Rick Likes .Parts hates .Build. Here’s Why one Could Work and one Can’t Work

Afternoon Folks!!

So according to DomainIncite, Donuts signed contracts on the following gTLD's.

"Donuts signed contracts for: .haus, .properties, .maison, .productions, .parts, .cruises, .foundation, .industries, .vacations, .consulting, .report, .villas, .condos, .cards, .vision, .dating, .catering, .cleaning, .community, .rentals, .partners, .events, .flights and .exposed."

The good news is there is one I actually like. The others, not so much. But I have to digest a bit first. So give me a few days. Depends on viable strings. Nothing more, nothing less and that is before the game starts. That is why I keep saying many will "Die on the vine" as you will see illustrated below.

This is all before we even get to Public Acceptance. So that is another conversation for another day. It is a very big conversation because the public holds most of the cards. Not to get off the track here but the public spoke this week in New Jersey. 50,000 sign up for online gaming and a 740 for Obama care.

But I think .Parts actually makes sense. I can see a wide variety of meaningful strings.

To me, these things POP OUT when they work.

.Build came out or was announced the other day and I got 3 strings.




On the other hand I can think of dozens and dozens and dozens of strings that start with build.whatever. You can think of many. The other way around. Good luck! My mind hurts from STRAINING to think of some.

And PLEASE remember, this is only the first obstacle of many. But it is also the one obstacle that has the power to marginalize most from day #1. And will die on the vine. Strings are like roots of a tree. No roots, no tree.

Rick Schwartz


8 thoughts on “Rick Likes .Parts hates .Build. Here’s Why one Could Work and one Can’t Work

  1. UFO

    The strings you have purchased have no direct navigation and are not a corporate identity, at best they could be used as a bootstrap tag line…

    I think less than 1% of new gTLD domains have worthwhile commercial value for the risks of paying for renewals.

  2. UFO

    Plenty of .build just need to think along the lines of things like custom.build pro.build kitset.build eco.build etc etc

    But for $100 registration fees Pa, I’ll give them all a miss. Might as well stick with .com

  3. .MOBI replay

    Rick, don’t do it.

    They are ALL going to fail. No exceptions. There is nothing wrong with them. They will all work..but they are not .COM’s. Accordingly, they will fail.

  4. Shill

    Anybody looked at the auction process for .xyz, you could bid 100 trillion billion dollars for a domain but as you have no deposit or liability to complete their is effectively no contract.

    In my opinion this is a complete farce. Its a shill bidders paradise.

  5. steve

    Once I own .sucks Rick will pay $100,00 to get rickschwartz.sucks
    I’m gonna be rich biatches.

  6. I'm Back… oh and incase anyone is wondering Dot COM isn't Dead - lol! - Robbie's Blog : Robbie's Blog

    […] Adam Dicker has completed a Six Figure Sale of Download.net, Aron Meystedt completed more sales in his HA.com auction bringing his total sales to over $1.5m, Mike Berkens reported over $75k in sales on four dot com domains in November but many more were closed and not disclosed. Mike Mann’s Phone.com has also been awarded its First Patent!, 1001.com sell for 100k, Marchex spin-off Archeo starts listing BIN prices on over 30,000 domains -Rick Schwartz likes some GTLDS! […]

  7. Jeff Schneider

    R. E. = ” Rick Schwartz likes some GTLDS! ”

    Rick likes gTLDs for the in and out price action. Our opinion is, he will not be the last one to sell out his gTLD Derivative positions, before the end game.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger).


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