Thousands of New Jobs and New Faces Coming to the Domain Industry

Morning Folks!!

You can see this coming a year away and you best be prepared for what is coming.

With close to 1000 new gTLD's to be sold and marketed they are all going to have to man their ships and that means collectively hiring THOUSANDS of people. Going to be very interesting how this all plays out . But make no mistake about it, within a year we are going to see a massive change in our small community. For starters, it is no longer going to be small. And it will be VERY different.

Some of you reading this will end up working for some of these companies. But please take a moment to imagine  what this will all look like and how that will change the industry we are in.Much will be good and much will not. You will have a full-time job just sorting out all that is coming.

Whether  you believe the gTLD's are going to fly or not there is going to be HUGE opportunity. It may or may not come in the way of investing in domains. The opportunities may look different. I invite ever new extension owner to come here and tell us what they see. What their vision is and why. I am more likely to buy into an extension that is well thought out and supported than one that is not. Just sayin'.

A crowded field is coming and some folks will be desperate. The delays are VERY costly. Each day that passes costs money. Weeks that pass cost more. But now we are talking months and I would not be surprised if it turned into a year or more or something very unexpected happens that plunges this entire thing into turmoil. Like a complete Clusterf*ck. Even Clusterf*cks can make you money or present great opportunity.

Rick Schwartz

16 thoughts on “Thousands of New Jobs and New Faces Coming to the Domain Industry

  1. Martin

    I wish there were a synthetic derivative to go short these new extensions. That would be some way to make money on this clusterfuck.

  2. Altaf

    First thanks for highlighting the new opportunities on its way from new extensions. However, from various previous discussions on this blog we found negative feedback . Owen’s comment link shows a lot of big players have got interest in and your today’s post looks like this industry will just blast like hell.
    Who are the investors in new gTLDs? Will they listen to your invitation to give their visions & future plans?

  3. JBS

    I don’t think the new gTLD owners are seeking support from domainers except to bid up their best keyword phrases. That may happen regardless. To be profitable, they are counting on new and naive registrants to choose their extensions amid the publicized hoopla of the entire expansion. Afterwards – a clusterf*ck of expiring domains raining down…

  4. Jeff

    Nasdaq 5000 and crash. Dot com crash.

    This new .extension do the same model IMO.

    Kinda a different tone on this post then past 12 months Rick-have to admit.

    New extensions need domainer community-i get that part…

    Maybe that’s why Frank is rolling out a new conference model for new .clusterfuck IMO.

    1. Rick Schwartz

      There is a difference between investing in .whatevers and making money because of the money that is coming in.

      A fishing pole company makes money regardless of whether the fisherman catch any fish.

      Same tone. Multiple views.

  5. BBON

    Here comes an army of “shiny, new domain experts”.

    It will be sick to listen to the trash coming out of their mouth. They will destroy all kinds of new investors by planting tainted seeds of info. in their brain.

  6. Privy Domains

    Wow Rick,

    I must say that i had not been a big fan of yours till now, but this post shows that you really think with a much larger horizon than many others.

    You are absolutely right that this will create a lot of opportunities as well as many open untapped markets for domainers.

    However I also think that these TLD’s would be honey trap for domainers but many Registry owner’s will reap good profits.

    People should understand even if you get a million search term in obscure .whatever it will be worth shit and there would be no aftermarket demand .

    I had myself burnt my hands in investing in the other TLDs co, me etc but have come to conclusion that it is better to go with the tide and go for .com

    .com is absolute Gold standard if i can say from my bad experiences from other TLD’s . No respectable company which wants to create its web presence will take any other TLD . Country Specific like .de ,, in are differnt cases

    BTW : Nice Pic :)

  7. clasione

    That is a good point and seems what is likely to happen. There will be a lot of money made for gTLD registries, but not those who hold the hundreds of millions of domains to be sold by them.

  8. Kassey

    I actually like to know why major brands such as L’Oreal, Hilton, and GM have withdrawn their applications. Understanding their reasons may help us figure out whether .brand can unseat .com in the long run. What do you think?


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