My Holdings in Increases as We End 2012. Plus #8 and Still Rising!!

Morning Folks!!

Yesterday I posted a story of the top 25 all time reported domain sales. made that list tied for #8. But what makes my sale different than most of the others is that mine will continue to increase in ranking as I get royalties and other considerations. Matter of fact I will announce here that I have now exercised my option to buy another 2.5% of just yesterday. That brings my holdings to 10%. So this book is still being written. This sale is still living and breathing and if/when someday ends somewhere else, I get a piece of that sale as well.

How was I able to carve out something like this? Because of a shared vision and the vessel needed to get there. Pretty simple. A formula that was carved out of circumstance. The answer is always yes when you make a deal instead of no. But when you get a yes, that creates a circumstance to get some consideration. Now you can't do this all the time.It depends on the circumstance. Most of the time it is settled with money. With a dollar figure. But beyond that playing field there are a number of other playing fields that are created. Since those have been created and since nobody has more information then the 2 parties negotiating, that deal that is the ultimate 'Inside Information'. True knowledge. Confidence. Passion and all the rest.

Depending on the terms of the 7 higher reported sales than, if they were straight cash deals, then I see eventually being much higher on that list. Since it was tied for 8th place with my very good friend, Roy Messer, I hate to tell him he is now in sole possession of 9th place. Of course that may depend on the amount of vodka supply he is getting for selling

Some see a domain and see a sale. I see a domain and an entire world of options and possibilities that opens up. The limit is your mind and creative sense in both content and business outlook. My job is not to find 1 million people that see what I see. My mission is to find one. Find one for each domain that lends itself to be included in the final landscape of the Internet. That is worthy of Main Street. That is sensitive to the needs of who they are serving.

Look, some folks are in the cattle business and their job is to load up the truck and take those cattle to market. They are looked at by the herd. By dozens at at time. They are nameless. That is different than the family cow named 'Suzy'. Suzy the one that gives you milk and butter and cheese and you have decided to use for a lifetime. She may or may not end up on that truck. Chances are she won't. The table, maybe. ;-)

But now that you are shocked, take a moment to consider the difference. Consider the parallel. Consider things missing even if they are not easily visible or not that pleasant to think of. Consider the short term gain for the many years of satisfaction and production. Consider the value is still there either way but one pays great dividends along the journey and you can still have it end up on the truck. It still has value. But you tapped into something else. Something greaterthan just the norm.

If you want the best, then you usually have to overpay to get it. I have said it many times over the years. I would rather overpay for gold than get a bargain on worthless shit. And when you do it right, what you overpay for today becomes a huge bargain in the years ahead. That is the true measure of a deal. Not 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 months later but 10 YEARS later. And when you measure by the generation and have a relaxed time frame you can do great things and put great deals together. But if you only see one playing field...........

Merry Christmas!!

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz