The Back Story 1999 and 2010


Morning Folks!!

Let me tell you about these PRICKS and then YOU decide! Destiny has brought you here! As you will read, I did not look for this mess. I was just goofing off, minding my own business until I was contacted by these FOOLS that are STILL clueless as they tried to take what was not theirs via the courts and lost. TWICE!!

This site is to make sure there is never a THIRD time by shining light on this practice of what I call 'Reverse Domain Hijacking'. That's when a big company competes with a small guy and loses in the market place of ideas. Then uses financial intimidation by using the court system to try and take what is not theirs. Most small guys can not afford to defend themselves and so they cave. I have spent thousands to defend MY property. My domain name, This gives me a platform to alert others. Don't cave! Fight! And if you don't have the $$$ to fight.....fight with whatever you have! Shine a BRIGHT light on whoever and let public opinion weigh in.

Updated 8AM July 27th.....'What Moron is responsible for this mess?'

After not hearing from these GOOFS about one of my domain names ( for over a decade after they unsuccessfully tried to take it from me in 1999, I got an email on April 13th of this year stating (with the hyphen) would like to 'engage in a discussion' to acquire my domain name (without the hyphen). My guess is because they know that a domain with a 'hyphen' in it leaks a shit load of traffic to the domain without the 'hyphen' in it. Just like a .NET domain leaks a shit load of traffic to a .COM domain name. Sorry, but if you own a .NET domain name, you have an 'Orphan' extension because the default is .COM. a HUGE percentage of people make the mistake. So do you blame all the owners of the .COM counterpart?? That's just BAD marketing in my book no matter who does it!

So not exactly my problem until they tried to pee on the electric fence. ME! Their 'Tactics' you will read below are horrendous and you may ask yourself how STUPID can a company be?? This must have gone up to the highest levels of whatever company owns and or advertises the product and they decided to try and intimidate me LEGALLY TWICE since 1999. They lost LEGALLY TWICE and That got them THIS!!

THEY initiated contact with me with the following:

'We would like to entertain a discussion about what it would take for both companies to come to an agreement on the domain name moving to WM Barr as the registrant.'

I responded to the firm I figured was representing Lilly Industries (Tho I don't know who actually now owns the 'Goof Off' cleaner) about what happened in 1999 after originally registering the domain in May 1998 and stated 'For me to respond or even entertain a negotiation, I would have to have your assurance that this will not be used against me in any way, shape or form, EVER. I don't violate trademarks and not looking for a clever way to be entrapped.'

Their response after THEM contacting ME was an NAF case.

So that was a low blow W.M.Barr & Co. and I don't forget things like that. It just fuels me to fight hard and make W.M.Barr & Co. the poster company for Corporate Bullies and companies that engage in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.

The image below was created for ourpress release in 1999. Feel free to copy. While I can afford to defend my domain name many mom and pop outfits can not. They just lay down and give in and many times unnecessarily. Destroying their family business. It cost me several thousand dollars to defend this domain. Many small businesses and startups would not be able to fight back and would lose something they were actually entitled to. It's bullying in the worst form. INDEFENSIBLE in my book.

Howard and I are now about to go on the offense. Once again they can defend their interference and their cyber bullying in a more public forum and their own customers/stockholders can learn of their heavy handedness. And the tactics they use to “Negotiate”.

Bully Bully Bully Bully Bully

To Howard’s credit he never even brought this email up in the NAF case! I am sure he will use that email forcefully the next time we joust and show the world what predatory nonsense I believe that W.M. Barr is engaging in when they continue to interfere with my business. Once again trying to overstep their trademark protection on multiple fronts. They are not entitled to my domain just because they are a large company and want what I own! That is just HORSE SHIT! These MORONS have not not addressed the FACT that I registered two years before they obtained a registered trademark for the generic words GOOF OFF. Therefore, they could never prove the was registered and used in bad faith and I am getting dammed pissed off every time they make that assertion and paint me as the predator when in FACT, it is the other way around!

This increases the value of the domain as I invest more and more $$ not only protecting me and but displaying to the world the value and the peril of a domain name and corporate cyberbullies that try and take what others rightfully own. As you might imagine, I don't have a very high regard for these folks after this. I won't even talk to them directly in the future. They will have to go thru Howard and he won't even negotiate until I am reimbursed my costs. These folks can take a subliminal message from my last post. A 6 word beauty!

