How a Domain Earning 3 CENTS per YEAR is now a 7 Figure Lease.

Morning Folks!!

What do you call a domain that earned 3 cents during the past year on PPC and is now setup for a 7 figure payday? I don't know and my calculator is having a hard time figuring out the increase. Substantial just does not convey the deal that Gordon Martin (DropWizard) made.

Each lease deal that is allowed to be public will move the needle just a little more. A few more people will see what we all see. More importantly, why THIS is the time.

So it is not about how much the domain earns via ppc. It is about what the domain represents. The market share they can attract. The highest and best use.

Well done Gordon!!!

Folks, we are entering a new phase and maybe you should be looking at why this turtle is starting to run. I see the finish line and there is a sprint to it. I stated back last fall that this was way too big to kid about. With each passing day our orbit is getting closer and as the year goes on you will see once again that timing IS everything! The leasing model will SWEEP the domain industry like nothing we have seen and every domainer with quality domains should be moving this way.

Rick Schwartz

7 thoughts on “How a Domain Earning 3 CENTS per YEAR is now a 7 Figure Lease.

  1. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    No surprise here.
    The Parking MATRIX has sqwelched Market Valuations since inception. If it keeps on Rainin the levees gonna BREAK
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  2. Max

    I already knew that this platform, typepad, is a little bit suspect (you can’t view the saved pages if you are not online…), but now someone has banned me? Why can not I post here anymore?

  3. M_a_x__again

    I have use another e-amil again, let’s see if the sent…
    You need data for your topmodel salesgirls as I suggested you, so I think you should start a site for the collection of all the best sites based on generic domains (the best choice will be include all best sites based on generics, whatever is the TLD they use).
    Everyone will be certainly happy to partecipate. If a website makes good results on a ccTLD, everyone can simply understand that the same model on a .com formed by a single english word will do at least 10, 100 or 1000 better. Very simple.
    The previous post, with a leasing based on a .ca domain, prove this. .ca or .com, no difference: .ca = 10 => .com = 100, or 500 or 1000.
    Give examples data to your topmodel salesgirls and the remaing work will be easy for them.
    The leasing model will sky-rocket if proposed with this site collecting all the best business adventures running on generics.

  4. Poor Uncle

    The older I get the more I realize…timing is not everything, cash flow is. If you have money who cares if your domain name is worth 3 cents or 7 figures.
    Cheer to the mighty cash flow king!

  5. Rick Schwartz

    Poor Uncle,
    Ha! Wait untl the post I finished earlier today is posted in a few hours. What timing YOU have to make that comment! :-)
    You can’t make this stuff up!

  6. D

    Hello Rick,
    Is the Header something like this?
    “Leasing attracts Smart Money to Generics and Brandables”
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contract Group) (Metal Tiger)


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