Queen.com Hijacking by Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen, Denmark, Foiled by WIPO

Evening Folks!!

The SECOND to last thing I want to do is blog again. But the LAST thing I want to do is allow a THIEF like Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen from Denmark and his attorney  Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark to get away without paying a substantial and LONG LASTING price!!

So I am minding my own business and read that my domain, Queen.com that I bought in 1997 and was first registered in 1995 was the subject of a WIPO action claiming Trademark Infringement! I laughed cuz whoever the FOOL and the INEPT attorney representing the fool was to go after a name that I owned for just short of 20 years was going to have their lives altered in a way they could never even imagine. Like a mugshot permanently hung up for the entire world to see. Blogs, news, social media. All out of their control but allowed others control of THEIR reputations. A costly mistake by THIEVES to try and steal a multi-million dollar asset. Cute! Caught! Game over for YOU, just starting for ME.

For the record, I am a TERRIBLE steward of reputations for THIEVES and would-be hijackers. No reputation repair company can EVER help them. They EARNED the name "Reverse Domain Name Hijackers" by an esteemed International panel of 3 and they will bear that moniker for eternity. My problem is now THEIR problem.

Here are the employees of Knud Jepsen from Denmark and doing business at Queen.dk. Led by Frands Jepsen (below) ceo/owner and I assume other employees that are responsible. Now CONVICTED of "REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING" (RDNH). Represented by Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark who should have known better! SHAME ON YOU and your LAW FIRM! "Accomplices" in a hijacking. Like driving the getaway car!

Since there is no prison time nor is there even a monetary penalty for their attempted theft, it is up to domain and business owners like myself to tell EVERYONE.

Cattle Rustlers used to be HUNG! The only tool we have is public shaming and humiliation. The Internet is written in INK. Their names will be forever associated with their Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. Even though it was not successful, it cost me $5000 to defend my own property and time and all the other crap! Well, I am here for my POUND OF FLESH Frands Jepsen and Company. You had your turn, now it is my turn!

$2 Million was the price I quoted your representative Karen Mogelvang from your Marketing & Branding Department in 2015. Matter of fact, I never even answered her first email. I blew her off. She had to email me again before I responded. Glad I did, helped me win the case! In the decision it states:

  1. The Complaint (That's you Frands) lacks candour (That means: the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness is MISSING) in that it makes no mention of the Complainant's unsuccessful approach to buy the Disputed Domain Name from the Respondent.

I sent an email (see in italics below) and tried to warn Frands Jepsen of the consequences he and his company AND his lawfirm, Patrade A/S, Denmark would face after their conviction. Now Frands you pay the price for trying to STEAL a domain you did not want to pay $2 Million for. The 3 member panel that UNANIMOUSLY convicted you called it a classic "Plan B".

"In the Panel's view, this is a classic "Plan B" case where a party, having been frustrated in its negotiations to buy a domain name, resorts to the ultimate option of a highly contrived and artificial claim not supported by any evidence or the plain wording of the UDRP. This stratagem has been described in many UDRP cases as "a highly improper purpose" and it has often contributed to findings of RDNH"

In lay language. You are CHEAP BASTARDS that abused the administrative proceeding of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). You tried to use them to STEAL from ME! And for that, you get what Frands Jepsen, employees and their lawyers deserve. To be exposed throughout the world. My job will be done when your NEIGHBORS know you are a THIEF!

Did I get an apology? NO! Did they send me $5000 to reimburse me? NO! Scoundrels and THIEVES seldom do. But I am entitled to bring a Federal action with a minimum $100,000 award PLUS attorney fees etc etc.

Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen, Owner and CEO tried to steal my business. I am going to teach Frands Jepsen and all connected an Internet lesson they will never forget. There are now multiple articles about this attempted hijacking of Queen.com. Twitter discussions. Linkedin discussions. Blog posts. My job is CIRCULATION Frands! I want the world to know you tried to HIJACK the QUEEN!

Hope you comment. But I am sure you are a COWARD as well as a THIEF! Oh well, there is a dictionary of adjectives I will use to describe you in the coming years.

So with that in mind, you have been inducted into HallofShame.com where I list Reverse Domain Hijackers like Frands Jepsen. You may want to read my article on Procter and Gamble who did a similar thing for a $30,000 domain. Now that is a STAIN that even Clorox can't get out. Was it a coincidence that the CEO and his team were fired 90 days after the Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision and MY articles? The biggest company shakeup in 100 YEARS!!??? I DON'T BELIEVE SO!!

Let me share my UNANSWERED email to Frands with my readers. I am a man of my word:

Hello Frands,

I am going to file suit against YOU and YOUR COMPANY for interfering with my business.
YOU will be labeled a "reverse domain name hijacker" (GO LOOK IT UP) and the world will see it. Your lawyers and employees too. 

Check out what I did to the last MORON that tried to STEAL from me. http://www.saveme.com 
And I have reserved a spot for YOU, YOUR EMPLOYEES and your Attorney on http://www.HallofShame.com where it will be for eternity!

Campbells tried to get LadyGodiva.com from me. THEY LOST!
Lilly Company tried to get Goofoff.com from me. THEY LOST!

And you, YOU will be the BIGGEST LOSER EVER because we are talking about a multi-million dollar domain.I don't like THIEVES and sir, that is what YOU are!

I will exercise my right of FREE SPEECH on Twitter so folks FAR and WIDE know. Your NEIGHBORS and FAMILY will know. And after I win and you are slapped with a "Reverse Domain Name Hijacker" moniker, I will present in Federal Court for substantial DAMAGES. I am going to make you infamous to all in DENMARK and beyond. Present this as evidence I don't give a crap. I HATE THIEVES!

Good thing YOU will be CAUGHT and in front of the entire world! The Internet is written in INK and this attempted theft will follow you, your company and your family to the day you die. 

Can't wait for your WIPO complaint so I and my attorney can make you look like FOOLS and THIEVES! And when it is over, the answer is NO. No, I will NOT remove any reference to what you and your company did and I will make you and your company the NEWEST POSTER BOY for DOMAIN HIJACKING! I will call YOU a HIJACKER for many YEARS! Ask around Frands, Do some research. YOU picked the wrong guy to steal from! Please don't blame me for what is to come. YOUand your ATTORNEY brought this on yourself.

btw, check out the Clorox stories of Procter and Gamble I wrote about: http://www.ricksblog.com/?s=procter#.WOTKYlLMxZ0n
  They will NEVER remove that stain. CEO got fired for it!


So, a PROMISE KEPT! I tried to warn him. Fell on deaf ears. Just crickets! Ignoring concerns on the Internet is a recipe for disaster no matter who tries it. Every single time and folks NEVER learn. They watch others go down in FLAMES and just follow the same idiotic path.

And this exercise is for the next FOOL, that tries to steal from ME or possibly anyone else!

Frand Jepsen and his company Knud Jepsen are hereby awarded the distinction of HallofShame.com Poster boy for 2017. In the coming days YOU will have YOUR FACE and your attorney plastered on HallofShame.com HOME PAGE as well as Queen.com. Frands, you will be the STAR of Queen.com. Or shall I say the QUEEN of Queen.com? But only until circulation hits critical mass. Then back to where it was pointed before! So don't think you are any better off then you were. Eventually you will figure it out and know how badly you screwed up. The screwup of a lifetime! Only about 35 companies/people a YEAR are CONVICTED of Reverse Domain Name hijacking out of some 300 MILLION domain names WORLDWIDE. That puts you in a very exclusive group of ASSHOLES, FOOLS, MORONS and IDIOTS! I am sure my readers could spend DAYS pinning adjectives on you and your attempted hijacking. Remember to update your résumé with your new title Frands.

At least we finally found out WHO is "Rotten in Denmark", Frands Jepsen and his company Knud Jepsen and attorney Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark. Did you guys learn anything or are you just jumping up and down angry?