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

July 27, 2010

Welcome to all the folks that typed in Now that I have control of my domain again I want to make sure does not accidentally confuse anyone, contain any objectionable ads, whatsoever. I have decided to make this the new home of GoofOff to avoid any of this in the future.

Updates below as needed......

* is in no way related to the folks that own, sell, or advertise 'Goof Off Miracle remover'TM

(Removes everything but us) We are here to freely express opinions, have a good time and just GOOFOFF.COM! Now post or SCRAM!W. M. Barr.....Leave me alone, stop interfering with my business or I will be free to tell folks what I REALLY think of you!! There is NO FUCKING CONFUSION HERE! We sell NOTHING. Have owned this domain in excess of 12 YEARS and.......I'll save the rest if and when I EVER hear from your Motherf*ckers again. You can start with an apology!

In 1999 this made news worldwide. Here is the article from theLondon Register from back then where I was quoted as saying 'These 'corporate bullies' intimidate small firms and individuals into relinquishing domains through the threat of litigation despite the fact that they have no legal rights to the domain,' I said. 'The only 'confusion' is in their minds -- just another example of a large company that decided they can force a small business to succumb to their demands,'

'According to Websters [dictionary], a 'Goof off' is a noun that means a person that wastes time or avoids work; a shirker. As such '' is being used quite appropriately,'

That was then. Now I think they are nothing but TOE JAM. Want what I OWN that bad that you can't live without it?? It's called CAPITALISM you slimy BASTARDS. If I were you I would fire the MORON that did not have the foresight to register it when it was THERE FOR THE TAKING!! You lived without it for 11 more years and one day what happened?? Figured you would take another bite of the apple?? Think you could become a bully again and everyone would forget? Well I am the prick in charge of reminding them and everyone else. You can explain the rest to whoever.

Did it cost you business by not owning this domain over the past years? Probably. But I would never to be stupid enough to have a product without the matching domain name. The way I view things that comes FIRST. I have devoted my last 15 years of life explaining to businesses about the importance of a domain name and the sense of urgency that it is attached to. I am on record since the days that I was laughed at and thought a fool with more money than brains by investing in domain names and what I could build on them.But to continue to accuse me and that 'I' did something wrong by registering a common term and do it TWO YEARS before their trademark, well, that is BULLSHIT and now everyone knows it!!! Maybe the customers and shareholders will comment below that they agree with my opinion that management just FAILED to do their job and now it is spilling all over the place. Stop blaming me for shortsightedness I had no control over. I guess they were just GOOFING OFF when they should have been focused on marketing. Maybe they just should have left me alone after 11 years cuz they stepped on a hornets nest for wasting my time and money. The value for was pretty limited back in 1999 when few knew what a domain name meant and the worldwide marketing value was still in debate. Today there is an entire multi-billion dollar domain name industry that was not even born in 1999. Welcome to Manhattan!

I am going to be updating from time to time after that to let the world know about companies that do what this one is doing. I will be adding a chat board here and let freedom ring when this becomes a stand alone site next month with this content and live interaction. My INK. MY SITE, MY DECISION. For the record, the ONLY direct or indirect contact I have ever had with these folks have been initiated by them. I never even knew they existed before 1999 and thought nothing of them again until I received that BULLSHIT email in April.

In case you missed it or still are confused or just plain stupid........* is in no way related to the folks that own, sell, or advertise 'Goof Off Miracle remover' TM is owned by ME. Goof off the cleaner.......that is the only thing confusing to me. Who the hell actually owns that?? Lilly, Valspar or W.M. Barr?? Maybe they just wanted to keep one of the names out of this?? I sure as hell have no idea. I AM confused! Does Lilly Industries still own and operate and manufacture....the cleaner or does Valspar which was either a name change or acquisition back in 2000 or is it W.M. Barr??? Not that anyone cares, but I find it a bit confusingly interesting. How about you? Maybe after last time they did this and saw the publicity and stir it caused they wanted to keep the big guys name out of this?? I really don't know. Just curious what the real story is? Just questions. What do you think??? I think maybe the company just goofed and handled this horribly. 11 years and they still have not figured it out. Now that is SAD!If I were the CEO running their company I would be asking two or three questions....'What MORON is responsible for THIS MESS?? Which department allowed this to spin out of control??? And how the hell are we going to fix it now????!



Good Evening Folks!!

I have just been notified byHoward Neu that we have successfully defended the domain name GOOFOFF.COM for a second time. The first time back in 1999 with aFederal Court victory that included them paying my attorney fees. Today, Howard once again successful. This time at the NAF. Both are big victories and a BIG thanks to my partner Howard who has proven once again that the little guy can beat the big guy when they go toes to toe.

Rick Schwartz

Rick Talk About”Long Tail Domains” and other Category Domains

Morning Folks!!

Until this past few weeks I have never referred to domains
as or I have never talked about “Long tale domains” though I
have been branded by the clueless that I am against them. That is just not true. As I have said I have
never commented on them until this post today. Only because I have never segregated
domains in such a manner. But since so many do, I have no problem doing so. I
just have 2 basic categories. Ones that have value and ones that have no value. (P.S. :-))

Now back to what I believe. Dan Warner coined the phrase “Long tail Domains”. I have
nothing against these domains. Matter of fact, I was likely one of the first on
the planet to buy them. It may seem funny to you today, but back in 1997 was laughed at because it was “Too long”. I explained why they
were wrong and how it meant something and was easy to remember and that was why
it was a good domain but to no avail.,, I would imagine
would fit the definition of “Long Tale” even tho I have never referred to them
in that way. My longest domain is 7 words. I have several hundred 3 and 4 word domains. Many registered
back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. So not exactly anything new to me.

I am sure in the coming months and years there will be new
“Veins” that get described in as different type categ
ories and I will then be
part of another club that I never knew existed until there were enough miners
focusing on one type of domain name.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

PS: For the Morons, I also own (Only 6 words) Registered in 2001 waiting for this special day! Well worth the money and well worth the wait!

My 14th Annual July 4th Post.”The 5 Year Nap”

Morning Folks!!

In 1997 I started making my annual July 4th post
so why change now?

Many people
have asked me about the “5 year nap” that Franky talks about in a post that
just happens to have been 3 years ago today. July 4 2007 for an event that
happened in 2004 while I was on a cruise. I was with 2 of my very close friends and we were on the
island for a few hours. Franky picked us up during an absolute monsoon and we
had a long lunch. As you might
imagine Franky had many suitors for his portfolio. Until now, I have never
talked about the contents of that conversation but after reading his 2007 post
and referring back to 2004, I think I am in safe territory so many years later.

To make a long story short, the deal on the table would have
been much bigger than Yung Ye. It was a colossal deal. Franky asked my take on
it. I said take a 5 year nap and when you wake up you will be better off. Point
being, as I have experienced since, if it isn’t ALL cash up front, you can only
count the part of the deal that is. So my advice was, if you would be happy
with the amount of cash up front and the rest is gravy……grab it. On the other
hand, if it is not all cash, then you have to expect you will get nothing on
the other end and all the domains will be gone. The ONLY thing you can EXPECT to see are the dollars up

Well, it’s just over 5 years, there is only one person on
the planet that can say whether my advice was good or it was not. I have debated
posting this as my July
4th post, but then yesterday Franky made my
decision for me by his first blog post in years. That post answered many
questions. I for one am glad Franky did not sell. Hope he feels the same. Did my advice change the course of history? Probably will
never know.

Either way, Franky came to the game late, never whined about
it, just made things happen day in and day out. Quite
a difference from what we see today.

And when you are enjoying the day, take a moment to remember
those that are really working hard on our behalf and risking their lives. The folks that give us the freedom to do what we choose. I don't know why they do what they do, but thank God there are folks that do this for US.

Have a GREAT 4th
Rick Schwartz

Rick’s Definition of”Magic” and”Opportunity” and Absolute Proof Behind it

Morning Folks!!

Sometimes people make funof me when I talk about things like
“Window of opportunity” and “Magic”. Let’s face it, most folks don’t believe in
this. They are the masses. It is expected. I guess I never expected it out of
such a select group that has proven it can think out of the box.
But even domainers are divided in much
the same way. Only difference is the percentage among domainers is much, much,
much higher.

Many successful
domainers were successful before domains. They have done it before. They know
the path. They know the signs of success and also the warnings of failure and
how to either avoid or abandon or go all in and do it with eyes wide open and
deliberate. They know the difference between that and “Hope” without a plan or
a policy or even a direction.

