Morning Folks!!
As reported by, P&G finally stepped up to the plate and bought the domain that just weeks ago they had been found guilty of trying to Reverse Hijack with THIS DECISION and many follow up posts by yours truly.
I think we will reach a watershed moment this year and while attempted hijackings are up, they will crest and then begin to recede as so many decisions are against them. Plus they are realizing that there is more than a loss involved. ME! I am the SOB that is out to destroy them just like they were out to destroy some unsuspecting domain registrants and their dreams.
So when it comes to REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING we will closely monitor all developments and we will do whatever it takes to stop it. Once they get convicted, their reputation is owned by ME to do what I see fit with as far as circulation of their misdeeds.
Rick Schwartz
Check out the swash wikipedia page guys:
any extra info? like what did they pay. inquiring minds want to know. and CONVICTED is rather strong language. if it wasn’t for you there would be no penalty at all.
i just recently read your works and i never failed to learn new things everyday. I coulnt think of anything but domaining and domains its driving me crazy! by the way I just recently bought aboutlifting of course a dot com and comofeliz dot com, what is your opinion on those?
I worked for these f’s. God I hate people. the worst is every corporation treats their employees like shit and then expects to be applauded. Once we saw what health care management got and all the vacation we had huge problems. We wrote all the software and they take all the money.
The funny part is when they call you on the phone saying they want to partner you or lets talk or lets deal. My friend who launched his company had his ex manager call to partner him to.
Funny to finally say FFFFFFF OFFFFFF to these losers. i just wish I could say it a million more times. Looks like you aren’t the real deal after all. LOSERS.
Here is an interesting quote I came across
“10 years from now we will look back at a
world where every domain name ended in a
.com like our kids look at record players”
-Blake Irving, CEO, GoDaddy
Powerful words indeed, from the world’s No.1
I know one thing, after being messed about by P&G that domain would have been 1m for sale.
$1mn?!.. More ‘delusional domainer’ talk, from
a guy who doesn’t live in the real world, but
wants to look”significant” on a web forum.
UFO you’re a little dick. I’ve actually had a trademark dispute with P&G in the EU. I don’t like their style at all, contrast that with Disney who really do get it.
I wouldn’t sell P&G the domain after a reverse high jack unless it was for a very high amount. In fact I’d let them spend a lot on development and then shove it up their rectum by putting the judgement on the .com
Yeah PG is really great. Keep feeding yourselves products made with cheap GMO products made by them and others. Of course this name is for a line of detergent they will come out as far a we can tell.
Bottom line if they don’t get your domain name through reverse hijacking, they will try to slowly suck your life out by pumping GMO’s into you.”Dead rat’s don’t lie”. Could be a good title for a book. Or hey maybe they extend your life by 100 years.. Just ask the rats.
Ah, i’m pleased to see you talking about those
subjects that you DO know well, namely”little
dicks” and the things that get shoved up your
rectum (!).
As for your”trademark dispute”, i’m sorry to
hear about that… Did they infringe on your
TM on the term”dumb domainer with no biz”??
Rick Schwartz
I will no longer be approving ANY comments from you.
That was your last one.
Take your agenda and go pee somewhere else.
Err… Dick is short for Richard. That makes you a Dick.
End of.