Afternoon Folks!!
Need, Want, Desire is what I have talked about in length in regards to the elements needed to make a sale. Now let me tell you what is need to CLOSE the sale. VALUE. Once Need, Want and Desire are there, it has to be wrapped up in value and benefits. That my friends is the formula we will be using.
And even when one of the elements of Need, Want, Desire are not present at first, VALUE brings that missing element back into the fold because each has to reconsider those elements once you talk about value.
The Bullseye is the opportunity all thse elements together bring. Like a great recipe. On their own the ingredients are no as important as they are combined. When merged entire new product appears.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
August 3rd
Priceless Rick. I need to bookmark this one! Read it once a month!