Morning Folks!!
Since 1996 I have thought that when you have a great domain you can attract folks to work with you and create 'Joint Ventures'.
I even tried to do this with in 1997. I was laughed at by each person I would discuss it with. What they did not know (and thank goodness) had they said 'Yes', that would have been worth in excess of $500k to them annually. Boy was I DUMB and thankfully so were they!
But I never let go of that vision. I just had to be patient enough for others to see and understand what I see and understand.
When PPC began to drop in 2007, I started changing how I do business. I now make only a fraction of my income from parking. The majority now comes from my joint ventures.
I opened up a few sites like and to explain what I was looking for along with a message on each parked page looking for joint venture partners. In 1997 it was In 1999 until now has been Always trying to educate the end user or the person out there with a big dream. If you advertise for elephants, you can get elephants!
I now have about 12-15 sites with my domains that others are trying to make a go of. Just yesterday, went online with a guy that emailed me earlier this week. Each day he will add more value and content. Will it work? We'll see. was making me about $25/month on PPC. So in 30 days I will evaulate what he has done and hopefully there will be something that attracts eyeballs.
I experiment and look for a spark. Most will fail. That is okay. Each failure is one step closer to a success. You never know where or in what form that success will come in. But you must keep pitching that ball if you want to have a chance. And when you own a great domain name, you have the luxury of time to try this and that and this again.
Over the summer I have been working with somebody to try and change the dynamics on about 6 other domain names. I have active conversations going with others. What was laughable in 1997 is MY reality today.
This week alone I had at least 5 folks willing to lease some domains. Until the last year or two when I would mention the word 'Lease' they would laugh. Now tey are making offers. That's a major shift.
But you can't do it with worthless domains. Like yesterday I got spammed with a domain name. I own I get a spam for which means nothing. Not that is the greatest domain name. But the other is PURE pigeon shit. Or when there is a 'S' in the wrong place making like a double plural.
A domain has to be meaningful to be leased. Yesterday somebody offered me $50/month for a domain I was asking $1500/month for. I told him right out, if your business is only capable of those low numbers on a 'Diamond' domain, I have no interest. I just look at it thru a different set of eyes. If I open a store on Main Street how much will it cost? To service a smaller area. That is my basis since 1996 and it ain't going to change. I have just been patient enough for LIFE and REALITY to catch up to my vision. And around the turn they come!!!
Lastly, when I lease I usually have language weaved in which outlines what will happen in the event of a great success. That way everyone is more comfortable and all hoping for that great success.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
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