And should ANY of you threaten me for circulating FACTS, then I will go into HIGH GEAR! Believe me, I am still on "Cruise Control" guys.

Poke a SLEEPING Lion once and he may keep sleeping. Do it twice he will DEVOUR ALL of you in whole!! BURP!

Here is their Facebook page in case you would like to wish them luck. I used google translator to post in Danish: https://www.facebook.com/pg/QueenFlowersdk/posts/

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

PS: A big THANK YOU to Zak Muscovitch for presenting a MASTERFUL case. I may even release our entire argument. Text Book PERFECT!

PS2: If your comment is "Long" the "Post button" may disappear on some browsers. We are addressing the issue but may be a few days. Please try and separate into smaller posts until then. Thanks!

Danish Translation

Aften folkens !!

Den anden til sidste ting, jeg vil gøre, er blog igen. Men det sidste, jeg vil gøre, er at tillade en TJOR som Frands Jepsen fra Knud Jepsen fra Danmark og hans advokat Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark at komme væk uden at betale en betydelig og langvarig pris !!

Så jeg tænker på min egen virksomhed og læser, at mit domæne, Queen.com, som jeg købte i 1997 og blev registreret første gang i 1995, var genstand for en WIPO-aktion, der påberåber varemærkes overtrædelse! Jeg lo cuz hvem den FOOL og den INEPT advokat, der repræsenterer idioten, skulle gå efter et navn, jeg ejede i bare kort 20 år, ville få deres liv ændret på en måde, de aldrig kunne forestille sig. Ligesom en mughot hang permanent for hele verden at se. Blogs, nyheder, sociale medier. Alt er uden for deres kontrol, men tillod andre kontrol over deres omdømme. En kostbar fejl ved THIEVES at forsøge at stjæle et multi-million dollar aktiv. Cute! Fanget! Spil over til dig, lige begyndt for mig.

Til posten er jeg en FORFÆRDELIG steward af omdømme for THIEVES og ville være kapere. Intet omdømme reparationsfirma kan nogensinde hjælpe dem. De har EARNED navnet "Reverse Domain Name Hijackers" af et anerkendt internationalt panel på 3 og de vil bære den moniker for evigheden. Mit problem er nu deres problem.

Her er medarbejderne hos Knud Jepsen fra Danmark og forretninger på Queen.dk. Ledet af Frands Jepsen (under) ceo / ejer og jeg påtager sig andre medarbejdere, der er ansvarlige. Nu BEKRÆFTET af "REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING" (RDNH). Repræsenteret af Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark, som burde have kendt bedre! SKAM PÅ DIG OG DERES LOVFIRM! "Akkompagnementer" i en kapring. Kan lide at køre flugtbilen!

Da der ikke er nogen fængselstid, og heller ikke er der en monetær straf for deres tyveri, er det op til domæne- og virksomhedsejere som mig selv at fortælle alle.

Kvæg Rustlers plejede at være HUNG! Det eneste værktøj, vi har, er offentlig shaming og ydmygelse. Internettet er skrevet i INK. Deres navne vil altid være forbundet med deres Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. Selvom det ikke lykkedes, kostede det mig $ 5000 for at forsvare min egen ejendom og tid og alle de andre crap! Nå, jeg er her for min PUND OF FLESH Frands Jepsen og Company. Du havde din tur, nu er det min tur!

$ 2 millioner var prisen jeg citerede din repræsentant Karen Mogelvang fra din Marketing & Branding afdeling i 2015. Faktisk svarede jeg aldrig selv sin første email. Jeg sprængte hende ud. Hun måtte e-maile mig igen, før jeg svarede. Glad jeg gjorde, hjalp mig med at vinde sagen! I beslutningen hedder det:

Klagen (det er du Frands) mangler godhed (Det betyder: kvaliteten af ​​at være åben og ærlig i udtryk; åbenhed er MISSING), fordi det ikke nævner Klagerens mislykkede tilgang til at købe det omtvistede domænenavn fra respondenten.
Jeg sendte en email (se kursiv nedenfor) og forsøgte at advare Frands Jepsen om de konsekvenser, som han og hans firma OG hans advokatfirma Patrade A / S, Danmark ville møde efter deres overbevisning. Nu, Frands betaler du prisen for at forsøge at STEAL et domæne, du ikke ønskede at betale $ 2 millioner til. Det 3-medlemspanel, som UNANIMOUSUS dømte dig, kaldte det en klassisk "Plan B".

"I panelets opfattelse er dette en klassisk" Plan B "-sag, hvor en fest, der har været frustreret i sine forhandlinger om at købe et domænenavn, er den ultimative mulighed for en stærkt konstrueret og kunstig påstand, der ikke understøttes af noget bevis eller Klart formulering af UDRP. Denne strategi er blevet beskrevet i mange UDRP-tilfælde som "et meget ukorrekt formål", og det har ofte bidraget til resultaterne af RDNH "

På sproget. Du er CHEAP BASTARDS, der misbrugte den administrative procedure fra World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Du forsøgte at bruge dem til at stjæle fra mig! Og for det får du, hvad Frands Jepsen, medarbejdere og deres advokater fortjener. At blive udsat i hele verden. Mit arbejde vil blive gjort, når dine naboer ved, at du er en tøf!

Fik jeg undskyldning? INGEN! Har de sendt mig $ 5000 for at refundere mig? INGEN! Scoundrels og THIEVES gør sjældent. Men jeg har ret til at bringe en føderal handling med mindst $ 100.000 tildeling PLUS advokatgebyr mv mv.

Frands Jepsen fra Knud Jepsen, ejer og CEO forsøgte at stjæle min virksomhed. Jeg skal lære Frands Jepsen, og alle har tilsluttet en internet-lektion, de aldrig vil glemme. Der er nu flere artikler om dette forsøg på kapring af Queen.com. Twitter diskussioner. Linkedin diskussioner. Blogindlæg. Mit job er CIRCULATION Frands! Jeg vil have verden til at vide, at du forsøgte at HIJACK DROTTEN!

Håber du kommenterer. Men jeg er sikker på at du er en COWARD såvel som en TYPE! Åh ja, der er en ordbog med adjektiver, jeg vil bruge til at beskrive dig i de kommende år.

Så med det i tankerne er du blevet introduceret i HallofShame.com, hvor jeg nævner Reverse Domain Hijackers som Frands Jepsen. Du vil muligvis gerne læse min artikel om Procter og Gamble, som gjorde en lignende ting for et $ 30.000 domæne. Nu er det en STAIN, at selv Clorox ikke kan komme ud. Var det tilfældigt, at administrerende direktør og hans team blev fyret 90 dage efter domænenavnets kapacitetsbeslutning og mine artikler? Det største selskab shakeup i 100 år !! ??? Jeg tror ikke så !!

Lad mig dele min UNANSWERED email til Frands med mine læsere. Jeg er en mand af mit ord:

Hej frands

Jeg skal klage over dig og din virksomhed for at forstyrre min virksomhed.
Du vil blive mærket med et "reverse domain name hijacker" (se det op), og verden vil se det. Dine advokater og medarbejdere også.

Se, hvad jeg gjorde til den sidste Moron, der forsøgte at stjæle fra mig. http://www.saveme.com
Og jeg har forbeholdt dig, dine medarbejdere og din advokat på http://www.HallofShame.com hvor det vil være for evigheden!

Campbells forsøgte at få LadyGodiva.com fra mig. DE TABTE!
Lilly Company forsøgte at få Goofoff.com fra mig. DE TABTE!

Og du vil du være den største LOSER, EVER, fordi vi taler om et multi-million dollar domæne. Jeg kan ikke lide THIEVES og herr, det er det du er!

Jeg vil udøve min ret til GRATIS TALE på Twitter, så folk, FAR og WIDE, ved. Dine naboer og familie vil vide. Og efter at jeg har vundet og du er slået sammen med en "Reverse Domain Name Hijacker" -moniker, vil jeg præsentere i Federal Court for betydelige skader. Jeg vil gøre dig berygtet over for alle i DANMARK og ud over. Præsentér dette som bevis, jeg giver ikke noget skit. Jeg hader dem!

Godt, du bliver CAUGHT og foran hele verden! Internettet er skrevet i INK, og dette forsøg på tyveri følger dig, din virksomhed og din familie til den dag du dør.


Kan ikke vente på din WIPO-klage, så jeg og min advokat kan få dig til at ligne FOOLS og THIEVES! Og når det er overstået, er svaret nej. Nej, jeg vil IKKE fjerne nogen henvisning til hvad du og din virksomhed gjorde, og jeg vil gøre dig og din virksomhed til den nyeste POSTER BOY for DOMAIN HIJACKING! Jeg vil kalde dig en HIJACKER i mange år! Spørg omkring Frands, lav lidt forskning. Du har valgt den forkerte fyr til at stjæle fra! Vær venlig at bebrejde mig for, hvad der skal komme. Du og din advokat bragte dette på dig selv.

Btw, tjek Clorox historierne om Procter og Gamble jeg skrev om: http://www.ricksblog.com/?s=procter#.WOTKYlLMxZ0n De vil ALDRIG fjerne den plet. CEO blev fyret for det!

Så, en PROMISE KEPT! Jeg forsøgte at advare ham. Fæld på døve ører. Bare crickets! At ignorere bekymringer på internettet er en opskrift på katastrofe, uanset hvem der prøver det. Hver eneste gang og folk lærer ALDRIG ikke. De ser andre gå ned i FLAMES og følg bare den samme idiotiske vej. Og denne øvelse er til den næste FOOL, der forsøger at stjæle fra ME eller muligvis nogen anden!

Frand Jepsen og hans firma Knud Jepsen bliver hermed tildelt sondringen af ​​HallofShame.com Poster-dreng i 2017. I de kommende dage vil du have dit ansigt gipset på HallofShame.com såvel som Queen.com. Frands, du vil være STAR Queen.com. Eller skal jeg sige QUEEN of Queen.com?

I det mindste har vi endelig fundet ud af, hvem der er "Rotten i Danmark", Frand Jepsen og hans firma Knud Jepsen og advokat Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark. Har du læst noget, eller er du bare ved at hoppe op og ned vred?

Og skal nogen af ​​jer true mig for at cirkulere FAKTA, så går jeg ind i HØJ GEAR! Tro mig, jeg er stadig på "Cruise Control" guys.

Poke en SLEEPING Lion en gang, og han kan blive ved med at sove. Gør det to gange, han vil DEVOR alle jer i helhed !! Bøvse!

Hav en god dag!
Rick Schwartz

PS: En stor Tak til Zak Muscovitch for at præsentere en MASTERFUL sag. Jeg kan endda frigive hele vores argument. Tekstbog PERFEKT!

BREAKING: “I told them to go to Hell” Owner Driveups.com to UPS Attorney

Afternoon Folks!!

I just got confirmation that HallofShame.com may have PREVENTED its' first Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Case!

After just hours on the "Watch List" we have a new development.

And so we will see. Perhaps the first tangible and positive result. This is SERIOUS STUFF. This is no longer "We did not know".

"They must have seen your "watch list" - attorney called to settle and I told then to go to hell....please include that in your blog..."

So hopefully they will either come to a monetary agreement or they will each go their separate ways. But make no mistake, Reverse Domain Name Hijacking is something to be taken more seriously now as we have an outlet that will help shield everyone from predators.

Rick Schwartz



The New Hall of Shame Facebook Page

Morning Folks!!

Another day, another step. Last night I did the best I could to set up the Facebook page.

We go under hallofshamecom or hallofshame.com. I am not even sure how to link it to the outside world.

Update, this is our link: facebook.com/hallofshamecom


In many ways I am very encouraged about this. In other ways I ask myself how in an industry this large, with so much at stake can I only get 140 tweets and 45 likes after one week. But that is sales. It's not easy to rev up an engine from a standstill. It takes a very long time for things to gather steam. But being that I am in sales I understand just how hard it is to make a sale.

But each day we will attract a few more of each and that is how you move things forward. And hopefully we will hit a "Vein" at some point and it will spread like wildfire. But which ever path it takes, Hall of Shame will be a crossroads and I just think it is a matter if time. Until then, we will educate hundreds of people each and every day. The site will help discourage companies from filing if they are close to the line. It is your way to fight back and point to the peril that they face should they be found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. (RDNH)

Until then, we are putting the foundation in place and let folks see what they are flirting with.

Rick Schwartz


The HallofShame.com Press Release

HallofSHAME.com Launches Website Targeting Reverse Domain

Name Hijacking

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Boca Raton based man launches HallofShame.com. An information based website that spotlights companies found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH). Reverse Domain Name Hijacking: When a person or company tries to STEAL a domain name from the rightful owner by claiming trademark infringement and bad faith among other fabrications in order to get a governing panel to award them the domain name for FREE.

The website www.hallofshame.com will shine a bright light on those companies found guilty of trying to hijack more than a domain name, but somebody’s business or dream. “Today is the day we begin the end of this disgusting practice. Since there is no legal or criminal penalty, these companies now put at risk their brands and entire online/offline reputations,” said Rick Schwartz owner of the website and leading the charge against those trying to steal domains and the lawyers that represent them. Until now Rick had been skewering these folks at Ricksblog.com after a Brazilian company was found guilty of trying to Reverse Hijack one of his domains, SaveMe.com, in March of 2012.

“With our traffic base and the help of many other folks that own a domain name, tens of thousands of visitors or more per month come to the website and when they get there they might be surprised what lengths some companies will go not to pay fair market value for the domain name they want, is already owned by somebody else and resort to abusing the process in an effort to hijack or steal what is not theirs. To finally be able to fight back is a great feeling and shows what the power of a single domain name can be,” Mr. Schwartz went onto say.

Just this year alone Procter and Gamble and Jaguar/Landrover have both been found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking by the governing body. Not only guilty, but with harsh language from the panels themselves. So no company big or small can get away with this any longer. The price to be paid when found guilty might be priceless.

HallofShame.com was registered in 1997 by Mr. Schwartz and September 3rd 2013 was the first day it was online as an independent site. The site has the wide support of the Domain Name Industry in which Mr. Schwartz plays a prominent role. Visit HallofShame.com for more information.



For HallofShame.com
Rick Schwartz, 561-206-2201

Forget About Google, The Internet is about LINKING!

Evening Folks!

I came from a pre-google era on the Internet and so that means not only did we do things differently but I look at things differently. In the "Old days" you built traffic by links and by search. The biggest search engine of that day and era is long gone. Of course to me trading links back then was like a mortgage so I figured out about type ins and that was traffic without the mortgage.

Of course back then I never had a content so there was nothing to trade either. So nobody would link to me. Why would they?

But now I draw back on those days. I go back to basics and what I learned back then from people who did have content. They needed a great cross-section of eyes and that was THE way.

So as I build up HallofShame.com I am simply going back to basics. And when you have a common cause, the basics trump everything else. And we do have a common cause. Friend or foe, our cause is the same and we have to fight on the same team. Period!

So it is really wonderful to see the help I have gotten and folks pitching in where they can and even if it is just hitting the like or the tweet button, you have done something proactive. Something to help the cause. Part of what I am doing I have done before. The other part is what I learned in the movie "The Social Network". One of THE most educational things I have ever seen to help understand the Internet.

We will demonstrate in front of the world what we can do when you have passion and what many can do together when they are passionate about something. My talents are limited. Very limited. I can just provide the spark and the time. But together we have talent beyond most fortune 500 companies.  We have a bullhorn and a soapbox the likes of which the world may not be able to fathom. This is just something long overdue and now we have a vehicle that is actually moving the needle. The FIRST 18 wheeler is approaching the crest of a very big hill.

Besides everything else, today I wrote the Press Release. I am on the second look over right now and hope to arrange distribution by tonight or tomorrow so it can immediately and keep this momentum going. As they say....FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!

This is our moment folks. You can see the domain market heating up each and every day. I have been talking about it for weeks and it is here now. The golden era of domaining is HERE!

Rick Schwartz

Thank you Francois!!

Morning Folks!!

Look to the right side on Domaining.com and there is a giant banner against Reverse Domain Name Hijacking and hallofshame.com from Francois I would assume........and it looks great!!!

Whether it is up for an hour, a day or whatever........Thank you sir! This 18 wheeler is moving!

Rick Schwartz


HallofShame.com New Banners and Icons

Morning Folks!!

Below are some banners and icons for your website should you decide to post it. It comes down to one thing. Circulation. And in my next post I will describe what I will do next. The goal is to stop talking amongst ourselves and get to a wider audience. With your help I am going to stop Reverse Domain Name Hijacking in its' tracks! It is a warning to all what can and will happen. NO MONEY can fix the damage these companies have self-inflicted.

So I will be crystal clear about the YEARS of fallout these companies face should they engage and be found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking, (RDNH)

I invite any of them to come out and make a statement. Join US in this fight.

125-button02a 125-button02b




Rick Schwartz

Thank You! Now my Strategy to END Reverse Domain Name Hijacking in ONE Year!

Morning Folks!!

There are MILLIONS, no scratch that TENS of MILLIONS. No scratch that. HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people worldwide that own a domain name. That's a lot of people sharing something in common. I believe that Reverse Domain Name Hijacking is a newsworthy item that has yet to really make big news. My goal with HallofShame.com is to take a common and universal mainstream saying that cuts thru all business and industry and sport and everything else is the perfect intersection to put out a "Distress Sign".

To change how things are first you need awareness. That happens by circulating what it is you want people to be aware of. How you circulate is key. Grassroots is the least expensive way to get something noticed at first. Like minded people who want a similar outcome band together and do what they can. Yesterday you did that when I posted this plea. Nearly 100 f you "Tweeted" and 25 of you "Liked" the site as I write this. That is a HUGE step in circulating our story and maybe theirs as well.

HallofShame.com is at an International Intersection. It just has to be noticed by one news outlet, reporter or VICTIM and this will go into the second stage orbit. I love taking an embryo like this to market and have it shake some bushes and rattle some cages. They can try to blame me but they better look to those internal folks that made the stupid decision of allowing me to do what I do best. BRAND! These companies are BRANDED! My job, our job is to circulate and move the needle.

So thank you for helping me to do something proactive and begin the process of planting seeds each and every day until one day there is a tree and another and another and another. If you get a cease and desist or you get served with a WIPO or NAF suit and you KNOW you are not infringing on any trademarks, just point them to HallofShame.com and let them think about what they are doing. Let them think long and hard. Let them reconsider.

Lastly, the subject of fines. I am NOT in favor of a mere fine! What is $100k penalty when you are trying to steal a million dollar domain? Come on! I am fighting for a CRIMINAL penalty. That's what you do with thieves whether successful at stealing or not. A fine won't stop this, SHAME or imprisonment will. So NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in a fine. NONE! Fine and imprisonment? Ok, I am on board with that. But until then, we will SHAME these folks and let it be a warning to others that WE as an industry OWN THEIR REPUTATIONS.

My goal, let these companies get interviewed by media and ask them why they did this and if they would like to join me in discouraging this type behavior in the future. Maybe share the lessons they have learned as a warning to others. Maybe even reimburse the domain owner for their legal expenses.

Bottom line, I will PROVE that SHAME trumps dollars. I will prove that my way of ending Reverse Domain Name Hijacking will be MOST effective and IMMEDIATE. I think especially attorneys need to be aware that they are aiding and abetting thieves and NOW they are doing it KNOWINGLY. There is no longer an excuse.

And as I said, everyone with even 1 domain name, especially one domain name, can sympathize with our position. They can put themselves in our shoes and get just as angry. And when they do get angry, they will take their anger out on those they do business with that were engaged in this disgusting act of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking!

My mission will be COMPLETE by this time next year or sooner. But even if it takes years, I will be right here! So you can help or not, but don't you DARE sit on the sidelines and criticize this effort unless YOU are willing to do something bigger, better, and do it right now! Naysayers are people who bring NOTHING to the table and have no place in my orbit and should have no place in yours either. We have a MISSION to accomplish and we WILL.

Rick Schwartz

Police and Authorities Now Taking Online Crime Much More Seriously.

Evening Folks!!

Been a LONG slog these past years. Ghostbusters was about your best bet because the Police, FBI and authorities throughout the world were largely uninterested in online criminal activity and other crimes online. They did not understand it and they did not take it seriously. Not their fault. That is the cost of progress. That's why it takes so long for something as big as the internet to be understood.

A few things changed it along the way. 9/11 was the start. AirKatrina.com was when it  grabbed headlines and attention when the Attorney General of the USA is on national tv speaking about it. That incident changed how charities operate online and even off-line. The authorities were now interested in folks abusing others online and the fraud and that went along with it.

But even after that it would be years before the authorities took things really seriously. Crimes via Craig's list and others drove the effort. Today they understand more. Not 100% but they do understand it is THEIR jurisdiction. I think Australia has led the way in some of the crimes as their authorities have always responded and showed an interest in things online. They are proactive in investigating and they follow-up. They share information that in the USA would never happen.

The USA is getting better. Still may not be easy. There are ways to start the ball rolling where before they would just give you an empty look and point you to another department or jurisdiction who would in turn point you to another and another and eventually you would end where you started and at that point you try one more time and then give up.

This is the reason I also believe that Reverse Domain Name Hijacking is in the last days. The rash of over reaching is going to be OVER within a year or two. There will always be some SCHMUCK that will try to steal, but I believe that the numbers in the second half of 2013 nd 2014 will decline and I think we are already seeing that. Don't forget to factor in how many more domains there are today than 10 years ago and the fact it is widely known many are very valuable.  Plus all parties are much more sophisticated and educated on what's what!

The social penalty is much more severe and long-lasting than a fine. Plus a fine of $1000 won't do much. $10,000? Maybe a bit stronger deterrent but on a $2 million domain still a good gamble. So you would have to get to at least a $100k penalty or make it criminal to actually deter. That is why the social penalty is a bigger deterrent. Priceless!

So a tip of the hat to the authorities for finally recognizing that crime online is just as important as crime offline! And also a tip of the hat to the WIPO and NAF panels that are largely getting it right these days as opposed to days past. Tomorrow we will take it to the next level. Until then.......

Rick Schwartz


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Core Diagnostics of Gurgaon, India Tries to Reverse Hijack CoreDiagostics.com and LOSES! My Turn!

Afternoon Folks!

According to TheDomains.comCore Diagnostics of Gurgaon, India has just been found GUILTY of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH)

The Complainant is M/s. Core Diagnostics of Gurgaon, India, represented internally. Represented internally??? Love it!  (Otherwise known as a "Self Colonoscopy" with complications. lol) I am gonna stick it hard to these MORONS and would be THIEVES!

We have another Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Decision and this one was a slam dunk in 2 sentences:

4. Factual Background

The Complainant first started business in 2011. It registered its trademarks in 2012.

The Respondent registered the disputed domain name in 2001 and has been using it since then to promote various medical diagnostic products.

GAME OVER in my book and it was!! Nothing more to win this one and EXPOSE another would be THIEF!

Your job is to circulate and let it cost them. That's how you put a fine and penalty on what they do and hopefully that has a long term cost to them. Those that take the time and energy to tell me how meaningless that is let me suggest you help me with that time and energy. Give  it and me the benefit of the doubt.

Time to rip these folks a new one along with their "In house" attorney. SCHMUCKS!

More to come as they get listed on my hit parade charts as #46.

Rick Schwartz