaining and not a NATURAL domainer in sight.

Corporate America can't sustain itself without understanding why one of the best run companies at one time has gone south. They won't be the last. But I think many people had a sick feeling in the pit of their stomach when they heard that one of the mainstays of business for over 100 years was going south.

The 'Domain Industry' has been abused and misused for many years. Some are fairly good stewards and some use a 'Scorched Earth' approach. Just like the real world. Some folks felt a responsibility to throw their trash away while others felt a need to just throw it out the window. Some saw a need to keep the water supply clean and others just pissed in it. The Industry is now a Multi-Billion Dollar one and expanding faster than most. Those that sell the tools keep inventing new tools and that draws more and more folks into domaining. This industry is getting bigger. But it is getting bigger on the edges. The core business is hard to penetrate. You can do it either socially or financially.

I think on the financial aspect more folks will get into the industry the way I did. Slowly. Deliberately. Targeting specific domain and specific types of domains. Not to flip. But for security, for growth, for future development. While I started in 1995, I did not start earning anything substantive until late 1996 and then did not really hit pay dirt until 1997 and 1998. I never sold a domain in that time. Never wanted to sell a domain at that time. I just wanted to accumulate them like little Savings Bonds and Mineral Rights on the Property I owned as well. I learned when there was no information and it blows me away that so many are having a hard time with so much information out there.

The way I look at domaining is like most would look at a savings bond. You don't buy them today and sell tomorrow. You buy and you hold. And eventually, it matures. That's the domain game. That's the way to play and win. You don't quit your day job to buy savings bonds. You have your day job just for that very reason to collect as many as you can and put them away. When you have more savings bonds then you know what to do with, then you are in the domain game. In the center of it. Not on the edges. But it won't happen unless you look at life via years not hours and days.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


My Personal Pick for Rookie of the Year in Domaining for 2011

Morning Folks!!

I never did this before. But it has been several years since someone new in the domain industry has burst on the scene and made such an impact. I appreciate folks that try and further the domain business and understanding of domain names. Who reach out to new audiences to expand the pie.

2011-2012 will be remembered as the years in which we hit 'Critical Mass' with domain names. Long ride on the trail since 1995. But those covered wagons then are big businesses now. Things have changed in a dynamic way. Numbers get folks attention and in our world it is all about the numbers. We have watched a cottage industry blossom and take center stage.

His collection of interviews over the past year are a great treasure. If you want to learn about domaining from those that have done it, my first stop today would be Listen to what those with success say in common. So many use the same words. Why? Because it is tried and true and works when you follow meticulously. Everyone has a unique story. But the sub-story is what they all say in common. Pick those out and you are on your way.

Michael Cyger basically knew nothing about domain names but has managed to not only educate himself, but has helped many others to educate themselves by providing in depth interviews with a great variety of successful domainers. Interviews that will stand the test of time. Content that has great value.

So hats off to Micheal on a job well done and hopefully to continue for years to come.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

The FUTURE Will be in Sub-Domains and I have PROOF! R.I.P.

Morning Folks!!

No, I am not blogging again. But as I said, I would chime in from time to time when I discovered something or had something to say etc.

A few weeks ago I discovered something very powerful and done by a company that was here before most knew what the Internet even was. I heard long before I actually made it online.

One of my proudest sales was to CNN. But guess what?? They no longer use that domain. Here is the iReport Link. See where it goes? Follow the leader and you will find the answers and no question CNN has been one of the earliest. If not the earliest.

Now this is not definitive. But I would like to ask them why they did this and what they have discovered along the way? If I were a betting man, I would bet that Sub-Domains are the future because you can focus on your brand and also have folks easily find what they want via a very easy system.

Now this is not some conclusion I just jumped to. I have believed this for over 15 years. But today, I have confirmation by an organization that has been a leader for a very long time. What does this really mean?

It is my very strong opinion that after companies investigate .whatever and all the confusion, expense, uncertainty and pitfalls associated with it, they will understand the power they already have with their sub-domains. I believe that .whatever got them thinking. But the longer they thought, the worse it looked. The more expensive it looked. The more overhead it would add. The more uncertainty. And more splintering of their traffic and brand. They would see what I see.

So I think is so much easier and less confusing because folks already understand that navigation system. More powerful and universal than http://iReport.CNN. But maybe not. 6 of one, half dozen of another. The '.com' has a certain flow to it. But they will be a bell-weather either way.

They shelved a $750,000 domain for a reason. It may be what I said or maybe I got it 180 degrees backwards if they get .CNN and build on that. But either way, I have a definite answer and if wrong I know exactly why and how to adjust to the right one. Much better than being lost in a forest with no direction or no clues. I think CNN will be a leader in either direction and they will be who I look to for some of the answers to come. Whichever way it does go, the world will be about sub-domains either right of the dot or left of the dot.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Mission Accomplished! My Last Regular”Daily” Blog Post.

Morning Folks!!

It's December 1, 2011. I started writing this post weeks ago and waiting for just the right moment to publish. Over the last weeks I have posted a strong summary of the events and the vision I have now and the one back in 1996. I admit it is boring. Virtually nothing has changed in that period of time other than the world moved in the direction I bet the farm on. My words are the same in 2011 as they were in 1996. The only difference is they are now backed up with history and facts and oh so much more.

So I woke up one morning and realized that my job has been accomplished. No longer are we in an environment where domain names are the greatest secret in the world. No longer did I have to explain what a domain name was or why it was so important.

For over a decade I have devoted my time to the “Industry of Domains”. While that won’t change, I will now adjust my focus and time from domainers to new avenues in a maturing universe that is presenting some huge opportunities. I feel in the last days I have said all I can possibly say.

I am not closing this blog. I will still post from time to time. But as a daily exercise, I think the blog has run its' course. It will stay here forever. The words will stand and the vision will again be proven. But my time can be better used and that is what I am going to do.

Domaining is like a beautiful Pond. But now it is time to jump into Rivers and Oceans. I will still be visible. I will still contribute where and when I can. I will still announce the deals I do. Wherever I go, I will leave a trail right here. Just time to blaze some new paths in some new areas and arenas and do what I have done all of my life. Just graduating to another phase, another level another orbit.

I have long said we will all go into different orbits in time and the time is here. This is not the first time. In 1999-2000 I left the confines of the adult industry to establish the first Domain Chat Board in the world. Most of the folks on that board are still in this business and most of them have done well.

But this time I am going back to the future. I am going back to 1996 because while my vision has not changed, those I tried to share it with back then have. And while they rejected that vision out of hand then, they now have the tools to grasp, understand and embrace things. I have had the time to prove the future and gain the credibility that goes with it. Now it is time to parlay that credibility. All in the timing.

I’ll always have lines to the adult industry. I’ll always have lines to the domain industry. But now it is time to construct those lines to ALL industries. Ventures in ALL directions. A more diverse playing field. A new group spread throughout the world.

For those that really want to know and understand domains and their power and everything that goes with it should take the time to read over 500 posts here. You will be fluent in domaining if you invest your time in these posts. You will understand the domain eco system and all that goes with it. You will have direction,. You will know who to do business with and who to avoid. You will know facts before they became facts and the timelines will prove it. On your first day you will know more than folks doing it for years.

Journey’s end with a mistake but the mistake NEVER occurs at the end. Mistakes ALWAYS happen before you even set sail. So don’t be directionless and fail. Take the TIME to read what I have written and you will make a fortune by not pissing away money on worthless domain names.

I have signed on to TRAFFIC through 2013. I don't know if I will be involved beyond that unless I can manage to turn it into something very grand. It will be 10 years at that point and I think it will depend on events on the ground. I think that after this October I will have filled the obligation I had for myself when Howard and I started out on this journey. I feel satisfied with what we have accomplished and how far we have all come. The next couple years will give a clear vision of the next 10.

So I can’t say all that I need or want to say but time and place dictates where and what to do next. I will still focus on domains but my energy will be alliances far outside the Industry of Domaining only to return each Fall. Some of the time devoted to entities I have an interest in. Besides selling domains I have a vested interest and a piece of the action in several of them including, and

100,000 call themselves “Domainers”. The definition is a loose one. Like “Webmaster”. Everyone is one. But few are masters of the web. Few are Masters of Domaining and few will join the club. Reading every post in this blog will be the single best investment of your time….EVER…….AND again, you won’t waste your money on worthless domains.

10 GREAT domains make you a domainer. 100,000 worthless domains makes you a pigeon shit farmer at best and a fool at worst. The quantity game has collapsed. Quality is and always has been the real game.

The way to make your fortune is to have the vision to see what will unfold before others see it and then ACT on it. Don’t just TALK about it. DO IT! Most folks waste 10x more energy talking about something than actually doing it. We all know the types.

Just time to trail blaze in some new areas and arenas and do what I have done all of my life. I am not looking to own 100% of everything. Looking to own 5% of multiple somethings.

I watched the entire future unfold with .everything going viral overnight. But .everything just made .something (dot com) much more valuable and famous. The new game is expensive, but the game is trying to duplicate something you can’t duplicate. Every .everything will want, need and HAVE TO HAVE the dotcom counterpart. That counterpart is worth a king’s ransom!

In case folks forgot, THIS is what Mr. Johnson said in the adage article

'Mr. Johnson said customers responded well to the advertising, but after watching the spots, 'a good portion' of those who sought out the website went to, instead of'

Ignore what he said and you are GUARANTEED to lose. The bigger the business, the bigger the loss.

I will use this blog for future T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Announcements. It is still my 'SoapBox.' If I see another 'Mr. Johnson' statement, I will be all over it. The building is never over but the foundation is strong and can only get stronger.

Exciting times. Lots of new ways to make new money as I watch the masses…..GET IT WRONG once again. But wrong does not mean unprofitable. Right does not mean you will get rich. Confused? Start reading this blog and you will get a lesson in life as a dividend of learning and understanding domain names and what they have to do with Human Nature. Seasoned domainers, pay particular attention to the May and June posts. It only proves what I have said for a very long time. Some folks deal with the truth and some folks so what they do when confronted with it.

In 2012 I want to explore what the outside world looks like just months before my 20 year plan fully matures. I think 'Explore' is the keyword. I feel as I go into year number 17 that I have built a foundation of accomplishment. A foundation of many foundations that allows me to arm myself for the path ahead with much less headwinds then years gone by. IDEAS are a very powerful weapon and when armed with credibility, has no limit. My motto might be......'Who can I make contact with today?'

See with my new found time I have decided to use the time I use to blog for contacting new folks and planting new seeds in a different direction. To make TRAFFIC 2012 and TRAFFIC 2013 events that will be talked about for a lifetime. To do things that can only be done after being battle tested. I no longer need props like 'Sampson' and 'Ribeye' because the beauty of the Internet is it is all on record.

I have a vision and it was never the TIME to truly employ that vision until now. The 20 year plan enters the final stage. Not the ending stage, just the final stage of a booster rocket. But it is NOW that the orbit begins. The difference between 'Spring Training' and the 'Regular Season.' That is about how I see it. So while others are gettimg 'Battle Fatigue' I am getting 'Battle Ready.'

I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from I am Rick Schwartz from Who do I want to be TODAY?

To my faithful readers and friends....Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Years and good health to you and those that are close. There are no outside forces that can limit you or barriers to stop you. The single biggest and virtually our only enemy is the mass between our ears. I wish you only the best.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Some of My Most Satisfying Posts. My Top 20, Right Here!

Morning Folks!!

