Evening Folks!!
Been a lot of Christmas's for me online. In 1996 and 1997 I would watch my traffic decrease by as much as 90% on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Eventually it went where the 2 days combined would equal one full day. So a 50% loss. Then in the last few years it has been about 15%-20% down.
It was 15% down this year for those 2 days. But the days following more than made up for it. Record traffic levels more than made up for the Christmas decline. First time I have ever seen that in my years. I think a lot had to do with the snow across the USA. I LOVE WHEN IT SNOWS!!
Anyways, just thought you might be interested in my findings.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
the sea gets sick but never dies – greek motto
BAM!!!! Someone else finally said it.
I was saying this almost this exact thing on Elliot’s Blog about three weeks ago I guess, except my traffic increase started earlier in the year. Rick, have you checked your monthly numbers compared to 2001, 2010? I actually did not see a Christmas lift compared to Sept, Oct., Nov., but it was higher then 2011.
I have stats going back to 1996 and traffic has been declining since about 2000, with a slowing down and leveling out around 2008.
2012 is the first time in 12 years I have seen traffic levels start to increase, mostly in the second half.
Nobody seemed to believe me on Elliot’s Blog, but to all readers, go check your historical stats on your non-expired traffic, generic domains, and get back to this post and chime in. On my end I am seeing it almost across the board, except for mid-tier and lower domains, both of which are holding.
I was caught off-guard by this, but it is very welcome with all this doom and gloom app and iPhone talk to actually see this.