The Domain King's® thoughts on domain names, web traffic, increasing web sales, success, life, and plain-old Business & Marketing 101. Nothing happens until a sale is made!
So the new trend (and not very smart imo) is FORCING someone to open an account and giving information BEFORE anything else and this is just another blunder in a series of blunders being made by DESPERATE websites taking the advice of guys that lose more business than they get.
Earn my trust before you ask me for information and those that don't do that. CLICK BABY! That browser is closed and gone forever and so is the website doing it. Never to return.
All these 'Cute' things that are hurting their business they just are blind to it. Like dropping the .com on your name advertising. DUH! I love it being invested in dotcom, but stupid from a marketing standpoint and they will all regret their decisions and change back in time. Many of them have a franchise based on .com and now they are too cool to dance.
I am so sick of annoying websites. Don't blast some crap at me unless I ask. Let me do my thing. I will tell you when I need your help. Now they want to make the online experience as SHITTY as the instore experience with a bunch of people BOTHERING you when all you want to do is be left alone and BROWSE.
That's why they call it a browser. You can browse with as little or as much help as you want. But now these MORONS are interfering with what I want and that is just not cool.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
PS: figured it out in 3 weeks. They now added a button so their video does not start playing unless you want it to. Do you know why they made that change? They lost a LOT OF TRAFFIC for overstepping their boundaries and it pissed people like me off.
A 'Recognized Group' is something I have never written about until today. A 'Recognized Group' in domaining is sort of a franchise with no organization or franchise fee. Just a wave that establishes a stream of sorts and credibility at the same time and is memorable. Many of the domains I registered over the years fall into these categories.
For example in 2008 'Joe the Plumber' got notoriety and was a great domain name that got repeated and and copied.,, All of these are examples of a train or trail and a branding not done by you but taken advantage by you with the draft of driving behind an 18 wheeler truck.
In the 800 era it was 1-800-THE-CARD by American Express. If you were lucky enough to own one of the other words followed by 1-800-THE-???? well you were in business. You were part of a 'Recognzed Group'.
Being part of a Recognized Group gives you credibility without earning it. Just instant street cred. Human nature. Never fight it.
Here is another example. I used to own a Pizza place with my brother on the boardwalk on Cape Cod. When we were having our sign made, we had to decide what to put on it. Did we put the name of our pizza place there? NO! We did not do that. But we did put one word there. Big, bold, seen for 2 blocks away because nothing else really mattered. Branding would mean our name would be bigger and our product would be smaller. On a boarwalk you don't have time to brand. You don't need to brand. You need to sell.
That was the day I learned about 'Recognized Groups' but TODAY was the first time I have ever been able to put a name on it and also put it in words with examples.
Had a great week with Danny Welsh up in North Carolina and we ended our 5 day pow-wow with a Disney movie last night. Best part. The end where Walt Disney says 'Keep Moving Forward' because every day, and at each point of frustration I say all you have to do to reach a goal is keep moving forward. As long as you are doing something proactive to keep you moving is a GREAT day!
The future is exciting and we are going to peel it right in front of your eyes each and every step of the way. Then anyone can come back here later this year, next year and the years after to see our words and then to measure them against our achievements.
The BS we are goiing through is nothing compafred to the sales job Disney must have done to share his vision. And folks, it is a vision. The clearer that vision is, the better chance at success. This baby is CRYSTAL CLEAR! is reporting A three member UDRP panel has found Edward Smith of California guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) in the attempt grab of the domain name
I have 36 such cases so far and this resource has 129. Each win will discourage the next would-be hijacker. A tip of the hat to all owners below that fought and a big congrats to the attorney that represented them! I will list any and all cases as I learn of them. In time we hope decisions like these will will make the next IDIOT think twice before they attempt to STEAL something they have no legal or moral rights to. We now OWN YOUR REPUTATION and we will circulate!
And a special tip of the hat to John Berryhill who is the leading RDNH attorney in the world. I am counting and will post how many wins he has recorded on behalf of his clients. I would guess about 1/3 of all decisions. So if you are up against Berryhill or Neu or Keating or a few others, good luck! You'll need it. Save yourself a great loss and embarrassment and WITHDRAW your case and send the other party their expense money and then get down to this thing we call 'Capitalism' and NEGOTIATE!!
If you are on thin ice, and found out to be GUILTY, you and your company will be listed right here and in all future blog posts and interviews relating to this and I reserve my right to use your attempted theft at every chance I get. Let the PUBLIC decide who is the THIEF! Who is the party found GUILTY of REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING! Each case will be included in the book I am writing as well.
Case #3 The Complainant is Prime Pictures LLC of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (“UAE”), represented by Law offices of Vince Ravine, PC, United States of America (“USA”). Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #4 The Complainant is Collective Media, Inc., New York, United States of America, represented by Lowenstein Sandler PC, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #7 Kiwi Shoe Polish Company, The Complainant is Mess Enterprises, San Francisco, California, of United States of America, represented by Steve Clinton, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #8 The Complainant is Goldline International, Inc., represented by Spataro & Associates is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #10 The Complainant is Limited of Burwood, Victoria, Australia represented by Corrs Chambers, Westgarth, Australia is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #11 The Complainant is Proto Software, Inc., New York, New York, United States of America, represented by Byron Binkley, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Case #12 The Complainant is Trailblazer Learning, Inc. dba Trailblazer, Caledonia, Michigan, United States of America, Self-represented by Brett W. Company COO, Caledonia, Michigan, United States of America is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker.
Case #13 The Complainant is Dreamgirls, Inc., Tampa, Florida, United States of America, represented by Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP, Los Angeles, California, United States of America and have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case #15 Complainant in this administrative proceeding is Windsor Fashions, Inc., a California corporation with a principal place of business in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Complainant is represented in this proceeding by Abraham M. Rudy, Esq. and Julie Waldman, Esq., Weisman, Wolff, Bergman, Coleman, Grodin & Evall LLP, Beverly Hills, California, United States of America. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case #16 Complainants are Scandinavian Leadership AB and Mindo AB of Uppsala, Sweden, internally represented. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case # 17 and he Complainant is Albir Hills Resort, S.A. of Alfaz del Pi Alicante, Spain, represented by PADIMA, Abogados y Agentes de Propiedad Industrial, S.L., Spain. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case # 18 The Complainants are ÖZALTUN OTELCİLİK TURİZM VE TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. of Istanbul, Turkey, Allstar Hotels LLC of New York, Unites States of America and Mr. Metin ALTUN of Istanbul, Turkey, represented by Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy Ltd., Turkey. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case # 19 Complainant is Tarheel Take-Out, LLC of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of America (“U.S.”), represented internally. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case # 20 The Complainant is, LLC of Florida, United States of America (the “United States” or “US”), represented by Flint IP Law, United States. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case # 21 found for the complainant in 2009 but in 2012 the courts rules that theCity of Paris, France was guilty of 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacking' in a landmark case that resulted in a $125,000 judgement against the city.
Case #22 The Complainant is Sustainable Forestry Management Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda, with its principal place of business in London, United Kingdom. The Complainant is represented by its general counsel, Mr. Eric Bettelheim. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'.
Case #23 The Complaintant is Airpet Animal Transport, Inc. represented by Mark W. Good of Terra Law LLP, California, USA. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'
Case #24 Complainant isPersonally Cool Inc. (“Complainant”), New York, USA. They have been labeled a 'Reverse Domain Name Hijacker'
Case #25 Complainant is Coöperatie Univé U.A. of Arnhem, Netherlands, represented by Novagraaf Nederland B.V., Netherlands. 'Given the circumstances, the Panel finds that the Complaint was brought in bad faith, in an attempt at Reverse Domain Name Hijacking, and constitutes an abuse of the administrative proceeding'
Case #26 AINS, INC. (“Complainant”), represented by Janice W. Housey of Symbus Law Group, LLC, Virginia, USA. The panel concludes that the Complaint was brought in bad faith in an attempt at Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.
Case #27 Complainant is Tiny Prints, Inc. (“Complainant”), represented by CitizenHawk, Inc., California, USA 'Complaint was brought in bad faith and that, accordingly, Complainant has attempted to engage in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking'
Case #28 Complainant is Enki LLC(“Complainant”), represented by Eric A. Novikoff, of California, USA. 'This is a frivolous proceeding which should never have been filed by Complainant. Accordingly, the Panel finds that Complainant is guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking'
Case #29 Complainant is State Fund Mutual Insurance Co. represented by Peter G. Nikolai, of Nikolai & Mersereau, P.A., Minnesota, USA The Panel finds 'Complainant has engaged in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.'
Case #30 Complainant Procter and Gamble Represented by Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL. Procter and Gamble is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
'It is impossible to believe that the Complainant, who employs ultra-sophisticated marketing methods, was not aware that the disputed domain name, <>, had been registered and used by other entities for some years when the Complainant introduced its SWASH product line in 2009.
The entire Panel finds it more extraordinary still that in its Complaint the Complainant represented the SWASH brand to be a worldwide brand of longstanding with multi-million dollar sales, stating that over the last 4 years alone the brand had gained sales of over USD 40,000,000. When this was challenged by the Respondent, the Complainant was forced to admit that the brand had only been on the market for 4 years, that sales had been restricted to the USA and that sales over those four years had totaled underUSD 60,000.
Had the Respondent failed to respond, there is a very real risk that the Panel, relying upon the 1993 International registration and the substantial sales volumes claimed for the brand, would have found in favor of the Complainant. This Complaint fell very far short of what the Panel was entitled to expect from a Complainant of this stature.
In all of the circumstances present here, the Panel finds that the Complainant has abused the process in an attempt at reverse domain name hijacking in contravention of the UDRP Rules at paragraph 15(e). The Panel majority also finds the Complainant has attempted reverse domain name hijacking because it must have known that the Respondent did not know of (nor had any reason to be aware of) any relevant trade mark rights in the SWASH name when the Respondent registered the disputed domain name in 2004.'
Case #31 Complainant is 3DCafe, Inc. (“Complainant”), represented by Danielle I. Mattessich of Merchant & Gould, P.C., Minnesota, USA. The panel finds 'Complainant acted in bad faith. The Panel therefore makes a finding of reverse domain name hijacking.'
Case #32 The Complainant is X6D Limited of Limassol, Cyprus, represented by Bracewell & Giuliani LLP, United States of America. 'The Panel therefore accepts the Respondent’s allegation that the Complainant is using the UDRP as an alternative purchase strategy after the acquisition of the disputed domain name failed. Therefore, the Panel finds that the Complaint was brought in bad faith, in an attempt of reverse domain name hijacking: The Complainant knew or should have known at the time it filed the Complaint that it could not prove that the domain name was registered in bad faith.'
Case #33 The Complainant is Webpass, Inc. of San Francisco, California, United States of America represented by Law Office of Richard J. Greenstone, United States of America.
D. Reverse Domain Name Hijacking
Paragraph 1 of the Rules defines Reverse Domain Name Hijacking:
“Reverse Domain Name Hijacking means using the Policy in bad faith to attempt to deprive a registered domain-name holder of a domain name.”
The general conditions for a finding of bad faith on the part of a complainant are well stated in Smart Design LLC v. Carolyn Hughes,WIPO Case No. D2000-0993 (October 18, 2000):
“Clearly, the launching of an unjustifiable Complaint with malice aforethought qualifies, as would the pursuit of a Complaint after the Complainant knew it to be insupportable.”
These conditions are confirmed in Goldline International, Inc. v. Gold Line,WIPO Case No. D2000-1151 (January 4, 2001) and Sydney Opera House Trust v. Trilynx Pty. Limited,WIPO Case No. D2000-1224 (October 31, 2000) (where the condition is stated as “the respondent must show knowledge on the part of the complainant of the respondent’s right or legitimate interest in the disputed domain name and evidence of harassment or similar conduct by the complainant in the face of such knowledge”), which in turn cites Plan Express Inc. v. Plan Express, WIPO Case No. D2000-0565 (July 17, 2000).
The Complainant knew when it filed the Complaint that the registration of the disputed domain name preceded by several years any rights that the Complainant may have acquired in the mark WEB PASS. Indeed, the Complainant annexes a printout of the WhoIs registration to the Complaint, and that printout indicates that the domain name was created well before the Complainant’s first use in commerce of its mark. In this Panel’s view, this is sufficient to find reverse domain name hijacking. See NetDeposit, Inc. v., WIPO Case No.D2003-0365 (July 22, 2003) (finding reverse domain name hijacking because “Respondent's domain name registration preceded the Complainant's creation of its trademark rights”).
The Panel finds that the Complainant has attempted Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.
Case #34 Complainant is Bin Shabib & Associates (BSA) LLP (“Complainant”), represented by Jimmy Haoula, United Arab Emirates.
The panel finds that Complainant has failed to present any evidence to support its claimed rights in the disputed domain name. It only provided an application for trademark registration which does not establish any enforceable rights under the UDRP. It did not offer any evidence to support a finding of common law rights in the disputed mark. Also, the Panel finds that Complainant knew or should have known that it was unable to prove that Respondent lacks rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name or that Respondent registered and is using the disputed domain name in bad faith. Based on the foregoing, the panel finds that reverse domain name hijacking has occurred.
SeeNetDepositVerkaik v., D2001-1502 (WIPO Mar. 19, 2002) (“To establish reverse domain name hijacking, Respondent must show knowledge on the part of the complainant of the Respondent’s right or legitimate interest in the Domain Name and evidence of harassment or similar conduct by the Complainant in the fact of such knowledge.”); see alsoLabrada Bodybuilding Nutrition, Inc. v. Glisson, FA 250232 (Nat. Arb. Forum May 28, 2004) (finding that complainant engaged in reverse domain name hijacking where it used “the Policy as a tool to simply wrest the disputed domain name in spite of its knowledge that the Complainant was not entitled to that name and hence had no colorable claim under the Policy”).
Having failed to establish all three elements required under the ICANN Policy, the Panel concludes that relief shall be DENIED. The Panel further finds that Complainant engaged in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.'
Case #35 The Complainant is Adjudicate Today Pty Limited of Mona Vale, New South Wales, Australia represented by Moray & Agnew, Australia. The domain, Futureworld Consultancy (Pty) Limited v. Online Advice, WIPO Case No. D2003-0297 states that a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking may be made if the Complainant “knew or should have known at the time it filed the Complaint that it could not prove that the domain name was registered or used in bad faith”. Given that the Complainant would have been aware that the Respondent had a more than negligible adjudication business in Australia at the time the Complaint was filed, the Panel is of the opinion that the Complainant knew or should have known that it could not prove that the disputed domain name was registered in bad faith. Therefore, the Panel finds that this is an instance of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.
Case #36 Complainant is Edward Smith (“Complainant”), represented by Kuscha Abhyanker of Raj Abhyanker P.C., California, USA. “the Complainant filed its trademark application shortly after it was unable to acquire the Disputed Domain Name from the Respondent on acceptable terms. 'The panel finds that failing in this effort, the Complainant undertook to use the Policy to acquire the Disputed Domain Name.” “The panel finds that the Complaint has attempted reverse domain name hijacking in violation of the Rules.”
Case #37 Complainant is Vortal Group, Inc. (“Complainant”), represented by Roger N. Behle Jr., of Behle Law Corporation, 575 Anton Boulevard, Suite 710, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. 'Moreover, the Panel finds that filing a UDRP proceeding - which on its face can be qualified as frivolous - without any basis to do so should be construed in the present case as harassing. Here, Complainant admitted it knew that the domain name was registered prior to its using the at-issue mark in commerce. When, as in the present case, Complainant is unable to show trademark rights through use or otherwise which predate registration of the at-issue domain name, then it becomes impossible for it to prevail. In the case before the Panel, there is no way that Complainant could have reasonably expected to prevail and its counsel should have known better.' Vortal Group, Inc. is a convicted Reverse Domain Name Hijacker and 'counsel should have known better'
My hope is this is the last RDNH case I will ever have to post. The reality is this post will be re-posted EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a case of RDNH. Every time and now maybe some value based companies will think twice before flirting with this tactic and come to the bargaining table un good faith instead of being labeled forever with bad faith. The net is written in INK!
THOU SHALT NOT STEAL! Stop trying to steal and start doing BUSINESS! Feel free to repost FAR and WIDE!
Need, Want, Desire is what I have talked about in length in regards to the elements needed to make a sale. Now let me tell you what is need to CLOSE the sale. VALUE. Once Need, Want and Desire are there, it has to be wrapped up in value and benefits. That my friends is the formula we will be using.
And even when one of the elements of Need, Want, Desire are not present at first, VALUE brings that missing element back into the fold because each has to reconsider those elements once you talk about value.
The Bullseye is the opportunity all thse elements together bring. Like a great recipe. On their own the ingredients are no as important as they are combined. When merged entire new product appears.
Danny Welsh and I have been working face to face this week for the FIRST TIME since we launched Pretty amazing to get this far and have our FIRST face to face discussions nearly 6 months into this project.
By tonight we will have spent about 45 hours together getting systems in place and starting next week you will see some visible progress and for the first time you will begin to see the vision we have and what we are going to do to change the lives of every domain investor reading this that have lease quality domain names. I just got his 2011 Christmas card in January 2013 because I only check that particular PO Box 1 or 2 times a year.
The seed for all this was planted Last April 29th and before that. Matter of fact, I have seen evidence this week that Danny started working on this over a year before he ever contacted me. Last April 29th he wrote me an email. He also wrote 19 more. He figured it would take 20 emails to me to get to 'Yes'. Well he basically got to yes on the first email as it appears below. And as they will say someday....The rest is HISTORY!
I only have one mission and one goal and that is by December 31, 2013 to demonstrate to an industry an old and very profitable direction. We are going to change lives and we are going to do it right in front of you just like we have done so far. But by T.R.A.F.F.I.C., which is just 8 weeks away, your doubt will be washed away with what we will make public at that time. Then every single domain investor will start kicking themselves for selling a domain for $1000 that had the capability to earn $1000/month.
'Hey Rick, You may remember my name...or not.
But I assure you, before it's all said and done we WILL be joint venture partners.
I've made a number attempts to reach you in the last 3 years since stumbling across your blog and realizing the power of the 'starving crowds' you managed to find and gain leadership of by securing so many amazing keyword-rich domains with “type-in traffic”-- while all the Madison Avenue 'branding experts' do boneheaded things like spend millions on SuperBowl commercials for crap image impression purposes.
And since I've tried to reach you with emails, letters, calls, blow up posters in the mail, at conferences, Christmas cards, you name it. If I knew where you lived I'd probably hire a coordinated team parachute group to drop on your front porch with my message because my desire to work with you is very strong. ;)
It's the same thing I've been saying, trying to get your attention. But in the last couple years I've significantly increased the value I could bring to any joint venture with you-- most specifically in the realm of copywriting (ie salesmanship in print), having written salescopy for over half a dozen client projects that exceeded one million dollars in sales so far.
Let me use my skill as a copywriter and in building joint venture relationships to help you match audience to content.
I know I can develop one of your type-in traffic domain audiences into a more profitable income stream.
Give me a chance?'
My Response:
Hi Danny,
Let me know your idea and how you see it unfolding.
'Rick, my desire to work with you is enough that frankly wherever you feel a motivated individual talented in copywriting and joint venture deal-making could add the most value is where I’d like to begin doing business with you.
I have read in your blog that you have this goal: “I just want 100 different running businesses that require no time.” I believe there’s plenty of opportunity for me to use my skills to make money in partnership with you by helping you reach that goal.
While I could give you a thumbnail sketch of a half-dozen different ideas to propose for monetization of one of your single domain names— which is likely the kind of proposals you receive most often— I’m confident you already know one or more certain domain properties or verticals in your portfolio that is under-performing compared to potential-- where a degree of effort, creativity, and salesmanship by someone like me could significantly increase income without work or hassle to you.
Here’s how I might see that possibility unfolding…I’d like to work with you in 3 capacities, each of which would serve and support the other, and in the following order of execution:
1. Passive joint venture attraction: Allow me to create a salesletter-style “offer” of your partnership program for companies that would like to leverage your significant traffic sources in a certain vertical and in exchange pay you ongoing residual revenue share and/or equity stake per your preference. I believe an easy and quick testing roll-out of this idea could be accomplished with minimal time investment on your part simply by re-positioning -- and any other JV-related domains you may own-- with a copy of this offer letter. The letter would include the following: a primer on the power of type-in traffic, vertical industries available for targeting, figures of average visitors in each, criteria for partnership, and a solid qualifying application—all of which I believe I can achieve from my observations and notes of your stated goals combined with a short conversation with you to ask some questions to make sure my understanding is accurate and uncover some metrics and facts you believe might help me ‘sell’ it in print. In addition to writing the letter, if you feel appropriate I would like to serve as an initial qualifying “filter” to protect your time and negotiate with inquiries initially. Upon success of such a test, I would propose broadening the sources of traffic by pointing relevant domains to a vertical-specific version of this partnership offer letter to receive joint venture inquiries that are laser targeted proposals. As proof I can do this, I offer the following experience: I have written a salesletter for a client whose joint venture networking summit has attracted 100-200 attendees each time it has been held at a price point of $1495 (happy to send you a PDF if interested), so I really feel like I understand the JV mindset and value of companies partnering together. Each deal earning more income through the new joint venture than the existing domain asset does via parking would be one more business towards your goal of 100.
2. Active joint venture prospecting: Let me actively target companies offering products and services perfectly matched to the audience visiting select generic domains of yours, and in partnership with you, take on the responsibility to solicit ideally suited operating businesses that have solid prospect-to-sale conversion track records, negotiate with them, and close revenue-sharing deals. For example, if you told me that you’ve always felt a set of specific domains in your portfolio with significant regular traffic could earn much more income-- but actively pursuing another monetization opportunity is not compatible with your existing lifestyle or time limitations-- give me a chance to create a monetization joint venture on your behalf for each. As proof I can do this, I offer the following experience: I have successfully negotiated a number of lucrative joint venture deals in real estate, information affiliate marketing, and others (albeit admittedly none so significant yet as some of yours). I believe an easy and quick testing roll-out of this idea could be accomplished with minimal time investment on your part simply by your providing me with verbal authorization to represent 5-8 of your existing domain portfolio, with you of course as the final say on any deals struck. Upon success of such a test, I would propose allowing me to recruit a team of other such active joint venture prospectors. Each deal earning more income through the new joint venture than the existing domain asset does via parking would be one more business towards your goal of 100.
3. Joint venture & advertising commission sales team: Upon success of #1 and #2, let me recruit, train, motivate and manage a commission-only sales force who would operate a telephone sales effort responsible for actively presenting your domain name portfolio partnership and advertising options to strike revenue-sharing JV deals and/or sell advertising on your behalf. As proof I can do this, I offer the following experience: my real estate business partners and I have received to date over 1100 applications to work for free in our apprenticeship program at This was managed with resources, influence and opportunities that are small in comparison to yours; thus, I am confident recruiting a quality group of salespeople on your behalf can be managed without a great deal of input from you. Each joint venture deal created would be one more business towards your goal of 100.
Are you ready to be fed truckloads of bullshit hoping you and I will swallow it and tell others how great it tastes. When will it become old? Probably after .mobi. Right? After .Travel. Right? .biz for sure. Right? How about the dozens you never heard of? Right?
So now we are in for a barrage of bullshit the likes we have never ever seen before. The stories will be just that. Stories. Stories they may be able to backup but stories that were orchestrated as opposed to having something natural occur.
Bloggers will spread the bullshit they are fed. But when they do they risk compromising their character and credibility as they carry water for others. I would URGE bloggers before they reprint propaganda, that they ask some questions as well and not just become the PR arms for all these new companies.
Maybe there will be thousands and thousands looking for the new goldrush. I wish them luck. But I also wish them the reality to see beyond the blue sky. In a year or two, many will realize they just manufactured bills and liabilities and not much else.
Let me start where I finished THIS POST because this is the heart of what it is we will be talking about for the next 20 years.
This was where I left it on that post. I had to build up to calling folks a 'Fool'. Today we can start at 'Fool' and work beyond that:
'What's the value of a domain with type ins that can give you 10 new clients each and every day? 100 new clients each and every day? ONE new client each and every day? Each business and each product can do that simple equation and figure it out.
That becomes the FACE VALUE of a domain name. There are so many other bonuses you get. But hard to argue with math. And for those that say it is only 1 customer, or 5 or 10 and that is nothing significant, you are a fool.'
Mr End User. Mr. CEO. Mr. VP (All 25 of ya) Mr. Sales Manager. Mr Salesman on the street and Mr. Madison Ave who will not like some of this cuz it exposes him.
So here it is in a nutshell. How much is a new customer worth to you today and over a lifetime? I don't care if you are a plumber or sell Ferrari's. Just a simple question with a numerical answer. Not anything else. KISS. Keep is simple. Focus. How much is a new customer worth to you today and over a lifetime?
When you give me the answer to that I can give you all types of answers in return. I can show you LONG TERM value. I can show you both long term and short term benefits. All based on YOUR number. Whatever YOUR number is. Then it becomes a simple equation.
When I show you a return that may be 10x your BEST current advertising medium and then I show you what they mean together, you will see the numbers. You will see growth. You will see why you will be head and shoulders about your competition and why each day you will get stronger and he will get weaker.
Because if the other guy LISTENS and UNDERSTANDS first, then he can use those BENEFITS to grow his company while shrinking yours. So Mr End User. Mr. CEO. Mr. VP (All 25 of ya) Mr. Sales Manager. Mr Salesman on the street and Mr. Madison Ave. What is your answer to that?
What was Borders answer other than GOING OUT OF BUSINESS because Barnes and Noble ate their lunch!?
Where do the folks that led that DISASTER now work and lead? Do they work for you?
I see this period as the LAST chance to secure a priceless domain name or forever be banished to following the leader that could have been you.
So it starts by an end user asking and answering this question with a NUMBER and not a STORY. Mr End User. Mr. CEO. Mr. VP (All 25 of ya) Mr. Sales Manager. Mr Salesman on the street......
How much is a new customer worth to you today and over a lifetime?
I don't care if you are a plumber or sell Ferrari's. Just a simple question with a numerical answer. Not anything else. KISS. Keep is simple. Focus.
How much is a new customer worth to you today and over a lifetime in whatever business you are in? It's a number. It's not a discussion.
Riddle me that Batman and I can present a numerical picture based on not only the lifetime of a customer but the lifetime of you and your business. So if you want to work harder, not smarter and then make the other guy money....LAUGH! But if you want to see what I see and not be a slave to search, give me that number. Don't know it? Figure it out! Too lazy to figure it'll be working for somebody else soon.
Wonder how future employers look at the resumes of the CEO, President etc. at Borders during their demise and hire them? They sunk their own ship. Who in their right mind would want them to captain another ship?
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
PS: that is only one of many benefits a great domain provides. We have not even toched on memorability and other invisible benefits. Type-ins are merely the top surface of a domain diamond. There are many other facets and each one makes your company stronger.
As you no doubt saw yesterday, the 'Big Hype' is already starting x 1900 coming soon. Here is where it all goes off the rails. The HYPE vs the real Type-ins that are not and will not be there. The foundation for WHY .com is the leader. Without that foundation, then the dynamics change. But even then there are other foundations left to support .com. Like every major company in the world operating and headquartering ALL operations from the .com.
So we are going to have to endure all this HYPE that may or may not be real and will be framed in certain ways. So when you hear the HYPE then ASK the right questions or you will be a victim of a hype-in not a type-in!
So the logical missing part of this equation is how many different companies and different owners actually registered those? How many were domainers less than an arms length and how many were end users that are going to make their mark on .heretodaygonetomorrow. I think 2 or 4 people registering 4000 names is different than 2000-4000 people getting one or two each for example.
I wish Div nothing but good luck as I will with each new .whatever. But when it comes to what I see in each, I will never color it up to please. Reality has to trump Hype or we have lost our minds and souls!
I can't stand self-pity. I can't stand the mindset of a victim. I can't stand to hear folks complain and whine about things they themselves control. Then spend most of their energy in life on excuses. Each if us are in charge of our own destiny except many either contract their destiny out or don't know they have control.
Deaf, Dumb (now they say 'Mute') and Blind but not STUPID! But not LAZY. But not full of SELF-PITY. But not a VICTIM.
So what's the excuse for ANYBODY today living in these times with tools and opportunity more than at any time in all of history? Laziness? Bad attitude? DUMB in the other sense?
During the past year or two I have mentioned Helen Keller to multiple persons. Two with a Masters Degree. The response: 'Who is Helen Keller?' Really? With a Masters? Are you kidding me?
Somewhere along the line we have dumbed down society to a point where some parts are virtually unrecognizable. Sorry, I just don't know how these people made it through Grade school, middle school, high school, college, post graduate degree and end up as an EMPTY VESSEL!
Maybe the top management at Borders went to the same schools? Maybe I am the idiot out of touch. But history is history and somewhere upon the building blocks called a FOUNDATION, there are things missing. Important things that make an impression on you and always keep you keenly aware of just how lucky you are to be living in this time and age.
Is it easy? It never is and it never was and it never will be. So deal with it. Who are WE to complain when besides all these tech tools we have the tools we were born with that she did not and she is a winner for the ages! So what is the excuse of so many when at this MOMENT there is more opportunity than all of history combined? Sorry they don't believe it.
The enemy is within. So no matter who you are, the enemy is within. Very few outside forces can stop true determination. You either have the constitution of a steam roller and move forward or you wallow in all the bullshit that swirls in the heads of those that don't get it. Once you harness the force within, very few things can stop you.
Helen Keller had a reason to be a victim and wallow in self pity and the story started there. But at SIX she began to grow out of it. At SIX. Deaf, Dumb, Blind. What's OUR excuse??
Be sure to keep watching the videos. There is a video a commercial and another video and another commercial. The videos run a little over 1 minute each. Except when you get to Alexander Grahm Bell at 43 mnutes.
Did I mention she co-founded the ACLU?
Mark Twain, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Charlie Chaplin were among those on her Journey along with close to a dozen Presidents.
Graduated from Radcliffe with honors. Teacher, journalist, movie star, author and the list goes on and on.
And your excuse for whatever is what?
I think a day studying each Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Ben Franklin, The Wright Brothers will help you understand Jobs and Gates and maybe even YOU! Reach DEEP folks! We all have the ability to join this club. There are dozens if not hundreds more. Each story an inspiration. Take a week off. Go learn about the great men and women of history and ask how they could achieve so much with so little and today so many achieve so little with so much!! Ask that!
Then maybe you will understand why Monday is my favorite day of the week while the masses dread it.
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