When one dream comes true, you tend to pay more attention to
other dreams. When you have one success, the bi-product is the confidence you
get so you can create more successes.
The “Confidence” is the magic. You can’t see it. But does anyone reading
this doubt that happens knowing what you know now? That is the magic defined.
Here it is very visible to the naked eye. But there are other magic things that
happen that you can’t see, you can’t identify. But it is still there and
becomes part of you. That is what I am talking about for all these years but
never found the words to illustrate for all to see. At least the successful can
see and even the folks waiting for their first success can see the logic.

THAT is the thread that bonds like minded people together.
That is the essence and base of everything I do or think or say. Guess what? That alone pisses a lot of
folks off. How unfortunate.

When you make real decisions, tough decisions, good
decisions, you will anger some, disappoint some people and hurt some people. I
don’t like doing that. But I want to continue to challenge the status quo and
keep moving the ball forward for everyone including myself. If we fail to do that we would have done a great disservice
to everyone. You can’t take everyone’s advice or do what everyone wants. It is
a delicate balancing act and there will always be one party not as happy as
another and many times that frustration or anger or disappointment is taken out
on me. I can’t control that. What
I can do is articulate a thought and ask if you fit into that category to be
able to look at it thru my eyes. I
don’t like saying no to folks, but sometimes there is just no other choice.

So you can aim for mediocrity and definitely appeal to a
wider audience, but there is something special in bringing great minds and
hearts together in a calm atmosphere without the noise and weight of mediocrity
at every corner. My greatest sin would be to waste one minute of your time. If
you have been to a TRAFFIC and got nothing out of it then I apologize but am I
the only one responsible? Many others walk away with great things each and
every show. Like I have said since 2004, the only thing Howard and I can do is
create an atmosphere with certain
elements and chemistry to do great things. The history of domaining is intertwined with TRAFFIC on so
many levels over the years. Repeatedly I have said YOU are TRAFFIC. I still believe that
and maybe after all these years folks start to see the vivid difference in our
approach and why. It is never to exclude. But it is time for many to raise
their game (Me included) and reject mediocrity. It is not easy to fail in
domaining, but many do. Maybe even most nowadays. Does not have to be, but you
have chosen your path. If it is working, that is great and continued success.
If is isn’t, then turn frustration into action. I have always found it is just
as easy to follow and find success once you abandon failure. But you have to be strong enough to release failure so you can get your mind and arm around success.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

Rick to have his First Domain Auction?,…….

Morning Foks!!

Everyone knows I am a dotcom kinda guy. I focus on dot com
domains. As I was prospecting and speculating there were a number of domains
that were taken in dotcom so I would register a .net or a .org so I would have
something that was still of value and was generally one word, sometimes two.
But because the dotcom versions were all gone or I already owned it, I would
get the next best thing that was
still meaningful and could have an audience. When I did, they were generally
pretty damn good. For years I have
debated and argued my feeling about .net and .org. Some agree, many do not. But
hey that is why they have many flavors of ice cream. Different toppings on
pizza and all the rest.

So later this year I plan to sell or auction off some or all
of the following domain names. Most if not all have traffic and revenue. But
they are not my focus and it is time to parlay these, so I can reinvest in the
domains I need to fill in and strengthen what I have at greatly discounted
prices. I already bought more domains this year than the last 2 years combined.
I described why in a previous post. Even better values are coming. If you are
in a strong cash position, you are set to do very well.

So my business plan will never look like any other domainer.
It is unique to me and so is everyone reading this plan as theirs are unique to
them. Some folks have a hard time
facing and accepting that. We are dealing in unique assets, and while we have
similarities, we also have more unique plans than any other sector. So nobody
has to do it my way or your way or their way. We all have the freedom to choose
the way we like it and if some don’t like it, I guess they have to say so. I
just do the same thing I started doing in 1996. I share my path. What is
working for me. What I am finding out. Your path has to be different. Different
time, different ages, different goals, different agendas and unique assets. How
could they possibly be the same?

So when I go thru my portfolio, these are what I would call
my “Orphan domains.” Does not mean
they don’t have great value. Obviously they do as many folks focus on .net or
.org these days. But it is not my focus. I will let the market decide value. Let’s look at it as a car
collection. I may focus on Mint condition Corvettes, but along the way I bought
some Mustangs and Camaros and a
t-bird without the hardtop. All have great value. But I focus on Corvettes and
would rather unlock the value of those other brands so I can add some more vettes.
Pretty simple and straight forward. I don’t know what they will go for. The market decides and I have faith that they will sell for enough to cover at
least a few other purchases or trade for what will fortify my portfolio while
others are fortifying theirs.

I am announcing it now as I expect to gather several end
users by the fall. I have a mission. We have a mission. We all talk about end
users but we each have a responsibility to reach that end user. For my part, I
am going to focus on and to find end users. I see this as
fertile territory. Many Ladies organizations to target and same with brides and
bridal houses. This is the first time I am being proactive with a sale. Until
now I don’t usually reach out and try and sell domains, I simply respond to the
selected offers and emails I get. But again, it is all in the timing. I could
have done this a decade ago and walked away with $500. Like I tell most of the
folks that want my 3 digit domains, as soon as the market reaches $50k or more I will consider selling them. I could
have sold them for $500 a decade ago. $5000 3 years ago. $25,000-$50,000 today.
So if you want, no problemo, just come back when the market reaches my
number if I don’t adjust higher by then which is somewhat likely.

The following are all the .nets and .orgs I have accumulated
along the way and may part with before the end of the year.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

iPhone 4 Arrives at my Door Early…..Yesterday! The Best Ever!

Morning Folks!!

What a pleasant surprise when my newest iPhone arrived a day
early. The FedEx guy said his truck was loaded up with them. No surprise here.

In late June of 2007 my life changed. 3 years later my
lifestyle has been revolutionized.
June 2007 was the release of the original iPhone. I paid $100 for
somebody to stand in line for me that day. The greatest single device ever IMHO has been at my side ever
since. I have gotten each improved release and getting it early was a really
nice perk.

The iPhone led me to the store. The store was the most
electric place I have ever been to in a mall. It is that way every time I pass
and everyone I know says the same thing. That led me to the MacBook Pro which I
have nothing bad to say about. Which led me to all the other goodies they make.
Of course I can talk about the iPad all day. It will change how we work and
play and do things. Yeah I know, you don’t agree. But that is okay, you say the
same thing about the iPhone. 50 million units later and with more billions of apps
downloaded than McDonalds sells hamburgers. Plus I am not an anomaly. So many folks I know have taken the same path and become
Apple customers all because of the iPhone.

The point is that a company that was on the canvas is now on
top of the world and they did it by being the best in every thing they do. You
have to admire, respect and enjoy a company like that and Apple lost many
battles, but now it is clear to those that can see that they have the tools and
the products to win the war.

So just days after getting my new iPads, I get my new iPhone
which is a huge upgrade. HUGE! Another game changer. All others are playing catch up
to the last version and then Apple leaps another year or more in front of them.
It matters not that 50 other guys will have it someday. It matter that they are
ahead in the market. Maybe 50 or 100 million units ahead. It comes with a cost.
It hurts Verizon and Sprint and TMobile. Sure, everyone hates AT&T and they all say they will wait
until Verizon has it. Meanwhile you have lost 3, 4 or 5 years of added
productivity and something extra that I have no word for but maybe another iPhone
user can help put it in words. It is a lifestyle changer. Thanks Apple for
being such a great cutting edge company and improving how I live my day to day

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

Rick scores a pair of 6 figure sales with Back to Back Domain Deals

Morning Folks!!

Not often you get two separate 6 figure deals at the exact
same time. But on Monday afternoon that was
exactly what happened. The first one I can not release the details of as yet
only to say it was just under $200k.
The second one was that I hand registered early on for $100 and sold for $100,000. Both
deals were clean, hassle free and met my criteria. Both parties found me. It just keeps validating what I have said since the day I got on the net. 'Domains will go up faster in value than any other asset in the history of mankind.' Never believed, yet never challenged. Theory turns into fact and it gets validated with nearly every reported domain deal.

I hope to report on the details in the upcoming weeks and will be releasing some .other news in the coming days.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

TRAFFIC Announces First of Multiple Keynoters. Simon T. Bailey

Afternoon Folks!!

Are you a Domainer, a businessman, something more? Don’t sell yourself short. You are much
more than a domainer. At least you should be. Don’t box yourself in. You are a businessperson.
You are an investor. You are a speculator. You are a cutting edge, forward thinking, trailblazer.
You are in a sector that has treasure. But if there was a greater treasure,
then your “Vehicle' would likely change to whatever that might be that you
yourself deem worthy. So we are all much more than domainers.

Much of what I write about is not related to domains. It’s
about business, human nature, history, habits, shopping patterns, profiling consumers, shifts in
thinking, Predicting human nature before it happens.

No matter who we announce over the years as our speaker it
is met with a fair measure of skepticism to put it mildly. Even Steve Forbes! DUH! But each brought something that
enriched our lives. In 2008 TRAFFIC had the Orlando show inside Disney
World. Well the level of service
of that hotel and those Disney employees exceeded my expectaions by leaps and
bounds. We have kidded about the “Pixie Dust” that allowed them to be in such
sincerely good moods all the time. Willing and wanting to help all the time. A
level of service I have never seen before or after. How could a hotel geared
for kids be as good or better than a Ritz Carlton? How was this possible?

So I questioned this over and over for the 2 years that have
past. Then we met Simon. Simon is an alumni of Disney who after many years was
fired! Fired for thinking outside the box. Ooops. But that is just the
beginning of the story, not the end. Howard and I met and spent some time with

Simon Bailey last month. He enriched our lives with a few sentences. What is
that worth? The secrets locked inside this corporate legend are just that, secrets. Not often do you hear these stories nor the motivations behind them. How can you benefit your business with these secrets? Some so simple you might kick yourself.

Between us girls, having keynoters have never sold us any
extra tickets. It was just a way to have some credibility when we had none at
all. But it does add a dimension
and that is all part of what we do. I know you don’t know Simon and his name
means nothing to you. But that does not mean he can’t provide you with valuable
information and insight. He knows squat about domain names. But he understands
how to think bigger and expand your horizons and allow you to work more
effectively with a finer outlook. He’s just a cool guy worth meeting and
talking with. He will add dimension to your life whether it be in domains or anything you do from here on out. Folks think I use the word opportunity and priceless way too much. But that is our goal each and every time and we won't lower it now or ever. Lemonade stands or empires? Maybe it is time to think a little bigger?

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

50 Tickets SOLD! Discount Extented Until 5PM TODAY!!

Morning Folks!!

First, all the first 50 tickets are sold. These folks
receive the $100 room credit and a special gift from Rick and Howard valued at
$100. Effectively making admission $795. We have decided to extend it until 5PM
TODAY! After that, the next 50 will still receive the $100 Hotel Credit. When
those tickets are sold, then it just is a flat $995 until July 31.
So there are significant reasons to sign up right now without delay. Less than
half the cost of what it will be in just 90 days! $1000 less right now than it
will be then. Every tick of the clock just costs you more money. Just do it and
sign up right now. Your admission is fully refundable up until just 7 days
before the show. How do you lose by acting now. This sign up page will be removed at 5PM PDT TODAY and all future signups can be made here and still save $100.

Below is our schedule. Not only is this schedule subject to
change, it will change as we improve the agenda
to make sure it is packed with
useful things you can employ and use all year long. You will never go
hungry as we will have first class foods, drinks and snacks throughout
the day. All included with your admission. The way you expect us to do
it and just a tad better for good mesaure.

We are looking for sponsors
for pre show events for smaller groups of domainers. Wave running, Exotic Cars,
Beach Volleyball, Midnight Night Club Hopper or your special South Beach idea
or event. Contact Howard at for availability and

Later this week or next and before we all get distracted by
summer, I will tell you about our Keynote speaker. Somebody I would imagine you
never heard of before but what he has to share with you will enrich your life
and that of your families. You will work smarter and reap more rewards than you
might have otherwise. Simon will dazzle you and you will take away renewed! He
won’t sell us any extra tickets, and the critics will be using bull horns but
his words will be with you long after the show is over.

Sunday October 17th

Noon Registration Opens

2PM Early Bird Networking. Make the most of your time and
meet folks early

4PM TRAFFIC Orientation. First time to TRAFFIC? We have a
special little gathering just for you to begin to meet some new folks and make
your days at TRAFFIC as rewarding as possible. We are much more than a

6PM Sunday Night…..Opening cocktail party. The party that
launched an industry and opened the doors to many deals and long lasting friendships. Be the guest of Rick and
Howard as once again bring a life changing event to life.

