T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Auction is going to SIZZLE! GREAT Names! Sizzling Reserves!

Afternoon Folks!!

It has just been 24 hours since I opened up submissions to the TRAFFIC Auction and the list we are putting together is sizzling! I think you will see a big difference as quality is way up.

Great domains at great prices and I think once published is the best list we have had in years. I have already selected 50 of the 75 for the live auction and a number for the silent as well. Some of those domains are very nice. It has been a pleasure looking thru some really nice portfolios as opposed to other years where my eyes were bleeding at this point.

So great job guys. Nice domains, attractive domainer prices and that will produce multiple bidders and that is what an auction is all about.

I expect to close submissions tonight or early tomorrow. So consider this the LAST CALL!

Rick Schwartz


7 thoughts on “T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Auction is going to SIZZLE! GREAT Names! Sizzling Reserves!

  1. Observer

    Is it (more nice domains for attractive domainer prices) a good signal for dot com holders with the advent of whatevers ahead? I guess not.

  2. UFO

    One thing that we haven’t really mentioned about this new TLD experiment versus .com is that I am certain that there will be MORE not less consolidation on the .com. Big Brazilian; Chinese, Russian companies will want to be on the .com to be truly GLOBAL. It’s easy to have multilingual websites so I see more not less emphasis on the .com.

  3. Ramahn

    UFO is usually on point, and this time is no different. 100% agree. One of the things that is often overlooked…being Global. Gtld = limited. Com = Global. PERIOD

  4. Dave Wrixon

    Global is wonderful, if you want to sell to the World in a single language English.

    But the question you need to ask, is will anyone buy.

    Frankly, to me it just seems like laziness.

    The obvious thing to do is to market to people in their own language. This is Localisation. Globalisation is made up of whole series of Local Markets.

    Why have a single address if you want to target your market by country or language?

  5. Ramahn

    Dave, English is used around the world. Globally. If you are talking about IDN’s that’s one thing, but the new gtlds (specifically) will limit you. Com is broad/global/universal.

  6. Altaf

    @UFO what about Indian with 1.3 billion population,commerce & market and got their own language, you dropped out? LoL.


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