Bringing Back the Oldies #1. The”C-Word” Exposed

Morning Folks!!

I went to feature a post from 2007 today that would have just been the first post that popped up. But when I went to feature it, the text turned into some hieroglyphics that were unreadable. Probably because typepad has been upgraded since 2007.

So I will have to link these articles.

Been called a cybersquatter lately? This post will enlighten the ignorant and give you enough ammo to send the loser away with their tail between their legs.


Rick Schwartz

Bringing Back the Oldies. Blog Posts of the Past that are Still Current

Morning Folks!!

I am going to try something for a while and see how well it is received. Each day I am going to be going through my archives and pick a favorite and what I would consider my more important posts of the 450 I have made over the last 4 years.

Most of the posts I choose will be geared at end users and newer but more sophisticated business people that are now coming into the world of domain names. They are coming from every walk of life and from every corner of the world. Some with deep pockets, some not. Everything in between. We have entered a new era and the origianl story needs to be told for those just coming into this movie we call domaining and we need to take stock of where we are and how far we have come for the old timers.

Each day an old blog post will be featured on top of my blog. It will be in the original form with the original comments. It won't be showing up on your RSS feeds or aggregators as they are not new. So check in each day and I think you will be happy you did. See your comments then, compare them to what you think today. Should be fun.

I got the idea last night when Franky commented on a post I made back in 2007. Not a comment left there for 3/12 years. Leave it to Franky to dig it up. Showing up on a deserted island like Robinson Crusoe. I left it for others to find and help them understand what I see and how I see it. Thanks for validating the timelessness of the thoughts. That will be my first post I will feature tomorrow.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

And The Survey Says….

Afternoon Folks!

Last month we sent out a survey to see what domainers thought about certain issues. When it comes to ICANN, 75% of respondents could care less. It is the thing you know will put everyone to sleep.

On whether you agree with the following statement. Nearly 90% of the survey agree:

'I think sponsors make a lot of money from domainers and need to be more supportive of the domain industry; especially Yahoo and Google.'

That 90% shows domainers can see some things through a common eye.

Most of the other questions were for our internal use so we know what you need, expect and want. Location and ease to get there are important.

When it comes to panels, it's a split. Some love them and come to the show for them and some don't attend any.

When it comes to networking, a substantial majority said we have a pretty good balance. But if we add even more networking folks will not object. More is better.

Lastly, our highest rating of 20 categories polled was on the following:

'Meeting the Folks you wanted to meet'

Your answers help us fine tune what we do as well as fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle. So thanks for all that participated!!

Rick Schwartz

Ostrich, Eagle or Spineless? A Loss of Trust and Confidence

Evening Folks!

There are a few hundred of us that will be making a living with domain names until the day we die. There are thousands just passing thru trying to make a quick buck at any expense. OUR expense! Most have no values, no morals and would not know right from wrong if it slapped them upside the head.

I have done as much bell ringing as I care to do at the moment. I think it is on domainers to DEMAND the information. I have taken arrows for even this. Time to step up if you want to know, DEMAND answers. Many I am sure already know. But I can testify as I write this that I have never told anyone more information than I have revealed here.

Can you cover your ass and protect your customer at the same time if those things are at odds?

If not, who is the default winner and the default loser????


It’s a crime to watch a company that Monte built with GREAT and LOYAL folks be held prisoner to some corporate nonsense. I have read it was a bad call, a mistake, bad judgement by this employee. Fine, I never asked the employee to be fired. I did ask him to come forward. His employer hides behind some mumbo jumbo and he just hides.

So each event by itself may not be huge. But when you add them all up, there is a pattern and the picture it paints offends me. It sickens me. It is a visceral affect. I can’t control an emotion that foundational.

Sorry. When I see something bad going on, I can’t just walk away and believe it did not happen. I am happy so many can. I just am not wired that way.

So those that choose can lower their standards as much as they want but don’t count me in. I won’t sellout to what clearly are the boundaries one does not cross. So if folks do it wrong when all eyes are on them, what do they do in the dark of night? When nobody is watching? When they think they can get away with it? Under the cover of THEIR privacy??

This is NOT the way to be doing business. It stinks more than I can really stomach. Silence is a vote for continuing business as usual and the only losers are domainers. (What else is new?)

I never thought I would move my domains from Moniker. During the Halvarez scandal I moved 250 as a protest. But now, now I have to seriously consider going thru the ordeal of moving nearly 5000 others. This time not in protest. This time because I don’t trust the mother ship to make the right decision when faced with hard choices because they can’t even make the easy calls.

So decide. Are you an Ostrich or an Eagle? Sorry, that’s how I see it when wrong doing is going on and you close your eyes because it is not you or it is a friend involved. Just don't expect much when it is you. I ask you as fellow domainers that will be doing this for the rest of their lives to stand up. Stand up because it is now my time to sit down.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

TRAFFIC Teams Up With Ritz Carlton. 2011 Show on Fort Lauderdale Beach

Morning Folks!
Happy New Year's to All on this first business day of 2011. What a year it is going to be!

If you liked South Beach, you are going to LOVE Fort Lauderdale Beach and the New Ritz Carlton Hotel right in the middle of all the action.

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is proud to announce that the 2011 show will be held at the gorgeous New Fort Lauderdale Beach Ritz Carlton Hotel From October 16th-19th.

One of the biggest hits at our South Beach show was the reservation by T.R.A.F.F.I.C. of all of the hotel’s cabanas. In 2011, T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has once again reserved all of the cabanas, but with one major difference. The cabanas at our new venue are the most luxurious, welcoming cabanas in South Florida. You will need to reserve yours early as all 10 Cabana’s overlook the Blue Atlantic for a very special networking experience.

The Stunning New Ritz Carlton in the back with Beach Place and dozens of shops in Front

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is the Domain Industry’s “Luxury Brand”. At T.R.A.F.F.I.C., you celebrate your past accomplishments while at the same time plant the seeds for future ones. Howard and I simply facilitate things by creating a conducive atmosphere and carve out time and space for you to accomplish those goals with like- minded business people. As the industry evolves, so will the influx of new investors and businesses. You can accelerate progress, but you can’t rush it. There is a huge difference.

Our guests deserve the best and we are here to make that happen. And like I always say, it isn’t whether you can afford T.R.A.F.F.I.C., it’s that you can’t afford to miss it. Missing T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has proved more costly than most could even imagine. Passing on a chance for progress is never the right decision. Coming to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. gives you the chance to grow your businesses exponentially. The deals that are done are stunning. It is woven into the fabric of the history of domaining. And as you know we work on polishing the schedule until stage time! We never stop. We want to give you so much value for your dollar that it is impossible to stay home and be a bystander.

Each of our past DIAMOND SPONSORS have seen their companies grow dramatically by being the lead at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. with all of the attention that they received They accelerate until they are flying high. All of our past sponsors have grown their respective companies substantially due to their exposure and participation at T.R.A.F.F.I.C.

Like us or not, Howard and I deliver over and over again or nobody would waste their time and money traveling from around the world to attend. They come because there is nowhere else they can go and accomplish so much so fast and have a great time doing it because they are with their friends and associates at the 'fraternity' we have established. A show by domainers for domainers.

This will be our 22nd show. We have come to the conclusion that we will never satisfy everybody, because when you try, you satisfy nobody. So we will continue to do it the way we think it should be done. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. means BUSINESS for a reason.

As you know we planned to do a show in the San Francisco area in conjunction with ICANN. We had a specific agenda, with a specific goal that could only work at the proper venue. After an exhaustive search and then sending out a poll a few weeks ago to see what most folks thought, it became clear that the interest was not really there to have a meaningful and impactful show and on the heals of the other shows, just did not make sense.

Instead we decided to focus all of our energy on the Florida show in October. The show that will be more inline of what the industry needs and is looking for.

Registration will be opening up in the days ahead and we make it affordable to those that act early. Business is about seizing opportunity and in this case you will save nearly 50% by making the decision to come and making that decision now.

Sponsor sheets will be available later this week and registration will open later this month.

You can expect significant savings off the Room Prices and also their Suites. We will be setting up the page with reservation info and special code in the next few days. You can expect savings of $30/night now and as much as $200/night at showtime. The rate will be $254 for an upgraded Ocean View Room. We'll send you the link and code as soon as it is available.

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Means Business!

Cabanaview Cabana View

Thanks for your time!

Rick and Howard

2011 and Everyone is In The Game. Real World, 3D World, Turning into a Virtual World

Morning Folks!!

This will be the first year that folks are online and engaged. 2010 we hit “Critical Mass”. It was a LONG time coming, but welcome to the Virtual world to come.

I know the big buzz is 3D. But let me tell you what I think. First, my generation has been waiting for 3D for 50 some years. Now that it is here, it may be just a fad passing through and this is why I think that.

First, the glasses suck. Second the glasses suck. It is harder to multitask if not impossible. Let’s just say there are a host of pitfalls and we’ll see if those pitfalls doom the product .

But that is not even what I am writing about today. See in my mind, “Virtual” would trump 3D. Yes they are a bit different. But I would say Virtual takes it a step further. Imagine seeing a movie from inside the scene or any where in it? Imagine going to any tourist place and having the total experience of being there. Or 50% of the experience. Exponentially what we have now. Google street is a first step.

Maybe we will all be buying little domes that could give you the illusion of actually being wherever. What I see over the past 15 years are the building blocks getting assembled. We have yet to integrate those building blocks. We are well on the way.

For people that can put a man on the moon, this leap is tiny in comparison and it already exists in different forms. Now that nearly everyone is spending time online each and every day, they will want more. They will want to turn their computers and lives into a true virtual reality capable of things we cannot even fathom at this point.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Registrar Privacy/Trust Issue…Who Has Access to That Info & What They Can Do With It??

Morning Folks!!

This is no way to end a year nor way to start a new one. But not my choice. It has been lingering for 2 weeks now and this is very difficult as I know everyone involved.

As I stated in the earlier post, this does not directly involve me but if Privacy and Trust is something important to you, than you might want to pay attention. These are the facts as I know them.

This is an unfortunate event that cannot be swept under the rug and ignored even though it should have been told 2 weeks ago when it happened by the company involved and not me. I agreed to hold this until December 31 which was against my better judgement and I am truly disappointed this is now in my lap.

If you don’t want to know the facts or want to shoot the messenger, just don’t read any further because there is nothing pleasurable ahead and no matter which side you may eventually come down on, you will have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.

I wish the folks at Moniker/Oversee were writing this and not me. I was under the impression they would and do it before today. I urged them in the strongest way I know. But they knew if they did not step up, others would and the story would be made public. This is the story they have failed to tell you and of course I only know some of the details. As a customer from the earliest days, I am not happy to see this.

This involves a domain under privacy, the customer that owned that domain, and the employee that works for the registrar that misused that info by contacting the employer of this customer. Got that?

Then we have an employee of Moniker who not only looked at protected info, but took it a step or two further as you will read below.

Now none of this would have come out had an email not been sent to the domainer's employer from this employee of Moniker about this person I know VERY well who owned a certain domain name under privacy. The motivation is the name of this Moniker Employee with “” on the end.

It gets more complicated because the email sent from the info the Moniker employee obtained was less than flattering towards this person. It brings up all types of issues, legal and otherwise whether we want to bring them up or not. You can stop reading whenever you like.

I know about it because this domainer called me very upset on Saturday December 18th wanting to know what I thought. I was pretty shocked to hear the details and could understand why he would be so upset. One question would lead to another and another. That was before I even knew who was involved. It was a jaw dropping conversation and in all the years I have known this domainer, I have never even seen him aggravated. 2 weeks later he is still angry.

On the 18th I got a copy of the email this domainer sent to Craig Snyder and Jeff Kupietsky. In part:

'A Moniker employee was in my account, saw a name that they had an issue with (which was on Moniker Privacy). The employee then decided to email a major player in the industry, who is a Moniker client, and who is also my current employer. The email the Moniker employee sent was malicious, attacking me and my character for owning this name.'

On Wednesday morning December 22nd I get a call from the domainers employer and he conferences me into a call with Craig Snyder of Moniker. The new GM now that Monte had left earlier in the month. That was the first time I became officially involved.

There is no need to go into details of that 45 minute call other than to say that both the employer and I were surprised and then some to learn the employee still had access to the company and information pending an investigation to find out the facts.

I told Craig that they had an obligation to understand the gravity of what I would term a “Breach” to their customers of which I am one. I was under the impression that he fully understood. But there were deals in the works and he did not want to upset them. I was pretty surprised to learn the employee still had access to Moniker. I told Craig that you would figure the minimum would be to not have that employee have access pending a further investigation of the facts. Facts that were not even in dispute.

To make a long story short, we agreed not to tell the story until the 31st and that they really need to get out in front of it because it should have been made public that day. But it was Christmas week etc. etc. etc. Deals pending. They needed some time. But if there was no statement from them by then we would be compelled to state the facts as we have them and I have not heard them disputed whatsoever. I told Craig it would look much better coming from them and not us. Day after day passed. Not a word.

So this domainer will provide me a time line of the facts that I will be posting. I am sorry to be involved in this, but it is like a hot potato that nobody wants to touch and sweeping it under the rug is not an option. I would have much rather Moniker put out the statement. Their breach, their responsibility. I don’t know what is so difficult about just doing the right thing and doing it timely instead of this? How many meetings do you need and how many days just to do the right thing? Whatever right turns out to be. So here we are. Not even so much as a statement. The burden on others to either make it public or join them in sweeping it under the rug.

This is not good from the look of things and you’ll have to come to your own conclusions. Who has access to what and how can they use and abuse the information?? This question needs to be asked no matter who you are doing business with. In this case they made the fatal mistake of involving several other parties. Then letting it fester for 2 weeks and forcing an uninvolved 3rd party to make it public. More will surely come now that it is in the light of day. So if you don't want to know, then just forget you read this and anything else that may come out.

It is not my job to put out any names. These are the FACTS as I know them. I still would urge Moniker/Oversee to make this 100% transparent because it will come out with them or without them in time.


Rick Schwartz

Here is an email update I just received and verification just received 25 minutes AFTER this post:


Fri, Dec 31, 2010 11:25 am

'Moniker has learned that one of its employees violated company policy by gaining unauthorized access to customer data for a single domain name registration. The employee has been placed on administrative leave while the company further reviews the matter.

Only one employee and one customer registration were involved. However, unauthorized data access of any kind, no matter how large or small, is an issue taken very seriously by Moniker and by its parent company,, and is being addressed directly.'


Mason Cole
Mason Cole

VP Communications & Industry Relations


BREAKING!!! Another Day, Another Domain Industry Scandal

Evening Folks!!

In the hours/days ahead the Domain Industry will be rocked by yet another MAJOR scandal by a MAJOR industry company. It’s not my place to state what it is tonight. It will come out soon enough. I am not involved directly. We may all be involved indirectly and the ramifications are serious.

I have been reluctantly sitting on this story for more than 10 days now and what happened should NOT be coming from me and hope it does not. Either way the facts will be coming out tomorrow.

Business as usual will not survive 2011. Things will and must change.
Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz
----- to Sell for $300 Million!!!? YES! But When?

Morning Folks!!

After selling just 18 months ago for $3 Million and other considerations, I got my first Royalty Check a few weeks ago. As Jackie Gleason used to say…..”How Sweet it is!”

But that is not the story today. Today I am just making sure that I am first to post the headline about the sale of that will eventually happen and it will be for hundreds of millions of dollars. I believe $300 Million will be the eventual sales price as has been transformed from a parked page to a world class business doing millions of dollars in online transactions and poised to do tens of millions and beyond as they continue to do a great job of marketing and growing their company in a 21st century way using 20th century basics. The only question I see is WHEN will it cross the $300 Million threshold?

Before you think my price is out of line, let me take a moment to say that by all standard accounting numbers, the value has already gone from $3M to in excess of $50M in the first 18 months. When you factor in growth over the next decade, will be $500 Million and more. That is why I believe that it will sell for $300M and it may be sooner than even I think. 2011? Doubtful. 2012? It will be at the 9 figure mark. 2013? They'll be taking a good sniff. 2014? BINGO!! The only snag in that is in 2014 when it will be mathematically be worth $300 million, they would be crazy to sell it at that point because the trajectory would be much greater than anything one can even fathom right now.

Now I am not without motive. If and when sells again, I get a “Kings Ransom”. So why not try and get the ball rolling? If asked I would tell Greg and Joe that $300 Million would be the price to take if you were going to sell today. But sales are a moving target. Every day of growth by, every day of dominance, every day of getting new customers, is a day that the value and importance just increases. They also become harder and harder to compete with. But sshhhhhh…..don’t tell their competition that they are about to eat their lunch. Let’s just keep it between us girls. The accountants will tell them soon enough.

Why? Because it is, the domain, is only a little of the story. When I look back at the deal we made, I saw the perfect image of what I was looking for all these years. Knowledge, passion, smarts, energy. All that back up by a company in business for many decades. And it is exactly that when MATCHED with a great domain name that truly makes the difference. It has to be next to perfect. Al things aligned for it to work. This one in in align and it is just so much fun to watch and be part of. with a Thanksgiving Day Float? with new divisions? with retail outlets? Passion does BIG things.

So if the domain sells in 2014 for example, $300 Million would be the number. As time goes on that price will approach $500 Million. Growth, dominance and a category leader domain before you even peel back the business plan. will show the world what is possible selling PENNY candies and doing it worldwide and in bulk. Wholesale, retail, gifting, this will do nothing but expand and when it does it will demonstrate the true power of a domain name when married to a great business run by energetic and determined individuals. Nothing will be able to illustrate nor magnify what I have been saying all these years better than following this sale. To me the ONLY variable is WHEN it happens. Generally it happens when you become a thorn in the side of a giant or you see a company in an allied field that would like to expand and want to do it before it becomes out of reach. Out of reach varies with different people. That's why sales like this will happen sooner rather than later.

Now I have not run this by the guys at and I hope they don’t fall off their seat when they read this, but fellas, $300 million should at least get you to the table.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. to Announce 2011 Florida Show and Cabana Party

Morning Folks!!

The Cabana Party Will Start on Friday October 14th

It will continue ALL –DAY Saturday October 15th and on until 6PM Sunday the 16th when TRAFFIC 2011 holds it’s legendary opening night party.

We have been hard at work since October. We have negotiated contracts for 2011, 2012 and 2013 and are excited about what is in store for you.

What I can announce today is that the 2011 show will NOT be at the Loew’s. We have upgraded! Reserved the entire hotel including all cabanas and will be releasing the details on New Year’s Eve!!

Sponsor Kits will be available next Monday January 3rd. Registration will be opening in mid-late January with our Early Bird Discounts.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz
