Bringing Back the Oldies…Last in The Series

Morning Folks!!

1 man could not run a ship. Same is true with our assets. Many of us are one man shows but you will need a full crew to get that ship moving. With that in mind and being this is the last in this series, let me share my favorite story. The way I see things....or did. Especially 15 years ago with such limited tools to work with.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


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My Top 20 Questions When Buying a Domain Name

Morning Folks!!

I'll get right to this post from 2009. I just doddled and wrote down 20 items I consider when buying a domain name. There are others as well depending on the domain and the category etc.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Branding or Sales or Branding?

Morning Folks!!

Those that have followed me know I have an issue with 'Branding' and the best way to do it and how sales is the ultimate branding. In this post from 2008 I delve into that issue and more.

Now there is also something embarrassing there as well and I thought twice before I linked to this post. But you don't win every game and the losses are important as well. But regardless of the loss, the story does not change. The reason he wanted to buy did not change.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Inside The Sale. Why This was a Landmark Sale

Morning Folks!!

The sale is the sale that keeps giving and giving. One of my favorite storie and perhaps the most high profile sale I ever made in my life. It is my mindset that allowed me to make this deal and I still believe it was worth much more than was paid and I will explain the flawed thinking process that would have resulted in this deal being nothing noteworthy.

3 years later this domain still pays dividends and is one of my favorite stories.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

It’s All in The Mind. Failure Happens before you Even Start and HERE is the PROOF!

Morning Folks!!

I hope you are enjoying some of these posts. We are still in 2007 but this one actually happened in 2000. So you will see a post I made in 2000 combined with one I made in 2007 and have not varied here in 2011. The domainer I am talking to 3 YEARS before Frank Schilling ever registered his first domain name PROVES that the title of this post is accurate.

If you think you can you are right and if you think you can't you are right.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Good Morning Corporate America! 10 Years LATE, but Welcome to Your Future

Morning Folks!!

2011 is the year that Corporate America comes to the point of finding out what we already know. It took them an extra decade to see it, but they are here and are coming in droves.

This post is from November 2007. It would have been a lot cheaper to have listened to those words then than it is now. But do be it. Better late than never.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Most Important Paragraph I Ever Wrote and Still the Basis of My Being

Morning Folks!!

When I dug up these words I wanted to memorialize them forever. It was my earliest writings online. It was my innermost feelings about this new medium and what it meant. It was historic. Of all the things I have ever written online, this is the paragraph I am most proud of and the true basis of my being.

'In cyberspace nobody knows if you are black or if you are white, if you are rich or poor, tall or short, fat or skinny, clean or dirty, handicapped or healthy, Christian or Jew etc., ....They know only two things....the content of what you have to say and a way to communicate effectively to people from all walks of life and from around the globe. Plus the value you put on your own character. Consisting of your credibility, your honesty, your integrity, and your devotion to do things the right way without taking advantage of others. This will be either your greatest asset or a liability that will inevitably be your downfall. You don't judge a book by its cover, In cyberspace you are judged by your content. Of course a nice cover such as a great domain name couldn't hurt.'

This is the way I am wired. That is how I view the universe. I deal with Facts and Reality and want to know and learn more.Those that have convenient memories, have to bend the facts to match their agenda will always be met with strong resistance from people like me.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Apple App Store……Just another Instant Multi-Billion Dollar Business

Morning Folks!!

The Apple App Store for Mac opened the other day. What can I say. I love it! Pissed away $300 in a flash. But a small price to pay for more productivity. Now even more 'Glue' between your computer and your iPhone and iPad. I see a widening net Apple is using to cover the globe and the marketplace and their share of it. You can only be impressed by what Apple has done over the past few years. Providing tools that make life more fluid and easier to work with.


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Not to get off track, but Preferences?
Just one mans view. But leave it to Apple to bring progress to us faster than anyone else. I'd love to see an Apple and Facebook alliance. I think that could happen some day.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The 5 Year Nap. 2007-2012. Gut Instinct. Let’s Look Back to See Forward

Morning Folks!!

In 2007 I wrote about the smartest thing we could do was to 'Take a 5 Year Nap'. See I believed that the period we were going through was not going to be the biggest 5 years. However when we emerged from that period, domain names would finally be recognized for the asset they truly are. I have no reason to believe my timetable is wrong. The worst is likely behind us and the future starts with a domain name whether anyone likes it or not.

Baby born today. Got to get their domain name or they may automatically be at a disadvantage. You may even pick the babies name depending on the availability of that domain name. My how times have changed. And while we have been at it for many years, the MASSES are just coming. Business is just coming. Ideas are just coming.

So my post from the summer of 2007 is going to fully ripen in just another 12-18 months.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Post that Draws the Line When it Comes to Domain Names

Morning Folks!!

First of all if you want the most you can get out of my book....ooops, I mean blog, you should start with the first few posts as I form a foundation for what is to come and what has already occurred. But today I will be bypassing those valuable posts to get to one even more valuable.

My 'Line in the Sand' post is much more than a post or a chapter of a book. It allows you to see why I piss so many people off. See I don't have time to waste in a life where time is our ONLY natural resource. So when somebody proves to be wasting my time, what would you expect me to do? In most cases, time wasters get blown away. That pisses people off. OK, fair trade. They get to be pissed and I don't piss my time away.

So this post draws a line in the sand. Those that don't see what I see are just going to waste my time like a moron did last night. Now the moron can get real. If he does, I may point him to this post. He can either laugh, dismiss or understand. If he dismisses, I can close the door on that conversation because it will continue to be a waste of time. Some folks would take months or even longer to find out what I did in hours.

In 1985 I had a booth at CES in the rotunda right next to Panasonic. Those 4 days changed my life. I would have 150 people listening to my pitch. I was dead broke and needed the sales and I could not waste time with those that were not going to buy. I would then yell out. 'Orders on the right, non-orders on the left. CASH customers up front. They would all laugh and I would find the five guys in the crowd looking to place an order RIGHT NOW. Now the audience has swelled from 150 to 6 Billion. An even greater sense of urgency. Need a new line. Let's see...

Bullshitters on the left, morons on the right, accomplished folks online upfront. Oh well, it's a start. I'll need to refine it. But you get the idea.

This may have been posted in 2007, but it is something I actually posted and been saying since 1997-1999 and time has only made the words more vivid and true. Theory has turned into fact over that time.


Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz