TRAFFIC Teams Up With Ritz Carlton. 2011 Show on Fort Lauderdale Beach

Morning Folks!
Happy New Year's to All on this first business day of 2011. What a year it is going to be!

If you liked South Beach, you are going to LOVE Fort Lauderdale Beach and the New Ritz Carlton Hotel right in the middle of all the action.

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is proud to announce that the 2011 show will be held at the gorgeous New Fort Lauderdale Beach Ritz Carlton Hotel From October 16th-19th.

One of the biggest hits at our South Beach show was the reservation by T.R.A.F.F.I.C. of all of the hotel’s cabanas. In 2011, T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has once again reserved all of the cabanas, but with one major difference. The cabanas at our new venue are the most luxurious, welcoming cabanas in South Florida. You will need to reserve yours early as all 10 Cabana’s overlook the Blue Atlantic for a very special networking experience.

The Stunning New Ritz Carlton in the back with Beach Place and dozens of shops in Front

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is the Domain Industry’s “Luxury Brand”. At T.R.A.F.F.I.C., you celebrate your past accomplishments while at the same time plant the seeds for future ones. Howard and I simply facilitate things by creating a conducive atmosphere and carve out time and space for you to accomplish those goals with like- minded business people. As the industry evolves, so will the influx of new investors and businesses. You can accelerate progress, but you can’t rush it. There is a huge difference.

Our guests deserve the best and we are here to make that happen. And like I always say, it isn’t whether you can afford T.R.A.F.F.I.C., it’s that you can’t afford to miss it. Missing T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has proved more costly than most could even imagine. Passing on a chance for progress is never the right decision. Coming to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. gives you the chance to grow your businesses exponentially. The deals that are done are stunning. It is woven into the fabric of the history of domaining. And as you know we work on polishing the schedule until stage time! We never stop. We want to give you so much value for your dollar that it is impossible to stay home and be a bystander.

Each of our past DIAMOND SPONSORS have seen their companies grow dramatically by being the lead at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. with all of the attention that they received They accelerate until they are flying high. All of our past sponsors have grown their respective companies substantially due to their exposure and participation at T.R.A.F.F.I.C.

Like us or not, Howard and I deliver over and over again or nobody would waste their time and money traveling from around the world to attend. They come because there is nowhere else they can go and accomplish so much so fast and have a great time doing it because they are with their friends and associates at the 'fraternity' we have established. A show by domainers for domainers.

This will be our 22nd show. We have come to the conclusion that we will never satisfy everybody, because when you try, you satisfy nobody. So we will continue to do it the way we think it should be done. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. means BUSINESS for a reason.

As you know we planned to do a show in the San Francisco area in conjunction with ICANN. We had a specific agenda, with a specific goal that could only work at the proper venue. After an exhaustive search and then sending out a poll a few weeks ago to see what most folks thought, it became clear that the interest was not really there to have a meaningful and impactful show and on the heals of the other shows, just did not make sense.

Instead we decided to focus all of our energy on the Florida show in October. The show that will be more inline of what the industry needs and is looking for.

Registration will be opening up in the days ahead and we make it affordable to those that act early. Business is about seizing opportunity and in this case you will save nearly 50% by making the decision to come and making that decision now.

Sponsor sheets will be available later this week and registration will open later this month.

You can expect significant savings off the Room Prices and also their Suites. We will be setting up the page with reservation info and special code in the next few days. You can expect savings of $30/night now and as much as $200/night at showtime. The rate will be $254 for an upgraded Ocean View Room. We'll send you the link and code as soon as it is available.

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Means Business!

Cabanaview Cabana View

Thanks for your time!

Rick and Howard

8 thoughts on “TRAFFIC Teams Up With Ritz Carlton. 2011 Show on Fort Lauderdale Beach

  1. Anunt

    Why wait till October…when the weather gets kinda cold and windy!
    Do it during Spring Break…hot and sunny…girls girls girls… party party party…
    Good Luck with the show Rick!

  2. Travel Shop

    I have used trip adviser and written one review-with some success.I think that they need to make sure that they verify a percentage of reviews and perhaps restrict how many can be made from one email address.


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