Monday October 18th

9AM Registration Opens

9AM-10AM Speed Networking TRAFFIC Style. You spoke, we
listened. Meet folks early and make the most of TRAFFIC. Prefer to sleep? Come
on, only a couple days of work to make a lifetime of difference. Get with the

Monday, 10:00 am Brunch. The most lavish feast to celebrate
2 days ahead of hard work and opportunity. (No pigeons allowed)

10:45 Opening Remarks by Rick and Howard. After a year in
the background, Rick and Howard take the stage to tell you what they really
think and what has happened over the year and what will be happening in the
next year or two as they see it.

11:15 Keynote by Simon. When we had the Orlando show at
Disney we have been trying to find out where the hell they get the “Pixie
Dust”. Well Simon is a Disney Alumni who is going to share that with us. This
will be life changing for you. Mark my words. The domain business is not about
domains, it is about business. And business is about life. Listen to what Simon Says! I personally
guarantee you will walk away with a treasure that will last a lifetime.

12:15 – 12:30 Break

12:30 Presentation and discussion of an industry in
change. An all out informal and
frank discussion of what we have done right, what we have done wrong and where
to in the future as folks diversify into other avenues and parts of the
Internet. No panel, just an open forum where anything goes. We will review
sales for the year and see what trends are developing.

1:45-2:00 Coffee Break

2:00 Seminar. Where the hell are our developing partners?
Can you develop a website without developing a business? SEO or Spammers? Can
you tell the difference? Relevance, popularity or something else? Who can find,
get and keep the real traffic? Graphics, coding. Development of true businesses
with a cash register. How other successes will drive our sector. Mini sites or
mini goals? We don’t know all the answers, so let’s have at it. A live forum
where anything goes.

3:00 Is the Gold Rush beginning or ending? The impact of the
new gtld’s, IDN, and will .whatever be meaningful. When? How big an impact or none at all? Is the second coming
of .com hope, hype or the future? How much is result oriented and how much is
wishful thinking?

4:00 Greed, Corruption, wrong doing, what companies and
organizations have not been good industry stewards? At TRAFFIC we let it all
hang out and let the chips fall where they may. A no bars hold discussion on
Google, Yahoo, the registrars, PPC companies and all the rest. If the shoe


6:30-9:00PM Relax, enjoy the hotel and South Beach. The hotel is smack dab right in the middle of all the action.

9:00 The Famous
TRAFFIC Party at one of South Beach’s “Secret Spots” that just happens to be
WORLD famous! This IS South Beachat its' best. Sponsored by .CO

Tuesday October 19th

10:00 AM Awards Brunch and Elevator Pitches. For the 6th
year in a row TRAFFIC will present the most coveted awards in the Domain
Industry in which the best of the best are recognized for their successes and
contributions. Your votes have been counted and tabulated and these are your

The awards will follow the 2 minute Elevator pitch. Have a
new service or product? It is a long standing tradition at TRAFFIC to help
introduce attendees to the newest solutions available. We provide the time and
platform because their success is our success collectively.

11:30 Free networking Schmooze with the exhibitors

12:30 Seminar….Anatomy of a Type in. Who is the person
typing in your domain and why are they doing it? Are they frustrated with the
results being served at threw search engines? Which came first, the chicken or
the egg? Our panel will get into the mind of the surfer.

1:30PM Seminar
Prospecting for End Users. Flip or hold? Which is the best strategy? Is
there a price point where domainers should no longer be buying unless they have
a plan for a business? Is the end user easier to find than you think?

2:30 Meeting of
the Chiefs. This event is always interesting. Heads of the industry will
discuss where we are and what the next 12 months are likely to look like and
why. We will discuss .whatever and the chances any will be more successful than
.mobi. PPC, Development, scandals. The most action packed, tell like it is, no
holds barred panel in the entire industry.

4:00 Get Ready to Rumble! The famous TRAFFIC AUCTION
conducted by Rick Latona Auctions. Drinks, food, lots of action.

9:00PM Farewell Party at one of the hottest clubs on South

Wednesday October 20th

9AM-10AM Safe travels breakfast. Get a quick but delicious
breakfast before you hit the road or start your day. A last chance to say some
goodbyes and reflect how great the week was. Another TRAFFIC under the belt.
See ya next year!