Your Letters to the Editor Fill in the Gaps. Thank you!!

Morning Folks!!

I can't always get the thoughts in my head to match the words I write. It is hard to convey a thought or an idea effectively all the time and have 100% of the people understand. Actually, it is impossible. But the posts I write are never done until the comments are. The comments help me fill in the gaps. Say something the same in other words that hit home.

Recently I have had one comment and one email that I will be using from time to time because it effectively conveys what I am trying to say.

As I have stated before, domain leasing is not new. Been doing it on and off since 1997.

But what is different is the time. THE TIME. TIMING. If you look back at my years of posting, 'Timing' is the thing I talk about year after year and project after project. To me.....EVERYTHING is timing. That is why I chose December 1 to launch. Not because December is the target. Not at all. Just because it would take a few weeks to get my ducks in a row and LEARN about things I needed to learn about. Fix what needed to be fixed. That is why some businesses have a 'Soft Opening' or 'Beta testers'.

The hardest thing is articulating the criteria without pissing many of you off. But for this to work I need quality domains with type in traffic. Traffic that verifies value. That demonstrates viability. That has customers with nothing of real value to sell but a 3 cent click.

My simple way to convey what I was looking for was Yellow Page headings. That at least gave folks a general guideline. But now I am receiving hundreds of domains daily and I have to be honest, we can't lease domains for $50/month. Not our model. Our base is $1000. Some may go for as little as $500. Nothing lower. On the high range, some domains are going to lease for TENS of thousands a month.

Look folks, I have real world examples. for example has made up to $2000/day and as little as $20/day. That is a HUGE gap. But that can be the difference between a lease and a parked page. But it MUST have some type in traffic. 20/day qualifies some domains. The sweet spot is 100-300-1000/day. THOSE are the type domains we are looking for to list and represent.

This is not small ball and as we unveil our inventory folks will see more and more what we are looking for. I look at things through the eyes of an end user and the value it can either add or the protection it can provide.

It IS all about type in traffic and if there is no traffic , there is little chance of a lease. Not none, just very little. The odds are much higher against than for.

Letter #1 from Jon Feldman:

1. Must be a dot com.
2. Must clearly state & define the product or service being sold.
3. Must be easy to pronounce & therefore pass the radio test.
4. Must not be longer than necessary, the shorter the better.
5. Must be about a product or service that is in demand & being searched for.
6. Must be easy to remember, in fact it must be a no brainer to remember.
7. Must be a domain a business could be built on.

I can add elements to that list and I will.

8. Must have type in traffic. That is the key validater in a domain name. That is why there are parking companies to begin with. These are domains that get traffic without SEO. That has ONLY natural type in traffic. That is the minimum requirement. So don't send entries unless you provide daily visitors. I will talk about type ins regardless of the push back because there are domains with type in and there is everything else. Now other MAY have great value but you have to see the seed being able to sprout into a tree.

Remember it costs nothing to list and if we strike gold, we have the ability to transform a domain making $5/day +/- into a domain making hundreds a day. Others talk of 20% increases. No where else are they swinging for the fences and looking for 1000% increases. 10,000% increases. We are WHALE HUNTING. We don't feed the pigeons. The only thing that can hurt the lease is having your domain DESPERATELY listed for sale everywhere with a price. Listed without a price is fine, with a price is the KISS OF DEATH as far as I am concerned. You put a ceiling and a limit on our abilities so we MUST pass.

Letter #2 from Howard F

Welcome to the domain name leasing world, Rick.

It’s a good place to be and will allow us to monetize domains while our precious .COM assets continue to appreciate. Unlike conventional property, cyber landlords have no real estate taxes, no insurance, no fire marshals, no zoning ordinances, no fire sprinkler requirements, no custom build outs, no trespassers, no graffiti, no trash management, no landscaping ordinances or upkeep, no parking requirements and, the best part… no clogged toilets.

Oh, one more thing and it’s my favorite. In the physical world, a landlord has all sorts of requirements imposed on him before he can legally recover a property from a tenant who breaks the lease and stops paying rent. The landlord can’t simply change the lock, but instead, needs to go through a lengthy legal eviction process during which he has no income and substantial legal expenses. Usually take 6-9 months if you move quickly. The landlord may even lose or experience additional delay for some silly legal technicality. With a domain, on the other hand, if the tenant ever stops paying, the landlord simply stops the redirection. Poof. In my case, my tenants are put on notice that if the rent is not received by the first of the month, the plug can get pulled and their interest in the domain can then be assigned to someone else.

Remember your old analogy to building a Sears tower? With cyber property, there is nothing to tear down, no custom build out, no signage ordinances and re-building between tenants and even switching tenant uses is easy.

So I want to be as clear as possible what we are looking for. I realize that many domainers don't have the inventory to qualify. I love you guys but you are not my target group. My target group knows exactly who they are. And since I have no sense of urgency to make a BAD deal, I think they understand what makes me tick and how I see things differently. Much more the way they see it.

So I have been learning a lot about a business that was not even planned. I did an interview with DomainSherpa that will air next month and I knew before the interview I was going to have to get up to speed on my own business because it was just something planned internally that got into the public and then there was a demand.

The only thing I care about right now is demonstrating great inventory. Million dollar domains that can be leased for a couple grand a month and transform a business. That can take a domain making chump change and turn it into a long lasting revenue stream with a possible exit strategy personally negotiated by me. That can take a parked domain or a domain with a worthless mini-site and find a LONG TERM tenant.

The FUTURE is here and I am all about being in the forefront of the future no matter where it leads! Domain leasing IS the future for ME! 18 years of saying NO to selling is now a big YES to leasing and Joint Ventures! My vision is to have be the hub for listing high value domain names. True category definining domains. That is what we are about. I hope in the weeks ahead to keep further crystalizing what I see, why I see it and why THIS is the time!

Lastly, lisings are either 6 months or 12 months. This is not a quick process. This is planting the seed on MY FARM and letting us tend to it while you continue to use the domain as you see fit. Lastly, our formula is what makes this all possible. It is 100% transparent, reasonable, protects all parties and it WORKS!

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

Step Away from the Keyboard!

Morning Folks!!

Step away from the keyboard! Close the lid. Back up. Stand up. Vacate! Vacate! Vacate!

I will see if and how long I can take my own advice. ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rick Schwartz

Running List of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Decisions. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Afternoon Folks!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This year one of the things I am most thankful for is my WIPO challenge and win. As many of you know I am keeping a running list of all those found GUILTY of 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacking'. (RDNH) in hopes it will make future hijackers think twice. I am using these cases to help inoculate us from these menacing lawsuits and predators by shining the light of day on them. Let the court of public opinion weigh in and become a factor since prison time and/or fines are not the law as of yet.

I have 23 such cases so far and each win will discourage the next would-be hijacker. A tip of the hat to all owners below that fought and a big congrats to the attorney that represented them! I will list any and all cases as I learn of them. The Grand daddy of RDNH. Here is my post on this very big win against Márcio Mello Chaves, aka Márcio Chaves aka Marcio Chaves

The Complainant is G.W.H.C. - Serviços Online Ltda., E-Commerce Media Group Informação e Tecnologia Ltda. of Sao Paulo, Brazil, represented by Almeida Advogados, Brazil. Found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Case #1 is our Friend Scott Day of Digimedia who won a $100k+ judgment against GOFORIT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC who IS a REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKER.

Case #2 Media Rain LLC engaged in Reverse Domain Hijacking

Case #3 The Complainant is Prime Pictures LLC of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (“UAE”), represented by Law offices of Vince Ravine, PC, United States of America (“USA”). Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #4 The Complainant is Collective Media, Inc., New York, United States of America, represented by Lowenstein Sandler PC, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #5 The Complainant is ELK Accesories Pty Ltd. of Preston, Australia represented by Pointon Partners, Australia is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #6 Globe Media International Corporation is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #7 Kiwi Shoe Polish Company, The Complainant is Mess Enterprises, San Francisco, California, of United States of America, represented by Steve Clinton, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #8 The Complainant is Goldline International, Inc., represented by Spataro & Associates is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #9 The complainant is a Swiss company, K2r Produkte AG of Haggenstrasse 45, CH 9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #10 The Complainant is Limited of Burwood, Victoria, Australia represented by Corrs Chambers, Westgarth, Australia is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #11 The Complainant is Proto Software, Inc., New York, New York, United States of America, represented by Byron Binkley, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #12 Trailblazer Learning, Inc. represented by Brett W, Caledonia, Michigan is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #13 The Complainant is Dreamgirls, Inc., Tampa, Florida, United States of America, represented by Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP, Los Angeles, California, United States of America and have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case #14 The Complainant is Consejo de Promoción Turística de México, S.A. de C.V., Colonia Anzures, Mexico, represented by Bello, Guzmán, Morales Y Tsuru, S.C., Mexico is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker

Case #15 Complainant in this administrative proceeding is Windsor Fashions, Inc., a California corporation with a principal place of business in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Complainant is represented in this proceeding by Abraham M. Rudy, Esq. and Julie Waldman, Esq., Weisman, Wolff, Bergman, Coleman, Grodin & Evall LLP, Beverly Hills, California, United States of America. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case #16 Complainants are Scandinavian Leadership AB and Mindo AB of Uppsala, Sweden, internally represented. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case # 17 and he Complainant is Albir Hills Resort, S.A. of Alfaz del Pi Alicante, Spain, represented by PADIMA, Abogados y Agentes de Propiedad Industrial, S.L., Spain. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case # 18 The Complainants are ÖZALTUN OTELCİLİK TURİZM VE TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. of Istanbul, Turkey, Allstar Hotels LLC of New York, Unites States of America and Mr. Metin ALTUN of Istanbul, Turkey, represented by Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy Ltd., Turkey. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case # 19 Complainant is Tarheel Take-Out, LLC of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of America (“U.S.”), represented internally. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case # 20 The Complainant is, LLC of Florida, United States of America (the “United States” or “US”), represented by Flint IP Law, United States. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case # 21 found for the complainant in 2009 but in 2012 the courts rules that the City of Paris, France was guilty of 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacking' in a landmark case that resulted in a $125,000 judgement against the city.

Case #22 The Complainant is Sustainable Forestry Management Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda, with its principal place of business in London, United Kingdom. The Complainant is represented by its general counsel, Mr. Eric Bettelheim. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.

Case #23 Pet Express The Complaintant is Airpet Animal Transport, Inc. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker' (further info to follow)

Happy Thanksgiving to those found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijackers!! Who is going to be NEXT on the list?

Rick Schwartz,, Among Dozens of Others Available for Lease

Morning Folks!!

Let me take a paragraph or two to PROVE the leasing model works, works well and has worked on the net for over 15 years and off the net for maybe 1500 years. It comes down to simple math so let me give you a simple real world example.

A domain was sent to me for consideration. The party wanted to know if their domain had a leasing potential. Problem he thought was that it only had 20 visitors a day. First of all, 20 visitors a day has value. Whether it has GREAT value depends on the research I do. I found out that this exact match domain name had multiple people advertising and one guy was upfront and was asking for $2000 for the service.

So let's say this guy charges $2000 for his service and let's say since it is a service he puts in $500 worth of time. Leaving him $1500 profit. Now ask yourself a question. From those 20 daily type ins how many would he have to close and make customers for the domain to pay for itself? Let's say that domain leases for $2500/month. Then back to the question and why many don't see the forest thru the trees. So the answer of course is 2. Let's say he gets one new customer each week from the leased domain. He just put $8k in his pocket with a gross profit of $5500.

What if he grows the traffic to 200 a day? What if he closes twice as many? And don't forget to add the money he just saved sending to Google. That was a chunk of change. Plus these are now clients that can come back for repeat business. What's to reject here? It's math! All the while the lessee is making more money and eventually may be able to afford to buy the domain name. Plus as you do business together over time you come to know each other and a dea becomes easier not harder. It's math!

This is just one example and if the owner gives me permission, I will list the domain. I will transform that domain from making pennies on PPC to thousands with my method. Because I see domains differently than most. I see it with the lens of 'Sales' and nothing more. Since few see sales like I do, I can only attract those that understand what I see and say and have demonstrated over the years.

A reader (thanks Jon!) sent me this list he complied yesterday with the key elements I am looking for and therefore he is looking for and it says it all. It is what the 'Yellow Pages' test means to me. It is the essence of domaining for ME. It is why I can assign a value on a domain that everyone would laugh at but that value comes from the list below and how strong the domain does in each category.

1. Must be a dot com.
2. Must clearly state & define the product or service being sold.
3. Must be easy to pronounce & therefore pass the radio test.
4. Must not be longer than necessary, the shorter the better.
5. Must be about a product or service that is in demand & being searched for.
6. Must be easy to remember, in fact it must be a no brainer to remember.
7. Must be a domain a business could be built on.

I will be leasing domains for the rest of my life. That is what I do. That is what I have done. That is why I have sold only 18 domains and of those 5 of them came with equity, royalties, stock and even ownership. There are only a few hundred domain investors that see things the way I do. THEY are my target audience and they know me and I know them. It's about starting at the top of the pyramid. It's about taking the best names and transforming them into the best earners by hooking up with ONE party.

In each deal I have done it was the other party that made the deal because they had what it took to follow through. They came to the table with a certain expertise. They knew I had a missing piece of the puzzle and I knew they had a missing piece. Alone the value is stunted. Together the value is unlimited.

So I think when December 1 rolls around I will be able to demonstrate the quality of domains we are looking for and have folks take notice of them. I have the ability to take a domain earning $15/month and have it make $1500/month IF the elements needed are there. Traffic increases the chances. Domains without traffic may still qualify if they meet the requirements. But the more traffic the better chance. It really is about the traffic. Consistent traffic. Type in traffic. Then I have an equation and it either works or not. Pretty simple.

And the best part is you don't have to change anything you are currently doing with the domain. Just give me the listing and give me some time. It is not an overnight process. So if you have an immediate need, I am not your guy. Maybe for the TRAFFIC auction but not for leasing.

So as I begin to announce domains I think it will become clearer of what we are looking for and why.

Our first 3 listings are, and and I will announce our complete first group when we open. It isn't what we will do next week or even next month. But when we reconvene here in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years.....that will be our measure of success.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

PS: Thanks for all the submissions and I am very sorry when I have to say 'No'. Really! But this only works for domains that meet the requirements and I don't want to waste your time when I know there is little chance of a success.


“If I Owned that Domain Name I Could Make Millions.”

Morning Folks!!

Let's start at the other end of the spectrum and work backwards. Starting at the finish. So you get contacted by the end user. This is what he is thinking:

'You're not doing anything with that domain.' followed by 'If I owned that Domain Name I could make millions.'

Aren't those the words/thoughts of a person or entity looking at your domain name? That is their starting point. Recognize it and the big job to sway them to reality. We all want to hook up with someone that would look at a domain name you own and say 'If I owned that Domain Name I could make millions.' But don't ignore the other thought in their mind. That's YOUR starting point.

Chances are they don't have millions to invest in their idea. But they do have $1000/month, $2000/month, $5000/month, $25,000/month and more depending on the domain name, the audience and the traffic a domain gets. And yes, it IS about traffic. If your domain is getting 20 visitors a day it is likely more than many physical stores get depending on what they do and where they are located. I know. I have worked retail and I know the value of a customer walking in the door. No sale, no eat!!

When you see the world through my eyes and through a prism with a 20 year bridge, it is clear as day where we are going. We have headed in this direction for many years. Almost decades! Nothing has changed except the fact that what would have been thought of as a joke then is a real business today.

Look, I am not the first to lease domain names. (Maybe I am. 1996 anyone?) But I saw the future back then and everything that has happened since then has simply been a foundation that has gotten stronger and broader and more important. Many ideas and domain owners have come and gone but this idea has survived throughout the ups and downs and there are many active domain leases right now. Perhaps thousands.

We are humans ruled by nature but somehow we are wired in different ways. Some folks make $35,000/year and are perfectly content. $50,000/year and are perfectly content. $100,000/year and are perfectly content. $250,000/year and are perfectly content. $500,000/year and are perfectly content. $1MM/year and are perfectly content. $2MM/year and are perfectly content. $5,000,000/year and are perfectly content. $10,000,000/year and are perfectly content. $25,000,000/year and are perfectly content. $100MM, $250MM/year and are perfectly content. Some are never content. Point is we all have our comfort level and to be frank the lower tier is not going to work. The passion may be missing. Maybe not. But passion is a key element.

So it becomes obvious who your target is. The perfect match.The highest and best use. The best partner. The right partner. A BIG Vision as opposed to a limited one.

Have we ever talked about domains as being a 'Strategic Asset'? Because it sure as day is. Folks find that out the day after their competition gets the category defining domain names and has the potential to be trans-formative. That is the day the strategic asset in your hands is a world better than an asset that can destroy you in the hands of a competitor. And it can.

Line up the comparisons, not only will the category defining .com be competitive, it will surpass many of the old standards in sector after sector. There is an infinite amount of domain names. However, there are a finite group of category defining domain names that generally come with traffic, visitors, buyers.

I look at leasing a domain name as I would running an ad in a magazine or newspaper. At the end of the year you evaluate and see if the ad made you money. If it did you will renew and maybe expand the ad. If it does not work, you might dig a bit deeper and see exactly who are the new customers and see if it will pay for itself down the road. They make a decision on that. When I ran hundreds of monthly ads I just wanted to break even. Because if I was breaking even I was making good money on what I could not track and the business still to come. If you run a Superbowl ad, spend $1MM and can track in the first 30 days a break even point, I think you can rest assured there is still more money to be made from that ad. The gravy. The profit. The new customers. The repeat business. The lifetime value of each new customer. etc. It's a winner!

But when you only see a spreadsheet you only see the numbers that already happened. You need more dimensions to evaluate. Those that do understand. Those that don't will argue the point. But it is meaningless. The picture is much bigger and the end game is to plan decades into the future or your competition will win.

Each visitor to your site is a real human being and they should be treated at least as well as somebody on the phone if not standing in front of you. No business owner in their right mind would let 1000 customers walk in and out the door without buying something and not ask WHY???? Yet every day on the Internet that is exactly what business owners do. Since they are invisible, they treat them that way. And we are talking about 95% of every site out there. So there is HUGE room for growth and understanding.

A domain name can be the Main Entrance or a side door. It does not matter the use. Customers are there now with the only door being Google. You pay $6/click for our traffic and we get 6 cents. Seems to me we have a common interest here. You want to pay less than $6 and I am sick of the 6 cents.

I look at things from the viewpoint of an end user because that is how I came to be online to begin with. As an end user. As a retailer and as a wholesaler. I did it in different mediums over different decades in literally dozens upon dozens of industries. All different industries and all with threads that were exactly the same.

There is something intuitive and memorable about a vanity 800 number or a domain name with type in traffic. It just makes it easier for others to remember, to tell others, to help you market to places and people you could never get to. And word of mouth is still the most powerful, valuable and least expensive ad tool known to man.

This post is not about leasing domains, it is about unlocking sales. Sales. The thing that pays bills. The thing that actually makes a brand and branding possible. The thing so many on the Internet REFUSE to see and understand and focus on. BUT THEY WILL! And that is why I can be so certain exactly where this train is going because I know and understand the goal. Sales! When business comes to understand that they have to rethink things and come to different decisions. I can't chase them or even convince them. (tho I try with posts like this) Too much work. So I sit on the beach knowing they are looking for this specific beach. 'Sales Beach'. And when they arrive on 'Sales Beach' as they are beginning to now, everything falls into place. Piña colada anyone?

Have a GREAT day!
Rick Schwartz

The Day the Twinkie Died. Are We on the Eve of WW3?

Morning Folks!!

While we are focused on the economy, politics and affairs, are we on the brink of WW3? Are things not only about to unravel from a monetary standpoint but a political one as well? Is there a will for certain ancient predictions to come to be? The Twinkie gone? (No it will be back on shelves soon)

Not much focus about what we have always feared for decades when it comes to the Middle East. No moral authority is present. There are no strong political figures. Just a lot of weak ones looking for more power. The world is caught in the crossfire and unrest is spreading to many corners of the world.

We live in interesting times and I see some of the most turbulent days I have witnessed in my lifetime all converging at one time. Another 'Perfect storm'? The last days of 2012 are nothing that any rational human being wants to see but we are on the brink of 'Unavoidable'.

As I write this Israel is about to launch possibly the most devastating strikes EVER! One wrong move by Syria, Egypt, Iran or Hamas etc, and the entire region may glow in the dark. Once it starts, and it has, you can't put it back in the bottle. And with all that, more focus on the Twinkie. And why not? The Twinkie DEAD at the age of 82. 18,000 now unemployed and a union celebrating a victory. These are not 'Interesting' times.....these are fucked up times.

Rick Schwartz

Time to Realize We Have Some of the Most Valuable Real Estate Ever Known to Man.

Morning Folks!!

In a few years when we all look back you might realize all the money left of the table for GREAT domain names. As these two worlds converge, it seems pretty obvious what the outcome will be. When money loses value some assets hold their value. May even increase in value.

  • Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay, rent $2,630 a square foot per year

  • Fifth Avenue, $2,500 a square foot per year

  • Times Square, $2,100

  • Hong Kong, Central $1,856

  • Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, $1,547

  • Paris, Avenue de Champs-Elysees, $1,129

  • New York, East 57th Street, $1,100

  • New York, Madison Avenue, $1,100

  • Tokyo, Ginza $1,057

  • Tokyo, Omotesando, $972

Direct Correlation with domain names? You bet! But the owners of the real land have stronger stomachs than most domainers. Make any comparison you like. But each of those above are limited to the size of their walls and the traffic from a very concentrated but limited area. You can expand a domain name to infinity and add very little costs. So smile, relax, sit on the beach and wait. Just keep snagging category defining domain names. We have some of the most valuable real estate ever known to man.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Rick’s Crystal Ball.

Afternoon folks!!

Just read my post from earlier today and read this below article that cam out MINUTES about New York City and Hong Kong Retail space.

  • Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay, rent $2,630 a square foot per year

  • Fifth Avenue, $2,500 a square foot per year

  • Times Square, $2,100

  • Hong Kong, Central $1,856

  • Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, $1,547

  • Paris, Avenue de Champs-Elysees, $1,129

  • New York, East 57th Street, $1,100

  • New York, Madison Avenue, $1,100

  • Tokyo, Ginza $1,057

  • Tokyo, Omotesando, $972

.Com is underpriced in every measurable way. Would a company give up their store on 5h Ave or the .com first? The mere fact that it is a debatbale issue proves how far we have come and how far is left to go and how much is still on the table.

Rick Schwartz

Times Square Rentals vs Domain Rentals.

Morning Folks!!

You can go back to my writings in 1996 to see that I always compared a great domain name with a billboard or even a storefront in Times Square. I always saw physical stores as limited in their reach and thus limited in their sales. Domain names are limitless. You can attract customers from the 4 corners of the world. Expansion is limitless. Limitless. In the real world when you have to expand the costs are going to be huge and in most cases you will have to change your location.

See the way I look at life and where we are going is that when the price of Times Square is par with domain name leases, that is the starting point for ME. Go look at the cost of retail space in Times Square. Do the math. Look at the cost of a modest 2500 ft. Retail store in the mall. Pick the nearest city near you, find a decent retail spot of 2500 feet and post the monthly cost just for the rental. What's the monthly $$$ outlay? $1000, $2500, $5000, $10,000, $25,000?? More!!?? (Update, see below)

Then add up the costs. The costs after you walk into the space with cement floors and no walls. The cost of manning that business. The electric, the garbage pickup, the insurance. How about cleaning and maintenance. Don't forget to wash your windows every week.

So when you list everything and even in Times Square you are limited to your audience. THAT is my case and rationale for leasing domains. Land ho!! I can see it from here. After 17 years the parallels will begin to form and take shape.

Nobody has to agree with me. But that was what I saw in 1996 and that is what I see today only more vividly and much more evidence at my disposal. It's the reason I won't do long term leases. Some want 10, 20 and 30 year terms. Sorry, ain't gonna happen because I see what I see and we are right on schedule to arrive in 20 years. (2016 and before)

The power of a GREAT domain name is superior to the best location in Times Square and someday soon they will intersect in value. When? Between now and 3 years. In 3 years there will be no doubt what I have been saying and waiting for all these years. Why sell when you can lease for the $$$ you can sell at and get it back over and over again.

The single clearest vision I have ever had about domains and their proper place in the business world is what I describe here. It's the basis for everything. How do you buy 2 decades of time to watch something bloom and produce fruit? How do you resist the temptations along the way? How do you stay true to a belief?

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

UPDATE: Released just hours after my post I think this says it all. Which begs the question....If a company had to close up shop on Fifth Avenue or relinquish their domain name, which would they choose?

  • Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay, rent $2,630 a square foot per year

  • Fifth Avenue, $2,500 a square foot per year

  • Times Square, $2,100

  • Hong Kong, Central $1,856

  • Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, $1,547

  • Paris, Avenue de Champs-Elysees, $1,129

  • New York, East 57th Street, $1,100

  • New York, Madison Avenue, $1,100

  • Tokyo, Ginza $1,057

  • Tokyo, Omotesando, $972

Diamonds and Domains, You Need to Know One to Understand the Other. Size Does Matter!

Morning Folks!!

I don't like to hurt people's feelings but I must say I am seeing things that just sadden me.

To understand INVESTMENT QUALITY DOMAINS you need to draw a parallel with diamonds.

A 1 ct. Diamond today of average quality is $5000

A 1 ct. Diamond that is 'D' and 'Flawless' can easily run $40,000 and higher

So a pretty big spread and you ain't seen nothin yet. Please follow as I go to the next parallel.

Now we are looking fr a 10 ct. 'D' and 'Flawless'. Is it 10x the price of the 1 ct. of the same quality? Making it $400,000? No it is not. Is it $800,000? Nope. Is it $1.5MM? Well now we are in the ballpark. So we could be talking not 10X the price but 40X the price. The value.

Now we can work the other way too. Like the majority of domainers. 1/2 carat, 1/4 carat, 1/10 carat. But that is small ball and that is even if you are dealing in diamonds to begin with. Odds are you have quartz. Or worse yet, old broken coke bottles.

Maybe just another Gem. That can be but the chances keeping getting further away.

You can make money focusing on any sized diamond. But the rewards just might not add up and the amount of work will. For every 100 domains you own with no value, you will be paying $800/year or more and increasing. Over 10 years that is $8000. So if you have 1000 domains that is $80,000 over 10 years and if you have 10,000 domains you have a bill of $800,000 over 10 years.

Dump the garbage and go after the diamonds. Size does matter. People need funds and they are looking for creative ways to make that happen. There are bargains out there. Those that get rewarded in 5 years are the ones taking a risk today. Is there any real risk in buying a category defining name? The game is not to invest in liabilities but to invest in appreciating assets. Sorry, but out of the thousands, only hundreds are getting it and it is rare to see anyone come in the industry and at least pick meaningful domain names.

8000 crappy domains is a pile of crap at the end with a big bill attached. I have crappy names and this year I have combed through my list and deleted the first round. Next year I will do it again. More information means new decisions and new areas to allocate funds.

1/10 carat diamonds are not meaningful. But ones as small as 1 Carat can be. Smaller than 1/10? Maybe dust in the wind. Your time, your effort, your money.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz