Evening Folks!!
The SECOND to last thing I want to do is blog again. But the LAST thing I want to do is allow a THIEF like Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen from Denmark and his attorney Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark to get away without paying a substantial and LONG LASTING price!!
So I am minding my own business and read that my domain, Queen.com that I bought in 1997 and was first registered in 1995 was the subject of a WIPO action claiming Trademark Infringement! I laughed cuz whoever the FOOL and the INEPT attorney representing the fool was to go after a name that I owned for just short of 20 years was going to have their lives altered in a way they could never even imagine. Like a mugshot permanently hung up for the entire world to see. Blogs, news, social media. All out of their control but allowed others control of THEIR reputations. A costly mistake by THIEVES to try and steal a multi-million dollar asset. Cute! Caught! Game over for YOU, just starting for ME.
For the record, I am a TERRIBLE steward of reputations for THIEVES and would-be hijackers. No reputation repair company can EVER help them. They EARNED the name "Reverse Domain Name Hijackers" by an esteemed International panel of 3 and they will bear that moniker for eternity. My problem is now THEIR problem.
Here are the employees of Knud Jepsen from Denmark and doing business at Queen.dk. Led by Frands Jepsen (below) ceo/owner and I assume other employees that are responsible. Now CONVICTED of "REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING" (RDNH). Represented by Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark who should have known better! SHAME ON YOU and your LAW FIRM! "Accomplices" in a hijacking. Like driving the getaway car!
Since there is no prison time nor is there even a monetary penalty for their attempted theft, it is up to domain and business owners like myself to tell EVERYONE.
Cattle Rustlers used to be HUNG! The only tool we have is public shaming and humiliation. The Internet is written in INK. Their names will be forever associated with their Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. Even though it was not successful, it cost me $5000 to defend my own property and time and all the other crap! Well, I am here for my POUND OF FLESH Frands Jepsen and Company. You had your turn, now it is my turn!
$2 Million was the price I quoted your representative Karen Mogelvang from your Marketing & Branding Department in 2015. Matter of fact, I never even answered her first email. I blew her off. She had to email me again before I responded. Glad I did, helped me win the case! In the decision it states:
- The Complaint (That's you Frands) lacks candour (That means: the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness is MISSING) in that it makes no mention of the Complainant's unsuccessful approach to buy the Disputed Domain Name from the Respondent.
I sent an email (see in italics below) and tried to warn Frands Jepsen of the consequences he and his company AND his lawfirm, Patrade A/S, Denmark would face after their conviction. Now Frands you pay the price for trying to STEAL a domain you did not want to pay $2 Million for. The 3 member panel that UNANIMOUSLY convicted you called it a classic "Plan B".
"In the Panel's view, this is a classic "Plan B" case where a party, having been frustrated in its negotiations to buy a domain name, resorts to the ultimate option of a highly contrived and artificial claim not supported by any evidence or the plain wording of the UDRP. This stratagem has been described in many UDRP cases as "a highly improper purpose" and it has often contributed to findings of RDNH"
In lay language. You are CHEAP BASTARDS that abused the administrative proceeding of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). You tried to use them to STEAL from ME! And for that, you get what Frands Jepsen, employees and their lawyers deserve. To be exposed throughout the world. My job will be done when your NEIGHBORS know you are a THIEF!
Did I get an apology? NO! Did they send me $5000 to reimburse me? NO! Scoundrels and THIEVES seldom do. But I am entitled to bring a Federal action with a minimum $100,000 award PLUS attorney fees etc etc.
Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen, Owner and CEO tried to steal my business. I am going to teach Frands Jepsen and all connected an Internet lesson they will never forget. There are now multiple articles about this attempted hijacking of Queen.com. Twitter discussions. Linkedin discussions. Blog posts. My job is CIRCULATION Frands! I want the world to know you tried to HIJACK the QUEEN!
Hope you comment. But I am sure you are a COWARD as well as a THIEF! Oh well, there is a dictionary of adjectives I will use to describe you in the coming years.
So with that in mind, you have been inducted into HallofShame.com where I list Reverse Domain Hijackers like Frands Jepsen. You may want to read my article on Procter and Gamble who did a similar thing for a $30,000 domain. Now that is a STAIN that even Clorox can't get out. Was it a coincidence that the CEO and his team were fired 90 days after the Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision and MY articles? The biggest company shakeup in 100 YEARS!!??? I DON'T BELIEVE SO!!
Let me share my UNANSWERED email to Frands with my readers. I am a man of my word:
Hello Frands,
I am going to file suit against YOU and YOUR COMPANY for interfering with my business.
YOU will be labeled a "reverse domain name hijacker" (GO LOOK IT UP) and the world will see it. Your lawyers and employees too.
Check out what I did to the last MORON that tried to STEAL from me. http://www.saveme.com
And I have reserved a spot for YOU, YOUR EMPLOYEES and your Attorney on http://www.HallofShame.com where it will be for eternity!
Campbells tried to get LadyGodiva.com from me. THEY LOST!
Lilly Company tried to get Goofoff.com from me. THEY LOST!
And you, YOU will be the BIGGEST LOSER EVER because we are talking about a multi-million dollar domain.I don't like THIEVES and sir, that is what YOU are!
I will exercise my right of FREE SPEECH on Twitter so folks FAR and WIDE know. Your NEIGHBORS and FAMILY will know. And after I win and you are slapped with a "Reverse Domain Name Hijacker" moniker, I will present in Federal Court for substantial DAMAGES. I am going to make you infamous to all in DENMARK and beyond. Present this as evidence I don't give a crap. I HATE THIEVES!
Good thing YOU will be CAUGHT and in front of the entire world! The Internet is written in INK and this attempted theft will follow you, your company and your family to the day you die.
Can't wait for your WIPO complaint so I and my attorney can make you look like FOOLS and THIEVES! And when it is over, the answer is NO. No, I will NOT remove any reference to what you and your company did and I will make you and your company the NEWEST POSTER BOY for DOMAIN HIJACKING! I will call YOU a HIJACKER for many YEARS! Ask around Frands, Do some research. YOU picked the wrong guy to steal from! Please don't blame me for what is to come. YOUand your ATTORNEY brought this on yourself.
btw, check out the Clorox stories of Procter and Gamble I wrote about: http://www.ricksblog.com/?s=procter#.WOTKYlLMxZ0n They will NEVER remove that stain. CEO got fired for it!
And this exercise is for the next FOOL, that tries to steal from ME or possibly anyone else!
Frand Jepsen and his company Knud Jepsen are hereby awarded the distinction of HallofShame.com Poster boy for 2017. In the coming days YOU will have YOUR FACE and your attorney plastered on HallofShame.com HOME PAGE as well as Queen.com. Frands, you will be the STAR of Queen.com. Or shall I say the QUEEN of Queen.com? But only until circulation hits critical mass. Then back to where it was pointed before! So don't think you are any better off then you were. Eventually you will figure it out and know how badly you screwed up. The screwup of a lifetime! Only about 35 companies/people a YEAR are CONVICTED of Reverse Domain Name hijacking out of some 300 MILLION domain names WORLDWIDE. That puts you in a very exclusive group of ASSHOLES, FOOLS, MORONS and IDIOTS! I am sure my readers could spend DAYS pinning adjectives on you and your attempted hijacking. Remember to update your résumé with your new title Frands.
At least we finally found out WHO is "Rotten in Denmark", Frands Jepsen and his company Knud Jepsen and attorney Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark. Did you guys learn anything or are you just jumping up and down angry?
And should ANY of you threaten me for circulating FACTS, then I will go into HIGH GEAR! Believe me, I am still on "Cruise Control" guys.
Poke a SLEEPING Lion once and he may keep sleeping. Do it twice he will DEVOUR ALL of you in whole!! BURP!
Here is their Facebook page in case you would like to wish them luck. I used google translator to post in Danish: https://www.facebook.com/pg/QueenFlowersdk/posts/
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
PS: A big THANK YOU to Zak Muscovitch for presenting a MASTERFUL case. I may even release our entire argument. Text Book PERFECT!
PS2: If your comment is "Long" the "Post button" may disappear on some browsers. We are addressing the issue but may be a few days. Please try and separate into smaller posts until then. Thanks!
Danish Translation
Aften folkens !!
Den anden til sidste ting, jeg vil gøre, er blog igen. Men det sidste, jeg vil gøre, er at tillade en TJOR som Frands Jepsen fra Knud Jepsen fra Danmark og hans advokat Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark at komme væk uden at betale en betydelig og langvarig pris !!
Så jeg tænker på min egen virksomhed og læser, at mit domæne, Queen.com, som jeg købte i 1997 og blev registreret første gang i 1995, var genstand for en WIPO-aktion, der påberåber varemærkes overtrædelse! Jeg lo cuz hvem den FOOL og den INEPT advokat, der repræsenterer idioten, skulle gå efter et navn, jeg ejede i bare kort 20 år, ville få deres liv ændret på en måde, de aldrig kunne forestille sig. Ligesom en mughot hang permanent for hele verden at se. Blogs, nyheder, sociale medier. Alt er uden for deres kontrol, men tillod andre kontrol over deres omdømme. En kostbar fejl ved THIEVES at forsøge at stjæle et multi-million dollar aktiv. Cute! Fanget! Spil over til dig, lige begyndt for mig.
Til posten er jeg en FORFÆRDELIG steward af omdømme for THIEVES og ville være kapere. Intet omdømme reparationsfirma kan nogensinde hjælpe dem. De har EARNED navnet "Reverse Domain Name Hijackers" af et anerkendt internationalt panel på 3 og de vil bære den moniker for evigheden. Mit problem er nu deres problem.
Her er medarbejderne hos Knud Jepsen fra Danmark og forretninger på Queen.dk. Ledet af Frands Jepsen (under) ceo / ejer og jeg påtager sig andre medarbejdere, der er ansvarlige. Nu BEKRÆFTET af "REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING" (RDNH). Repræsenteret af Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark, som burde have kendt bedre! SKAM PÅ DIG OG DERES LOVFIRM! "Akkompagnementer" i en kapring. Kan lide at køre flugtbilen!
Da der ikke er nogen fængselstid, og heller ikke er der en monetær straf for deres tyveri, er det op til domæne- og virksomhedsejere som mig selv at fortælle alle.
Kvæg Rustlers plejede at være HUNG! Det eneste værktøj, vi har, er offentlig shaming og ydmygelse. Internettet er skrevet i INK. Deres navne vil altid være forbundet med deres Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. Selvom det ikke lykkedes, kostede det mig $ 5000 for at forsvare min egen ejendom og tid og alle de andre crap! Nå, jeg er her for min PUND OF FLESH Frands Jepsen og Company. Du havde din tur, nu er det min tur!
$ 2 millioner var prisen jeg citerede din repræsentant Karen Mogelvang fra din Marketing & Branding afdeling i 2015. Faktisk svarede jeg aldrig selv sin første email. Jeg sprængte hende ud. Hun måtte e-maile mig igen, før jeg svarede. Glad jeg gjorde, hjalp mig med at vinde sagen! I beslutningen hedder det:
Klagen (det er du Frands) mangler godhed (Det betyder: kvaliteten af at være åben og ærlig i udtryk; åbenhed er MISSING), fordi det ikke nævner Klagerens mislykkede tilgang til at købe det omtvistede domænenavn fra respondenten.
Jeg sendte en email (se kursiv nedenfor) og forsøgte at advare Frands Jepsen om de konsekvenser, som han og hans firma OG hans advokatfirma Patrade A / S, Danmark ville møde efter deres overbevisning. Nu, Frands betaler du prisen for at forsøge at STEAL et domæne, du ikke ønskede at betale $ 2 millioner til. Det 3-medlemspanel, som UNANIMOUSUS dømte dig, kaldte det en klassisk "Plan B".
"I panelets opfattelse er dette en klassisk" Plan B "-sag, hvor en fest, der har været frustreret i sine forhandlinger om at købe et domænenavn, er den ultimative mulighed for en stærkt konstrueret og kunstig påstand, der ikke understøttes af noget bevis eller Klart formulering af UDRP. Denne strategi er blevet beskrevet i mange UDRP-tilfælde som "et meget ukorrekt formål", og det har ofte bidraget til resultaterne af RDNH "
På sproget. Du er CHEAP BASTARDS, der misbrugte den administrative procedure fra World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Du forsøgte at bruge dem til at stjæle fra mig! Og for det får du, hvad Frands Jepsen, medarbejdere og deres advokater fortjener. At blive udsat i hele verden. Mit arbejde vil blive gjort, når dine naboer ved, at du er en tøf!
Fik jeg undskyldning? INGEN! Har de sendt mig $ 5000 for at refundere mig? INGEN! Scoundrels og THIEVES gør sjældent. Men jeg har ret til at bringe en føderal handling med mindst $ 100.000 tildeling PLUS advokatgebyr mv mv.
Frands Jepsen fra Knud Jepsen, ejer og CEO forsøgte at stjæle min virksomhed. Jeg skal lære Frands Jepsen, og alle har tilsluttet en internet-lektion, de aldrig vil glemme. Der er nu flere artikler om dette forsøg på kapring af Queen.com. Twitter diskussioner. Linkedin diskussioner. Blogindlæg. Mit job er CIRCULATION Frands! Jeg vil have verden til at vide, at du forsøgte at HIJACK DROTTEN!
Håber du kommenterer. Men jeg er sikker på at du er en COWARD såvel som en TYPE! Åh ja, der er en ordbog med adjektiver, jeg vil bruge til at beskrive dig i de kommende år.
Så med det i tankerne er du blevet introduceret i HallofShame.com, hvor jeg nævner Reverse Domain Hijackers som Frands Jepsen. Du vil muligvis gerne læse min artikel om Procter og Gamble, som gjorde en lignende ting for et $ 30.000 domæne. Nu er det en STAIN, at selv Clorox ikke kan komme ud. Var det tilfældigt, at administrerende direktør og hans team blev fyret 90 dage efter domænenavnets kapacitetsbeslutning og mine artikler? Det største selskab shakeup i 100 år !! ??? Jeg tror ikke så !!
Lad mig dele min UNANSWERED email til Frands med mine læsere. Jeg er en mand af mit ord:
Hej frands
Jeg skal klage over dig og din virksomhed for at forstyrre min virksomhed.
Du vil blive mærket med et "reverse domain name hijacker" (se det op), og verden vil se det. Dine advokater og medarbejdere også.
Se, hvad jeg gjorde til den sidste Moron, der forsøgte at stjæle fra mig. http://www.saveme.com
Og jeg har forbeholdt dig, dine medarbejdere og din advokat på http://www.HallofShame.com hvor det vil være for evigheden!
Campbells forsøgte at få LadyGodiva.com fra mig. DE TABTE!
Lilly Company forsøgte at få Goofoff.com fra mig. DE TABTE!
Og du vil du være den største LOSER, EVER, fordi vi taler om et multi-million dollar domæne. Jeg kan ikke lide THIEVES og herr, det er det du er!
Jeg vil udøve min ret til GRATIS TALE på Twitter, så folk, FAR og WIDE, ved. Dine naboer og familie vil vide. Og efter at jeg har vundet og du er slået sammen med en "Reverse Domain Name Hijacker" -moniker, vil jeg præsentere i Federal Court for betydelige skader. Jeg vil gøre dig berygtet over for alle i DANMARK og ud over. Præsentér dette som bevis, jeg giver ikke noget skit. Jeg hader dem!
Godt, du bliver CAUGHT og foran hele verden! Internettet er skrevet i INK, og dette forsøg på tyveri følger dig, din virksomhed og din familie til den dag du dør.
Kan ikke vente på din WIPO-klage, så jeg og min advokat kan få dig til at ligne FOOLS og THIEVES! Og når det er overstået, er svaret nej. Nej, jeg vil IKKE fjerne nogen henvisning til hvad du og din virksomhed gjorde, og jeg vil gøre dig og din virksomhed til den nyeste POSTER BOY for DOMAIN HIJACKING! Jeg vil kalde dig en HIJACKER i mange år! Spørg omkring Frands, lav lidt forskning. Du har valgt den forkerte fyr til at stjæle fra! Vær venlig at bebrejde mig for, hvad der skal komme. Du og din advokat bragte dette på dig selv.
Btw, tjek Clorox historierne om Procter og Gamble jeg skrev om: http://www.ricksblog.com/?s=procter#.WOTKYlLMxZ0n De vil ALDRIG fjerne den plet. CEO blev fyret for det!
Så, en PROMISE KEPT! Jeg forsøgte at advare ham. Fæld på døve ører. Bare crickets! At ignorere bekymringer på internettet er en opskrift på katastrofe, uanset hvem der prøver det. Hver eneste gang og folk lærer ALDRIG ikke. De ser andre gå ned i FLAMES og følg bare den samme idiotiske vej. Og denne øvelse er til den næste FOOL, der forsøger at stjæle fra ME eller muligvis nogen anden!
Frand Jepsen og hans firma Knud Jepsen bliver hermed tildelt sondringen af HallofShame.com Poster-dreng i 2017. I de kommende dage vil du have dit ansigt gipset på HallofShame.com såvel som Queen.com. Frands, du vil være STAR Queen.com. Eller skal jeg sige QUEEN of Queen.com?
I det mindste har vi endelig fundet ud af, hvem der er "Rotten i Danmark", Frand Jepsen og hans firma Knud Jepsen og advokat Marie Lykke Kristiansen fra Patrade A / S Danmark. Har du læst noget, eller er du bare ved at hoppe op og ned vred?
Og skal nogen af jer true mig for at cirkulere FAKTA, så går jeg ind i HØJ GEAR! Tro mig, jeg er stadig på "Cruise Control" guys.
Poke en SLEEPING Lion en gang, og han kan blive ved med at sove. Gør det to gange, han vil DEVOR alle jer i helhed !! Bøvse!
Hav en god dag!
Rick Schwartz
PS: En stor Tak til Zak Muscovitch for at præsentere en MASTERFUL sag. Jeg kan endda frigive hele vores argument. Tekstbog PERFEKT!
Richard St Cyr
Wonderful, go get them Rick !
David Michaels
Sue them under the ACPA, for $100,000, like Nat Cohen and I have done.
A US judge may award $100,000 plus attorney’s fees for the reverse domain name hijacking claim in federal court under the Anti-Cybersquatting Piracy Act (ACPA) Lanham Act S. 43(d), 15 U.S.C. S.1125(d).
Donny Simonton
Congratulations Rick. Looking forward to you making showing them!
Francis Poncharella
Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen are a bunch of thieving cheapskate donkeys. These clowns got off lightly.
Anyway, glad you posting about it so that people avoid interacting with them. God knows they shouldn’t be trusted.
Harry L Shields
Every King must defend his queen! Good for you Rick!
I think a hearty round of cheering is in order here.
• Queen.com: worth much more than $2m imo. They were offered a bargain as far as I’m concerned.
• “Rotten in Denmark” joke here: priceless.
Thank you for sharing this with all of us. It is unfortunate that you had to go through this ordeal, but some lawyers will continue to take advantage. After all, it is about the billing hours. They should have advised their client not to do this. Now there is a stain on quite a few reputations. Thank you again for trying to keep these bozos in line. ilze
Rick Schwartz
For the record. I have not lost a WIPO challenge for 12 years. I am 7 wins, 2 by way of RDNH and 2 losses. The 2 losses would likely not be losses in this day and age. 21 years, over 10,000 domains registered. Even WIPO agreed:
“Lastly, the Panel finds no grounds for the allegation that the Respondent engages in a pattern of cybersquatting. In light of the Respondent’s area of business, the fact that the Respondent was ordered to transfer a domain name to complainants in two previous UDRP decisions is insufficient proof to find a pattern of cybersquatting, particularly in the context of a domain name portfolio which runs into the thousands.”
Well done Rick, you ere a man of honour and of your word, and always helping others. I think you have started educating those shysters hiding behind a corporation trying to harm decent people. Respect !
Why the translation to swedish though? They speak Danish in Denmark.
Excellent, great work Rick!
Hey Rick,
You could tip off the largest business newspapers in Denmark with this story:
borsen.dk @ redaktion@borsen.dk
finans.dk @ finans@finans.dk
business.dk @ redaktionen@business.dk
This is the relevant trade organization:
danskgartneri.dk (their trademagazine at gartnertidende.dk – sfn@seges.dk)
Go get them!
Rick Schwartz
Thanks for the help!!
Rick, you remain an inspiration to the domain speculation community. Your cyber tar and feathering is most appropriate. Onward!
Rick Schwartz
Sadly the majority of domainers don’t really care about this. They wish they had a domain worth going after to begin with. Only 36 RDNH decisions a year out of over 300 million domain names. Always comes to the numbers.
But I have plenty of tar and feathers. lol
A few “Scarlett Letters” Franz has “Hijacker” now printed on his forehead.
And I am creative, so will figure out MANY ways to circulate.
Maybe Frands Jepsen will step up and actually buy queen.com. But I never met a thief that bought after the fact. When you can’t write a check and everyone thinks you’re a big shot, then you get caught stealing, well everyone gets to draw their own conclusion about the character of a convicted domain name hijacker.
Dan Gustafson
Hi Rick, congrats on another successful defense of a premium asset. Hopefully others can learn from this what is and is not an appropriate use of the UDRP system, and the value of an intellectual property domain based premium asset.
Kees Kroos
Rick’s fantastic fight! What is yours is not anyone else’s.
Already, within 13 hours, this story is appearing on page 1 for a Google search for “Frands Jepsen Queen”. But the work won’t be over until it appears for every search for “Frands Jepsen”, and “Knud Jepsen”. Not to mention his attorney. So Danish state TV and radio ought to be tipped off about this too. Hopefully our Danish friends will oblige. Then, instead of trying to steal your name, he’ll have to change his.
Thanks, Rick. You are an example to all.
Rick Schwartz
Thanks! Expected that. Search is ALL about “Relevance” and “Uniqueness” and then of course audience, circulation etc. You can’t fool Google for more that a few days if that. When you do it right, you are there for a long time.
Rick Schwartz
But it won’t count until it is just his name in search.
If you just Google Frands Jepsen, this story is on page 1 #2 spot.
But I need the entire page populated with hijacking info. Sorry Frands, I DID warn you!
Rick Schwartz
With over 300 MILLION Domains registered, about 36 a YEAR get an RNDH. It is a VERY rare event. Less than 1% of all cases. More would get RDNH if requested and argued by a good domain attorney. Key is to ALWAYS have a 3 member panel.
Congratulations Rick for defending your property!
What´s going on with these Danish Reverse Domain Name Hijackers and their accomplice lawyers?
Only last week it was Reverse Domain Name Hijackers Normann Copenhagen ApS of Copenhagen, Denmark represented by their accomplice lawyers DLA Piper, Denmark over the domain name normann.com.
It is surprising that Reverse Domain Name Hijacker Frands Jepson didn’t choose lawyers IUNO Advokatpartnerselskab of Copenhagen, Denmark to represent him as they are experts in the art of attempted Reverse Domain Name Hijacking, having being convicted of Reverse Domain Name Hijackers over the domain name IUNO.com themselves.
Hello Rick Schwartz,
Hello Rick Schwartz,
I can assure you may be a little bit less sad today regarding
the majority of domainers, at least, myself.
I do care about what you have done with that thief.
I’ll be doing the same thing you did if someone wants to steal
from me a $50. domain.
I’m sure what you have done is an inspiration to all of us,
domainers and a big warning to all those thinking to get a
domain in the wrong way, even if they trying doing it from
another country.
Thank you for sharing and congratulations for your big win
defending your premium asset.
Rick Schwartz
As some of you know, early on in the late 1990’s I would get “Cease ad Desist” letters by the dozen. I got so many I registered CeaseandDesist.com. Microsoft once sent me a Cease and Desist for Men.com. They sent paperwork thicker than a New York Phone book back then. I still have it.
Rick Schwartz
If you make a long post, the “Post Button” may be buried and you all might be unable to post anything too long. I had to break up the last post into 2 sections. Second section will be posted in a moment. Will have it addressed by tomorrow. Thanks!
Rick Schwartz
As Mike Berkens blogged about the other day, if you are a domainer, you need to be acquainted with trademark law.
When I started, not even the attorney’s out there knew how to represent domains and how TM law applied. It forced me to become a “Lay Expert” in the field. I may not have a degree, but I am pretty well versed in what constitutes and infringement and what does not.
I think it is mandatory for domainers to REALLY know and UNDERSTAND TM law. If you don’t, you will likely lose everything some day.
Firstly, thank you Rick for your efforts that are of benefit to all domainers!
To put the 36 RDNH decisions per year (on average) into context, do you have data on the stats below (…or know of a source that compiles UDRP stats to be able to determine the answers?):
► Average # of UDRP cases/year = ____.
► Average # (or %) lost by Complainant (i.e. the domain is NOT transferred) per year = ____.
► Average # of RDNH decisions per year = 36.
Rick Schwartz
I am sure someone will chime in with the real stats.
My guess for the average:
3500 annual cases
98% complainant win
35 RDNH a year
Jason Drake
This is awesome..
Scott Smith
Another shout out to Zak. Kudos to both.
Rick Schwartz
Zak did a fantastic job!! A masterpiece if you read the response he filed on my behalf.
I have dealt with many legal issues for many decades.Many law firms. Still use many depending on the issue.
It takes 2. The client has to provide the relevant and pertinent info and leave NOTHING out.
My job is to get the material to him in a timely manner and not waste his time.
The attorney will decide what HE needs and what makes the case stronger.
It is then his job to weave a legal story that overcomes each and EVERY objection the other side makes. Each and every POINT the other side makes. State each and every FACT that the other side omits as he addresses the legal issues in a coherent way.
Andy Avots
Rick, For all of us in the world of domain names, Thank You for all you do.
Jepsen = ACPA… sink this bastards wallet by $100k, along with the shame. Jepsen is a joke, worse yet, the attorney Marie Lykke Kristiansen of Patrade A/S Denmark, are just another mobster and scum law firm, certainly the shame they should be feeling now. Poor boo boos
Watch for firings or resignations from both firms, good luck getting jobs after that….
Yup they picked the wrong guy, and his friends.
The rules for .dk domainnames are quite different than .com.
It’s quite “easy” to take a .dk domain away from a registrant unless the registrant has a legitimate business (parked page = 100% loss). And so the lawfirms think they can do the same song&dance regarding .com’s even though very very few local lawfirms have any knowledge or experience about .com disputes (I’m guessing).
Also we don’t have RDNH in Denmark… so they think it’s a riskfree complaint. I hope Rick and others prove them wrong.
Rick Schwartz
You can just Google “Frands” and guess who pops up as #2 on Page 1?
Mark B
Awesome Rick!.. I love the way you fight back!
Another one bites the dust!
This post is now no. 5 on Bing for ‘Frands Jepsen’.
By the way, did you know your friend Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen was given the ‘‘Green Entrepreneur of the Year’ award in 2015?
According to the news report at;
the jury praised Jepsen’s clear vision, mission and ambitions. “Professional marketing with a clear branding strategy under the Queen umbrella.”
Ironically, it was only when he came up against you, Rick, that he got a chance to demonstrate just how green he actually was.
I wonder would Hortibiz (trade magazine to the international horticulture industry) be interested in seeing how their honouree’s professional marketing and clear branding strategy has evolved over the last 2 years? Just a thought!
Rick Schwartz
Good find!!
John M
Best post on this blog im sure they’d love to know or perhaps even better their COMPETITORS would enjoy knowing more. Great job Mr Schwartz.
Ron Jackson
That’s great Rick & Zak – major congrats to you both for preventing a multi-million dollar theft and shame on these would be thieves. They can’t say they weren’t warned but some people just never learn.
Not forgetting Killer Queen…
Congratulations on resecuring your property and shining light on the bad guys. Amazed that people would even try such an awful thing in this day and age, but it is all too clear that they are still out there.
Cliff Sokolic
Rick, I am one of the “small guys” – no million$ domains. But I absolutely appreciate you standing up to these thieves and bullies. Not all of us can afford lawyers but I did refer a potential hijacker who tried to steal one of my domains to your Hall of Shame. He emailed back that he didn’t care – but I never heard from him again.
So don’t think your posts and actions aren’t appreciated by the minions.
Rick Schwartz
Ron Jackson just posted a stinging article on DNJournal.com
Did anybody check HALLofSHAME.com ?
Theres no JESTER I think Rick Accidently put Mr FORBES on there instead!
I just took a look at the Patrade website. They specialize and only work with intellectual property rights and even mention domainnames as their expertise on the front page. And still they lost by “a huge margin” according to the panel. How embarrassing.
Congrats on the win Rick.
But calm down now before you have a heart attack.
Looks like you are completely stressed out.
Not worth stressing over.
Only thing you have in this world is your health.
Another thing you should know is 99% of people in this world do not know what a reverse domain name hijacker is…
These scumbags that lost this case probably don’t give a shit.
They tried to steal and lost…that’s it…gameover.
They don’t care if you put them in hall of shame or post all over the Internet.
So calm down…it’s not worth stressing over.
Anyways congrats on your win…
Take care…good luck!!!
Rick Schwartz
I am not stressed. I am enjoying my pound of flesh.
I am just planting seeds that I know will sprout.
I don’t GET heart attacks, I GIVE them!!
Is Marie Lykke Kristiansen looking for another job?
David Carter
That story comes on the first page of Google in the UK when you google Frandz Jepson – I’d never heard of him and I guess not many had outside of Denamrk, but they do today, for all of the wrong reasons.
Well done Rick.
I like it I just hope this is real and I get what I need I just got true Believe in Good God almighty All will be giving and ok the Right Way
rick…. he looks like some 1920s theatre play of a King, Queen and Fool… no offense to the good looks of that chap!
meanwhile… Ron Jackson do you have a copy of the AHA.com banner with the guy that looked like Ricks Auctioneer Rick Latona! the LAUGHTER was about Rick Latona stealing domains! HUGE PRANK by Ricks Army of Snot BLOGGERS who all got their ASSES KICKED…. looking forward to PACIFIC RIM II !!!!!! (I WONDER IF RICK IS PLAYED BY HELLBOY AGAIN!)
Gee $5 GRAND!
For someone with $20,000,000, that’s like $5 attorney fee once or twice a year…
Tell you what Rick…. every time you get a TM contest… I’ll chip in $5 GRAND! IT’s the least I can do!
didnt you spend $5000 a day with your own 50 foot pool on a cruise ship?
Rick Schwartz
Actually it was $10,000/night. But I get to choose how to squander my own money.
Nobody gets to do that for me!
Queen.com UDRP: Queen.dk & Frands Jepsen are Reverse Domain Name Hijackers - OnlineDomain.com
[…] Schwartz, the owner of the domain name Queen.com, made a blog post on his blog called “Queen.com Hijacking by Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen, Denmark, Foiled by WIPO“. Rick had to pay $5,000 to defend what was rightfully his. Rick can now bring a federal […]
Max Menius
These RDNH cases have gone on far too long. The panel’s comments were at least derisive enough to clearly indicate Jepsen and his attorney were wrong in pursuing Rick’s domain this way. In lieu of no financial penalty … yet, the only real justice here is for their professional reputations to be seriously called out. Ron Jackson has posted about this at DNJournal.com and done a very nice job of depicting Jepsen’s effort as a multi-million dollar theft attempt.
Rick Schwartz
Frands is a total PUSSY! A coward and a thief, He is a CONVICTED reverse domain name hijacker and as such, we ALL own his WORTHLESS and TATTERED reputation. He WISHES there was just a monetary damage. That can be paid and you move on. He can NEVER pay to get his rep back in HIS LIFETIME. WE OWN IT FOR ETERNITY! He is SCUM and EVERYONE close to him will eventually know it!!
Frands, pull out $2.5 Million and be a MAN and we can be friends. Until then you are a LOW LIFE. A CONVICTED REVERSE DOMAIN NAME HIJACKING THIEF! Enjoy your FAME!
Congratulations on you win – I live in Denmark and when I make a google search on queen from here there are no references to this case on the first 10 pages – I assume that the Danish version is a pure google translation, but maybe you should consider finding someone that can help you translate your post into proper Danish, as it appears now it’s complete helpless and long sentiments makes no sense in Danish.
Congrats Rick, as always it’s great to see you stand up for yourself and the domain name industry as a whole. Every time something like this happens other people will think twice about trying to steal domain names from investors that bought the domain names fair and square.
As I’ve said a few times in the past…could you imagine someone trying to legally take your house just because you wanted to sell it for more than you paid for it 20 years ago? Tell that to someone in San Francisco who bought a house 20 years ago…nobody calls them a squatter! :)
Maybe Rick should be called the Domain Queen now? His bitch is beheaded.
Todd Ryan
Hi Rick. I just lost CBNT.COM to California Bank & Trust in a terrible WIPO decision. (See decision below.) I own 6500 domains, including 2000 LLLL.com domains, and have been a domain investor since 1998. I have until July 13, 2017 to file a federal case to stop the transfer. I consider this RDNH but I didn’t expect a RDNH decision…I only expected fair review of the facts and to be able to keep my property. If you have any recommendations that may help me retain my property Rick, I would greatly appreciate it. WIPO Case Number D2017-0814 http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/search/text.jsp?case=D2017-0814
Rick Schwartz
So it looks like you had a one member panel. BIG mistake. Seems you represented yourself. BIGGER Mistake. And showed PPC results for the bank. BIGGEST mistake. So that’s why you lost IMHO and I am NOT a lawyer. It’s a 4 letter domain, I would just chalk it up to experience and move on. Good luck!!
Rick Schwartz
A one member panel is the single biggest mistake a domainer can make. Pony up the extra $$$ for 3 members if a domain is important or your chances of losing are 10x greater than 3 member panel before you even start. I have said that 100X!!
Then you tried to save $$$ by representing yourself right? You may as well just given them the domain name at that point and saved the time and $$.
The PPC results were the last nail in the coffin and something domainers STILL don’t understand. So you had an uphill battle from the get go. Not understanding that was going to lose your case unless you had adequate representation to explain that. So imo the domain was not TAKEN away, you GAVE it away. I am truly sorry. Domainers need to spend $$$ to PROTECT not only the disputed domain, but others as well. The minute you do something on the CHEAP, NEVER expect your intended result.
There is the RIGHT WAY, and EVERY OTHER WAY. So what this did was put your other 4 letter domains in jeopardy. You did not protect your disputed name and therefore you have left your other domains EXPOSED! Next time, don’t be cheap. In the meantime, unless you are making a lot of $$$ on PPC, you better look at each and every one and the results. I would remove ALL that are not making $$$ and point to anything else. You are now a sitting duck! IMHO
I am not a lawyer so these are all suggestions as a domain investor.
All water under the bridge….. facebook.com/queen is worth more! all these domains slept too long and Google went commercial with their queen Facebook
That sux man….
just lost CBNT.COM to California Bank & Trust in a terrible WIPO decision
stealing a MNEMONIC…. according to THAT logic… every LLL.com is up for grabs to any big company with those letters!
Rick Schwartz
Sorry, it was not a terrible decision given what I have explained. You could see that loss coming the day it was filed. I don’t blame the 1 member panel on this one! This was a self induced loss. I am sorry to say that. But that’s the reality as I see it.
Thank you for reviewing and responding Rick. I no longer have any domains resolving to parked pages and will heed your other advice.
Julio Maysonet
I’m glad you are able to keep something that is rightfully yours rick.
Eva Green
That’s Super Awesome… Congratulations.
…million dollar domain.I don’t like THIEVES and sir, that is what YOU are!
… I am going to make you infamous to all in DENMARK and beyond.
… Present this as evidence I don’t give a crap. I HATE THIEVES!
…Good thing YOU will be CAUGHT and in front of the entire world!
…The Internet is written in INK and this attempted theft will follow you,
…your company and your family to the day you die.
Technically if you acquire something by Law its not Theft!
Rick Schwartz
Not if you ABUSE that law! If he had just lost, you would be 100% correct. But he was found GUILTY of using and abusing the panel the system and the law in BAD FAITH to take something not rightfully theirs. Call it what YOU like. I call it attempted THEFT! He got CAUGHT! So to me he is a lowlife, scumbag thief! He EARNED that title!
…………. The Complaint (That’s you Frands) lacks candour………..
…………… Now Frands you pay the price for trying to STEAL a domain you did not want to pay $2 Million for. The 3 member panel that UNANIMOUSLY convicted you called it a classic “Plan B”.
“In the Panel’s view, this is a classic “Plan B” case where a party, having been frustrated in its negotiations to buy a domain name, resorts to the ultimate option of a highly contrived and artificial claim not supported by any evidence or the plain wording of the UDRP. This stratagem has been described in many UDRP cases as “a highly improper purpose” and it has often contributed to findings of RDNH”
I thought the WHOLE POINT RICK…. was to encourage BIG COMPANIES to make an offer (first). Now this is used as EVIDENCE to NOT give them the domain…. seems counter-productive to Domain Sales…
lee strasser
i totally admire you for your honesty and frankness…glad you kicked jepsen’s butt, too…. and would love to meet you…i’m in north palm…you da man!
Sou seu fã Rick! Saudações do Brasil.
Altaf Hossain
Hi Rick,
Better to be late than never. I am very late to see your courage, we are proud of . Congratulations! I never opened your blog once I found no new post(s) from your end. Today casually, I remembered your so thought to check & found such a nice story. You made HISTORY again Rick. We saw how you dealt with P&G for hijacking domain & taught them a good lesson.
With best wishes and sound health.
I should apologise - Alexander Green | Zenchi - Listening To Understand
[…] This post here is from Rick Schwartz also known as The Domain King he’s kind of a God Father of sorts in the domain name industry. The King recently defended his Queen.com in a reverse hijacking case as explained in his post that I feel makes a great ongoing case study from an individual that can make corporations kneel. Rick is quite the energetic descriptive writer I promised you’ll be enthralled. […]