Champions and Challengers.

Morning Folks!!

In 2007 I wrote about it and prepared for it cuz I saw in coming.

In 2008 we were in New York City when they were jumping out of windows.

In 2009, 2010, 2011 we lived thru the fallout.

In 2012 we started rising from the ashes and by the end of 2013 we may be roaring back. My first post about this just 2 days ago.

Folks need to learn what recessions look like. Both going into a recession and coming out of a recession. The tide is rising. Not for all. There are many many folks that the tide is still getting lower. They have yet to bottom out. But for the vast majority, folks have adjusted to the new normal and that brings the market back to more normal levels for those that have survived.

Now there are plenty of challenges we still face. But that is all they are, challenges. How do you approach a challenge? Do you approach it as a challenger or a Champion? It makes a difference. It makes a difference in the outcome and the path. And if you do it right, sometimes you will come to it as a challenger and sometimes you will come to it as a champion. But you should always walk away victorious.

The worst is over and the earlier you realize that the more you can take advantage of it. There will be movement this summer and it will continue into the fall and then I think 2014, 2015 and 2016 could be rip-roaring good!

That's what I see. Take it or leave it. Your choice. But imho we have turned the corner from survival mode to something that will produce lots of movement and new opportunity.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

11 thoughts on “Champions and Challengers.

  1. Roberto

    Hi Rick,
    I think so too!

    Can you please share some figures that convinced you the tide is rising?


  2. Robin

    History may call what we have gone through a depression instead of a recession. Recessions by definition are a slow down in the economy, a rest shall we say, followed y a resumption of the track that it was on,where as the results of a depression is a restructuring of the economy and a reinvention. Look at the growth areas in this new economy. Most of it didn’t exist 10 years ago and this is just the start. I saw a clip on 3M last night. 3M’s target is to have 50% of it’s revenues coming from products that didn’t exist five years earlier. They are at about 34% presently. The internet and domain names are sure to prosper.

  3. Jeff Schneider

    I felt the same way about 2012 as you did Rick, when I made this recomendation.
    R. E. = ” For those interested I have taken Qihu off my watch list and have it as an outright Buy now, I am advising clients to buy aggressively under 20$ a share for a potential 3X current price return.

    QIHU on Aug. 24Th recommendation here on your Blog Price was 23.08

    Price now 44.94

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  4. Aaron Strong

    Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Lets all slow down and look at this thing. This is another obvious bubble that will pop before you enjoy the ride. Tread cautiously. There are so many bumps in the road, it is now a mound. Govt. scandals, bailouts, rising debt, business scandals, obamacare, global unrest etc. Does this sound like a prospering economy that will continue for possibly several years?

  5. eh

    Some folks are still traumatized by the last bubble.
    I see bright skies ahead. This is the wrong time to slow down.
    If you are not seeing it, you need to look in a different direction. Cheers.

  6. Jeff Schneider


    You are still fighting the last Bubble, you need to get your head above water and look around without your Goggles on. The only Bubble that counts is the ending of a thirty year credit Bubble.

    All the other bubbles you fear are self correcting. Prepare to be dragged kicking and screaming into prosperity. Just remember that those who allow prosperity will recieve it. Change your Mind Change your World.

    EXAMPLE : . R. E. = ” February 25th, 2013
    I have to agree but more so. I think your upside target is low. The fundamentals in place right now are staggeringly bullish. If there is Pull back buy into the worst of it.
    WWWW + ADUS look great !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

    ADUS Feb. 25th Priced at 8.26 Now at 17.50 EASY DOUBLE

  7. UFO

    I think there will be the same growth pattern as Rick alludes to. The only difference is I think there will also be a sharp uptick in inflation which we are not currently seeing with all this QE as its being soaked up into asset appreciation (The inflation will kick in once unemployment drops below say 6%). Inflation won’t be reigned in and property prices will rocket (Interest rates low)

    My guess is property prices will increase by 30% in the 3 years 2014 to 2017.

    I think good domain names will increase 50%-100% by the close of 2017. Relative to renting retail space they still present excellent value and the cost of building websites and running ecommerce is a lot less than even 5 years ago.

  8. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Every great Secular Bull Market has correction draw downs, and we are indeed witnessing the beginning of a Great SECULAR BULL MARKET.

    The Smart Money always remains on the lookout for great values not only in stocks but all capital Market Assets , and moves on undervalued price swings when others are running for cover.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)


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