I Seldom Ask for Favors, But I need a Favor Today!

Morning Folks!!

I have often talked about harnessing the power we as domain investors have. Another inadequate result for me. You too. Harnessing our power to try to do just one big thing. It's what my 18 wheeler story is based on. So let's try an experiment. It costs nothing and I can envision a big dividend. It's an insurance policy and today and together I can give us all free insurance policy against current and future Reverse Domain Name Hijackers.

Now some of you are already moaning and I have not even asked the favor that is in YOUR best interest. It's a simple one. Go to HallofShame.com and Tweet the website. Like it. Circulate it. If you want to make a difference. If you want some insurance. If you want to HELP ME do something proactive to help YOU, then simply do me that small favor. Please.

I never talk about the cost to defend a domain name from a predator. It's part of the cost of doing business. I have been fighting since 1999. BIG companies. Campbell's, Lilly Industries and even bigger. In the 1990's I had so many cease and desist letters that I registered ceaseanddesist.com. I still have the letters. I met this guy named Howard Neu. I liked him right away. Instead of scaring me with this and that, he told me to toss them in the garbage and let him know if I ever heard from them again. 99% never. The 1%, we fought, mostly won and have taken the battle to even the biggest like P&G and now Jaguar/Landrover.

Folks always ask what they can do to help. Well today you really can help. Just help me get to 100 tweets on HallofShame.com, 50 folks can certainly like it, etc. That's it. That's all I ask to show what we can do when we actually harness the power we have. If you don't care, why would anyone else? Laws don't get passed by the tooth fairy. It happens with simple grassroot efforts like this. Ya never know who might ally with us.

Michael Cyger asked me on his show this week why not just point to RDNH.com. I said it is a great resource but it is a little too inside for me with initials where HallofShame.com is very mainstream and I am hoping will catch the eye of whoever in the future and then you will understand why I need your help. I am hoping that the passion I have comes thru and shines a bright light on this practice. So help me do this. Please.

While Reverse Domain Name Hijacking is a scourge that must and will end, I still relish each win. It tastes good! It feels good! It shows that no company is beyond being labeled for LIFE a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker. It helps to show others see our point of being abused and it validates what we do. The risk we take. The INVESTORS we are and the game of Capitalism we play and play well. No GIANT is too big to go down against the smallest of us.

So I ask you to help me move this one 18 wheeler over the crest of the hill and you can make a difference. Besides. It's in your self-interest. And you will see what SEO is all about because I will do nothing proactive search wise and because of RELEVANCE HallofShame.com will be on the first page in the weeks ahead. PURE SEO. Matched content not designed to fool but designed to be what it is. RELEVANT.

Why do this? AWARENESS is the result of circulation and that is the road to protecting all of us. Grab a shovel or hit the road! YOU can make a difference.



36 thoughts on “I Seldom Ask for Favors, But I need a Favor Today!

  1. Jonathan

    Will do Tonight, How about working out the cost of a HOF policy to fight a RDNH attack !!

  2. Domain Champaigne

    Done. Now, how about lobbying to give RDNH some teeth including monetary damages and legal fees. Then implement the concept of adverse possession so that owners who have owed their “infringing” URL for 7+ years open and notoriously (ie, correct and accurate WHOIS data) are exempt from liability.

  3. Rick Schwartz

    Thank you everyone! This is the boost I need to get this thing in orbit. For people that come after, please keep things circulating. This IS the way to stop this. I even hope someday that a governing body will go thru ALL PAST CASES and find HUNDREDS of others that in FACT were Reverse Domain Name Hijacking and reclassify those cases. That and go thru the BAD decsions and the decisions in which the registrant could not afford to even defend. What type of SIN is it when you STEAL the DREAM from somebody?

  4. Domenclature.com

    “~~~NO RDNH, NO WAR!~~~


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