The past few months I finally have some satisfaction in that the posts I made were some of my most meaningful. Almost like a summary of everything I have believed and accumulated over the years. Not just domaining years, but all my years.

With the blog I tried to recreate what I had first written back in 1996 and 1997. When there was virtually nothing. Before Google was born. Just a different era and betting the farm on what I saw and exactly how it would unfold and WHY it would unfold that way. Like a rose blooming. So simple and so complex.

I am going to post links to what I believe are some of my best contributions. Most were in November, but a few came in October and September. So this can be a reference for both of us. Articulating a thought is a very difficult thing if your mission is to persuade. In selling or politics for that matter or even a lawyer and a jury, it is about persuasion. That's what we all do. The better the premise, the better the presentation the better you do and the better chance to persuade.

All I can say is people will waste YEARS trying to figure it out and blowing thousands of dollars but won't invest a couple hours reading a roadmap. I don't have all the answers, but I sure as hell have a few of them and the responsible comments hold many of the others.

If you were away for the holiday and did not read, before I had my '20 Year Plan' I shared what I did 20 years before that plan on the first link: is an easy reference for my posts of the last 12 month.

That's it folks. My top 20 posts this fall and some of my best ever imho. I hope you find GREAT value.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Early 70’s and Living in a Trailer Park. High School in New Hampshire and California.

Evening Folks!!

I never discussed my early life but as I put things together on this blog to fill in the blanks I want to let folks know that the path is never easy nor is it valid to look at the end of the path to make a determination on things.

I got handed NOTHING! I worked hard all my life and still do even though I don't have to. But my journey did teach me how to work smarter and think before I invest time in something.

In the early 70’s my dad, an electrical engineer, got laid off. At the time he was 61. The market for 61 year old electrical engineers was nil when they could get a 25 year old that just came out of MIT for half the cost and much better longevity. So in my senior year of high school we moved from New Hampshire to California. My brothers stayed back in Boston. My mother stayed back for a while to sell the house. I think they got $20,000 in those days. Probably not much equity.

So it is now Fall. My mom, dad and I are living in a 21foot travel trailer that we pulled 3000 miles behind us in a 1966 Chevy. Have to take a shower each morning in a public bathroom in a small trailer park in Van Nuys before going to school. It was a miserable time. I was 17. I missed my friends in New Hampshire. I used to call the information operator from a public payphone because it was free and I could actually talk to somebody in New Hampshire. When I had enough money I would call my old girlfriend. But that was not often.

I think it is actually harder now looking back then it was at the time. But it really did suck and my dad and I had our moments.

A few months later we got a 1 bedroom apartment in the San Gabriel Valley. I slept in the living room. They decided to open a little Dry Cleaning business. But they made a fatal mistake when they had a chance to rent a place in a good area and opted for one in a not so good area that had a cheaper rent. So I learned early on and first hand about how important a location and demographics were.

So now I am in my second different High School for the last semester of my senior year. I started making some friends, a girlfriend and by the end of the semester I had found some degree of comfort and a life that would soon start. I made the honor roll for the first and ONLY time in my life.

It cost $12.75 plus books to go to a community college in those days. Free college was a large factor in moving to California to begin with. I described those years in this post.

There was one time when I worked in retail Furniture during Thanksgiving weekend. The manager of the store I worked at and I went out the night before Thanksgiving. We went to some bar in Monrovia and he ended up going home with somebody. But before he left he gave me a wad of money which was all the CASH the store took in that day. He was drunk and did not want to get rolled or whatever might happen. So he hands me like $5500.

At the time I am driving a 1968 Javelin. It had 130,000 miles on it. The alternator blows out on the way home and my lights go dark and I pull over I don’t where but about 15-20 miles from my home. I am broke. All I have is the company money. What to do?? It is like 3AM and I got all this money on me and I am stranded.

So I eventually get a cab and pay for it with company money. The next day is Thanksgiving. I get a hold of an alternator. I have no money. I pay for it with company funds. I still have not heard from my manager. There are no cell phones in those days.

I get a ride to where my car is and I change the alternator. Not something I am good at, but when you are broke, you learn FAST!

So now I am like $80 short and I go into the store on Friday morning after Thanksgiving. My manager finally shows up. His eyes still bloodshot. I tell him the story. Luckily Al Heller is not in yet. We have a couple hours. He is pretty broke too.

We wrote each other checks and floated some dollars to get us through the day. That means we had until Monday to get money in our accounts before everything started bouncing. Thank goodness for the “Float” back in the days before computers.

But the point of this post is to let folks know how I can relate to different situations from many spectrums of life because I was there. In my years I was a Jew in places that they did not exactly welcome Jews. I have been as close to homeless as you can be. I was once in Gary ,Indiana with an empty tank of gas and 25 CENTS in my pocket as the bank grabbed the only credit card I had and I was stranded. That was with my furniture job that I discuss here because I had to beg my employer to pay me for what I actually earned. He never realized that when I did not get paid, my motive to work went with it. May as well go party and get laid.

So I am especially sensitive to all types of situations and why they have the expression “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” I've been there. I have climbed almost every step on the ladder. I know the landscape. I know the signs of a con. I know the signs of sincerity. I know the signs of ill will and back stabbers. I've been on both sides of so many aspects of life. I have seen hate close up. I have seen winners and losers. Success and failure. Good will and ill will.

It always come down to 2 things. 'Human Nature' and then applying it to 'Lord of the Flies.'

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Most Expensive”Grass” EVER! sells for $4.2MM

Morning Folks!!

Can't make this stuff up. sells for $4.2MM. Let's Party!

'The executives involved obviously have a sense of humor, but General Cannabis is a serious business: it’s traded on the OTCQX market, and a year ago it acquired WeedMaps, a popular ‘Yelp for Cannabis Dispensaries‘ site with a large following. WeedMaps was topping $400,000 a month in revenues at the time of the acquisition and it’s growing nicely — the site did over $1 million in gross revenues in July, and now sees 10 million page views a month.'

Rick Schwartz

It Starts with an Idea and Ends with an Equation. Key to Success in Domains and Beyond!

Afternoon Folks!!

An idea does not mean much unless you follow thru and the EQUATION works. Equation? What's that? What does that have to do with domain names?

Well, simply put, the equation is everything. It will prove you wrong or it will prove you right. It will give you the right direction if you use it and it may keep you lost if you ignore it. Equations are filling in the blanks. But FIRST you have to define the BLANKS!

For some I may be talking in riddles. For those that understand and know about equations, my statement is as clear as day. If you want REAL ANSWERS to things unknown, then it is the equation that will get you there. Equation is about filling in some of the blanks and then figuring out the rest of them. They fit natuarally like a puzzle. You NEVER have to force an equation. An equation will tell you if you will succeed or fail before you even try. That means it saves you a lot of time and money. But most do not employ equations. They give 100% effort and find themsealves at one dead end after another.

Ever notice that the problems and failures always happen at the begiining or before you even start? That is because everyone is in a rush to do but can never slow down to think. I talk about it HERE.

Success is a thinking pattern. Success is repeating the thinking pattern but filling in the equation with a new set of variables. What is a variable? It's the BLANKS in the equation.

2+X=4. The answer to most things is just as clear as the simplest equation when you understand and embrace them and use them as a guide. A domain equation may look like this:

(.Com) - (.Whatever) = .Com

That's just a funny and simple one.

The two biggest tools in my toolbox are equations and 'The Ben Franklin Method.' The Ben Franklin Method has been around for a couple hundred years. Take a piece of paper, list allthe positives on one side, all the negatives on another side. See which side outweighs the other. But you also have to keep your eye out for 'Deal Breakers.' It only takes one entry on the negative side that is overwhelmingly negative to sink everything. Like if someone were to get hurt. If there is too big a risk etc.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz