High Noon Folks!!
The traffic for headlines on Domaining.com is gaining steam. Seems like in January there were a wave of New Year's Resolutions and blogs and blogging. The result, here it is noon and there are already bloggers poised to fall to the dreaded page 3 and 4 and maybe even 5 or 6 before it is all over. What does it look like this time next year?
The clutter is not just here and it is not just in domaining. If the Internet were physical you would be seeing more crains than you have ever seen on the net at one time. It's gonna get damn crowded and those folks will now be competeing more and more to the same folks. That's a potential problem that will likely benefit us before the ad war ends and the casulaties are declared.
The one I am looking at is the war between Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Sears, Pennys, etc. One or more of these companies are ether going to suffer a large setback and somebody is going bye-bye! I don't know which one. The weaker ones I think are about to get much weaker.
We are in a different period. The audience is growing online but not in the way or the form of the past even if more numbers are coming online. Much is because of the buying power the last BILLION folks getting online have as compared to the other billions. Hint. It will be less. Each billion before them had greater and wider buying power. That does not mean the first billion had the most buying power. That's a different equation. Could be further down the line.
The pool of searches may not grow as in the past. But the pool of folks trying to sell to those searchers are going to get to the ridiculous point. Millions all trying to be #1 on Google. 1st page on Google. That leaves 99.99% LOSERS.
Meanwhile back to Domaining.com and the countdown to burial on page 3 starts right now. :-)
All eyes on 1800 new gTLD's and the epicenter could turn out to be right here.
We are all such whores for whatever we are whoring. Domaining.com is the front line in our little pond. The whorehouse for domainers. (Francois, that's a compliment) My mind sees things just a little differently than normal folks!! lol
Point is, this space is heating up and this is just the start. Add 1800 gTLD's and we'll be on Page 3 before 6AM. It's coming folks!!!
I think we may have to write a song about it next! 'The way we were'?
Rick Schwartz
btw, ads on the left looks good and will draw more attention to the advertisers.
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