3D associated 2 word dot com or 3D.co? Part 2. The Equation and the Answer

Morning Folks!!

Besides basic math, reading and writing, Algebra I would say is the most important and useful subject I ever learned in school. I use it everyday in almost every situation. It's my compass in life. To understand this post, you must read the comments on my last post. This is my dissecting things a little further. First let me be on record saying there are only a handful of 3d domains that will have any value and tens of thousands registered. So that's my take on the 3d fad. Just using that as an example because it works well to illustrate an equation.

Now that folks see a 'STARTING EQUATION' (3dville.com vs3d.co) change the variables to find different results. At the end of the day there are only a FEW variables that you can fill into the .CO side and still make your argument. Then you get to 'Pigeon Shit'. The domains that will never work. Point is, IF you even want a chance of winning, you best START with PRIME. When I see a domain that would have no value with a .com on the end then chances are it is even worse with another extension. Excluding natural combination's. Yes, 3D.TV is a winner. It's natural. It's natural to say and remember. But that equation won't work for everything.
Equations and variables. That's what it is all about. As a captain of a ship, your #1 job is to have as few leaks as possible. If you leak 25% of your efforts to somebody else you make them rich and maybe a competitor. Your advertising costs 25% more for the leak and you grow your own competition. Sorry, that is NEVER a smart equation no matter what business you are in.
As I have said, .co has an opportunity. It won't be up to me. It won't be up to Juan. It won't be up to you. It won't be up to anyone but the consumer. THEY hold the key. THEY will determine it. And if the best opportunity goes down in flames, you will see the other extensions with an even worse fate.

Dot com worked because there was natural type in traffic in great mass and it has trillions of dollars in advertising worldwide behind it. Not even to mention that you hear, see, and read it all day long and we are brainwashed.

Any new extension or domain will work IF you give them something UNIQUE that they want. So the value for sake of value is a Tulip Festival. Domains traded inside a small community and the greater world could care less. Everyone looking for the second coming of a unique opportunity in time.
We have a rendezvous with destiny and in that rendezvous we will travel away from the dot com home base. But will anyone else? Will they travel or come back to the home base?
Content and a number of huge successes will be the thing that could ignite a new extension. But without that, just go look at a map of all the plants and stars in the galaxy. They are just there. I have never been a content guy, but that is the key to a new extension and it better be superior to anything else.
And if you think I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, you are right! But that is what an equation is. Variables that add weight to one argument or another and not be afriad to change the variables and get a differnt conclusion. But reality trumps all.
At the end of the day, eyeballs are what counts. Advertising is what counts. Word of mouth is what counts. Branding with a PROFIT counts.
We all get to see an experiment. That is what we will witness. A great test. A grand multimillion dollar experiment. That is exciting! And it will play out in front of the world and if the canary lives, the world will know and if the canary dies, the world will know and if nobody cares, then that will be the result.
With each experiment, the equation and the variables change just a tiny bit. Your job is to keep score and don't fool yourself no matter how it turns out.

Tomorrow I will connect this 'Equation' with the 'Marketing Nerve' and you will see how to map an experiment mentally. Map on a grid.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

62 thoughts on “3D associated 2 word dot com or 3D.co? Part 2. The Equation and the Answer

  1. rob sequin

    “It won’t be up to anyone but the consumer. THEY hold the key. THEY will determine it.”
    Right and they are not going to”buy into” .co unless there .co domains developed into VALUABLE websites.
    So, the real question is, will domain owners build VALUABLE websites on .co domains.
    I seriously doubt it. Who would build on a .co? VERY FEW people therefore VERY FEW consumers will come to learn about .co therefore .co is dead… after all the hype and after all the speculators let their .co domains drop when it comes to renewal time.
    .co will never get to one million registrations. Everyone who is in, is in and one Super Bowl ad is not going to change that by any great amount.
    Speculators are giddy thinking that the GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial is somehow going to double restrictions and/or add value to their already registered .co domains. Good luck with that.

  2. cm

    “.co is dead”? wow…that’s heavy
    The other question is…if .co lives how will it affect Rob…and the rest of the internet.

  3. cm

    An interesting question for me to know…
    I feel you have been 100% against .co from the beginning.
    Given that it has been 6 months…
    Are you more worried or less worried that .co will live?

  4. Rick Schwartz

    Remember one thing. There is no shortage of dot com addresses. What there is a shortage of is and understanding of value and ideas to make them worth what they a actually worth.

  5. DontBuy.CO

    I agree Rick. I see boatloads of available, dropping and for sale .com domain names that make sense.
    But careful consideration must still be given to be sure the names purchased are not pidgeon shit.

  6. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    This statement of yours is PRICELESS !!!
    “Remember one thing. There is no shortage of dot com addresses. What there is a shortage of is and understanding of value of yours encapsulates and defines one of is an understanding my of value and ideas to make them worth what they a actually worth.”
    One of my educational goals has been to enlighten Domainers of the power they have if they just simply listened to your message!! If you read my earliest Blog Comments you will see this is so.
    You are a Master Educator and Communicator, we all need and respect your guidance.
    Thank You Rick !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  7. cm

    If there were no”shortage”… in one form or another… there would never be a need to have another extension.

  8. Jeff Schneider

    SORRY FOR TYPO! Should have read =
    Hello Rick,
    This statement of yours is PRICELESS !!!
    “Remember one thing. There is no shortage of dot com addresses. What there is a shortage of is and understanding of value and ideas to make them worth what they a actually worth.”
    One of my educational goals has been to enlighten Domainers of the power they have if they just simply listened to your message!! If you read my earliest Blog Comments you will see this is so.
    You are a Master Educator and Communicator, we all need and respect your guidance.
    Thank You Rick !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  9. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    @cm You are fighting a powerfull tide, and it doesnt matter if you put lipstick on a pig IT is still a pig.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  10. Computerssoftwares

    Dear Rick, Hi,
    Cannot stop but applause you. Who was your math teacher or who taught you how to write a complex sub? Only things we learned from you, go for .Com &.Com & only .Com with type ins. And there is no shortage of .Com names.
    Have a good day! Regds,

  11. cm

    grin….who’s fighting? I love .com
    When all the pretty girls are taken, i’d rather
    check out the other options rather than
    be stuck with something ugly like a pig.

  12. Favorite Domains

    I also don’t believe that many domainers would want to develop .co domains unless their business is based in Colombia.
    There is no live websites for Google.co , bing.co , and microsoft.co etc…
    I have a few .co domains which I wouldn’t develop either.
    I have one worder”product keyword” .co domains but wouldn’t develop them.

  13. Giles

    Just curious, when you say a”handful” of 3D names will be worth something, can you give us some examples of names you think will be the most valuable…besides the obvious 3D.com, 3-D.com, 3DTV.com etc
    Just curious which sort of names you think will become valuable. I know for a fact a lot of 3D followers and non-3D people would not even have considered 3DPrinting.com as a profitable name, but that sold for $33,000 the other day.
    Appreciate your thoughts?

  14. Dan

    my sentiment is this and please do correct me if you feel I’m wrong..
    .tv .me .co if committed and used properly in your marketing efforts then it works well, making it a ‘winner’.
    .com overseeds those efforts..
    the question is how much time and investment is going to be committed to .co over all? I don’t think that question can be truly answered in the short term, it would be purely based on speculation.
    but so far so good with the marketing of .co and a super bowl ad is a good effort. nothing to shake a stick at and one we haven’t seen before. it should be interesting :)

  15. Don

    I think .co will get to a million registrations and more.
    Price is the biggest reason for the hold back right now.
    I bet you will see it hit 1 million by Mid-April
    “The public does not know about .co yet” but that can change very quickly if a gd commercial goes viral. Then you will see if it has a chance to spread. For a new business starting out it’s a great extension. If you can’t get the .com then what do you do?
    The general public does not care about whether it is a info,net,biz,org or whatever. If your a domain investor you do care. But the general public are not domain investors. They are just people wanting a good name and not having to pay thousands for a two or 3 worded generic name.
    This is why I believe it will make it. The general public has a chance to get some good names.
    It has a 50/50 chance of sticking. If it gets to number 2 in popularity in 5 years, consider it a huge success. I hope it makes it.

  16. Don

    I think .co will get to a million registrations and more.
    Price is the biggest reason for the hold back right now.
    I bet you will see it hit 1 million by Mid-April
    “The public does not know about .co yet” but that can change very quickly if a gd commercial goes viral. Then you will see if it has a chance to spread. For a new business starting out it’s a great extension. If you can’t get the .com then what do you do?
    The general public does not care about whether it is a info,net,biz,org or whatever. If your a domain investor you do care. But the general public are not domain investors. They are just people wanting a good name and not having to pay thousands for a two or 3 worded generic name.
    This is why I believe it will make it. The general public has a chance to get some good names.
    It has a 50/50 chance of sticking. If it gets to number 2 in popularity in 5 years, consider it a huge success. I hope it makes it.

  17. cm

    If someone develops a .co or any other extension other than .com ….
    Where you own the .com version and likely to get a boost in traffic from the other extensions…why would you not be the first in line to support dot whatever comes out? Do you want the extra traffic? Or are you more worried about the competition?
    If you have an undeveloped site, you will welcome the traffic.
    If you have a developed site…where do you stand? Getting a little mistyped traffic may be overridden by the competition in general.

  18. DontBuy.CO

    I take back everything I say. .CO is the best investment anyone could ever make. .Com is dead. You’ll make huge money. You may even become a”domain rockstar”. :)
    Go register ’em tiger! –chuckling–

  19. Kevin M.

    “”The general public does not care about whether it is a info,net,biz,org or whatever. If your a domain investor you do care. But the general public are not domain investors. They are just people wanting a good name and not having to pay thousands for a two or 3 worded generic name.
    This is why I believe it will make it. The general public has a chance to get some good names.””
    Ok Don and other rah-rah’er’s,
    If joe average wants a ‘good name’ for their ventures, pray do explain to everyone, that with so many other extensions out there, why .co is ‘the extension’ they are going to be able to ‘now’ get those ‘good names’ in. Was/is there some reason they can’t/couldn’t have gotten their ‘good name’ in one of the other extensions?? And ‘why’ is it that .co, (a cctld!), is ‘the’ chance to finally do so?? This seems to be a prevailing chant, so other than the airless ‘its shorter’ and ‘it stands for company’ (good grief!), why is it that this is – ‘the chance’, rather than with any other prior or yet to come extension?

  20. AlanR

    The biggest variable is human nature. I’ve always been fascinated with human nature and the psychology behind it so after watching and participating in this ongoing debate on whether a new extension will succeed or not, you get a pretty good idea of whats going to happen.
    Since 1999, there has been at least a dozen extensions that have popped up that were being proclaimed as the next dotcom. Each and every time, there was a passionate and sometimes heated debate by the proponents of those extensions and by the camp that was not buying the hype. Naming a few, there was .cc, .ws, .to, .tv, .biz, .info, .us, .mobi, etc. and each and every time, not one has even come close to the success of dotcom.
    So now we are debating .co so I don’t know why anyone thinks that dotco will be any different? You would think by now that all the lessons learned from all the other extensions, speculators would be less likely to invest but like history always repeating itself, so do new variables pop up. Don’t be fooled by these new variables because dotcom is so ingrained in the public’s mind that it would take years to change that default if at all.
    How many years can someone stay in business if their website bleeds a large share of it’s traffic to the guy who owns the dotcom of that domain? You spend the money and the dotcom guy benefits! That’s what will happen! If you advertise a dotco, most likely, the guy with the dotcom will get your traffic. People will either forget what extension it was if they saw or heard it or if they do go there, there is a good chance they will also checkout the dotcom too. That’s usually not the case with dotcom. Most people don’t go to a dotcom first and then decide to checkout the other extensions. Which ones would they checkout first? Why?
    Like I said, how long can someone stay in business before they finally give up and buy a dotcom? I’ve sold a number of domains to people who had the .net. They thought they could compete with me but after awhile, reality set in and they ended up buying my domain. I purposely don’t register the other extensions if I own the dotcom because the people who register the .net, .tv, .mobi, .co, etc could be your best customers! So in the short term, all the hype about .co could slow down the value of dotcoms but in the long run, it will help sales of dotcoms like all the other failed extensions have. They just prove that dotcom is an essential if you want to play on an even playing field, especially if you want to play international!

  21. Chadi

    I believe success of anything is never as miraculous as it sounds or as mysterious as some would like it to appear. Its equational, demystifiable.
    Why? Because, it has to have a logical base or core to begin with, and the rest is a conglomeration of many factors, like time, development, advertisement (The Ingredients of Exposure)…
    I believe the Internet’s character and role has to do with the success of a TLD. The current currency is money, and the current economic paradigm to is to give something in order receive money in return. This paradigm forces the internet to be mall-like a cyber mall, where companies can introduce, advertise and sell their products. This is why .com is king (at its logical naked core). .com signals money… The internet is currently an advertising medium, a display platform. So long as it remains as such, .co has enough logical core to make it, and since it has this core, it’ll always find investors willing to spend on it. From here, even if 100s of TLDs surface in the future like .life .friend .morgue etc… .co will still have a unique shot at prevailing over such TLDs.
    However, paradigms shift across time, and the internet’s character and venue of usage could change and mature. The internet mirrors our truth and reality which is always changing; and lets say we mature into a new economic paradigm in which currency as we know it to be differs i.e. something like a barter system. In that situation, our view towards TLDs will change.
    Personally, I believe the internet has a greater potential as an informational medium than it has as an advertising one. I can see keywords like Mind Theory for instance becoming more valuable in the future than they currently appear to be when compared to product domains like Lolly Pop for instance.
    Nothing is Sacred…

  22. cm

    Why .co ?
    End users who would not consider building on a .net, .org, etc.
    will consider building on .co
    thus the door would be open…when otherwise it has been closed for other extensions.
    If you have to ask”why will they consider building on .co” then you should let this opportunity pass.

  23. Logan

    @Jeff – ‘You are a Master Educator and Communicator”
    I disagree. Of all the blog posts I read on the Web every day (domaining blogs or otherwise), I have the hardest time following most of the points that Rick tries to make in his. Much of his writing at this blog baffles my mind as to what his point is –”Where is he going with this?”. I cannot rank his ability to educate and communicate in writing, at least, as a”Master” – I find his writing too hard to follow so I simply stopped reading many of his posts here some time ago. This headline caught my eye, but regretfully I am none the wiser from having read the post. For example, this paragraph:
    “Any new extension or domain will work IF you give them something UNIQUE that they want. So the value for sake of value is a Tulip Festival. Domains traded inside a small community and the greater world could care less. Everyone looking for the second coming of a unique opportunity in time.”

  24. Anunt

    Rick, in this blog post that you just made about equations and variables and all other bull crap…seriously, you are giving me a huge head-ache…my head is spinning!!!
    My advice to you Rick: K.I.S.S. = Keep IT Simple Stupid
    Therefore, I am going to re-post my comments below that i made in Ricks previous blog…something that makes sense without all the bullshit noise about equations and variables…
    3d.co OR 3dville.com
    Domainers will pick 3d.co
    The correct answer is 3dville.com
    Let me explain this to you little kids…
    Read this over and over and over and over again and again and again until you understand this:
    “When you see John Jones thru John Jones eyes, you will sell John Jones what John Jones buys”
    Rick has been preaching this for years and years…and still you idiot domainers have not learned a damn thing!
    You guys need to stop thinking about what you like and start thinking about what the general public and your average Joe will like and remember… 3dville.com or 3d.co
    Average Joe will like and will most likely remember 3dville.com
    Therefore the correct answer is: 3dville.com

  25. Landon White

    This will Help!
    Godaddy and sorts make,
    $ 9per .Co registration …
    road map still needed ?

  26. David L.G

    As a busy man, I don’t think Rick past all his day to write articles. He is not interesting to impress by his writing. Rick goes to what is essential: ideas and vision.
    In my view, I read all Domainers blog and I learn here more that anywhere. There are not many domainers that share so many secrets. Domains sales, domaining philosophy and vision, you can find here everything. His blog is fun and definitively a guide.

  27. zero

    .info is at 1.99$. Road map still needed ? Remove your 3D glasses. When price fall down, this is not a good signal, believe me.

  28. Don

    @ Kevin M
    Well it’s just common sense. You ask normal day people if they would use it .co, How would this .co look on a billboard as opposed to biz, or info. You need to ask normal day people”not domainers”
    Who do you think will be buying these names. You see .com is gold but .co is similar because it has two of the letters it will gain that with trust- so it has a strong chance to get a silver in 5 years.
    It will not replace .com, but that is not the point of it. Ask yourself if any other extension has spent this much money on advertising and promotion? Did the other extensions really push advertising? How many others are going to be in a superbowl commercial? name one can you? I doubt it.
    Here is what I do know. Worst case you end up owning a generic domain name in Columbia that is not so bad. Best case in 5 years it becomes the second most popular extension. But time is on our sides because it will be a couple years before anyone can say this is a great or bad extension.
    I just look at it as one long 5 year call option.
    If your worried about what your buying you should not be buying anything. If you don’t know what correct .com names to buy that does not guaranty anything either.

  29. Pattaya Girls

    right now 3d sucks because of the glasses within 5 years it will be glasses free and on every phone / console/ pc and tv.
    some things work with 3d some don’t no doubting 3d porn will be better than 2d same with most games.
    Rick I would argue your experiment won’t be fair because u have the midas touch and whatever domain choice u go with will prob succeed.

  30. Altaf

    Hello Rick,
    I think somethink wrong with the link being redirected to google w/o the url you wished. Kinldy to look into it once more.

  31. DomainSushi

    @ Don, cm, and the Robert Cline guy from Elliot’s blog, and the rest of the .CO posse:
    Please stop. Your posts are bordering on proselytizing, and it’s giving .CO a bad name. Domainers can smell fear, and you’re giving off”desperation vibes,” as if the success of .CO is the most important thing in your life. If so, you need to get out more.
    While some of the arguments on the other side (for .CO’s imminent failure) are equally as biased and unfounded, the cheerleader stuff gets old. You’re entitled to your opinions, but you’re defending an extension that’s barely 6 months old. If you bought in and are so desperate to have it succeed in the next year that your life depends on it, you didn’t make a wise investment.
    If you’d really like to put your time to good use, start developing some sites (and if you’ve already done that, make some more). Start contacting and educating end users, and getting a feel for whether .CO makes any sense to them or not.
    In short, SHOW the haters (with actions, not words) that they’re wrong. Because the more you repeat the same thing time and time again, the less meaning it carries.
    The most vocal of a group are not necessarily the most well-informed. And frankly, I think .CO could use better ambassadors.
    P.S.: This is spoken as someone who invested in .CO and has two names in Sedo’s auction.

  32. owen frager

    How do you draw this conclusion? Have you spent over $100K to focus group end users? You can bet Cointernet has. It’s not a traffic, speculation or domain investor’s domain. See the examples on Opportunity.co. These small businesses are the target and in 2011 there’s no room for debate- They MUST have an Internet presence. There are 35 million of such prospective companies. I think getting to a million without ever having to depend on Domainer speculation for survival is a no brainer.

  33. owen frager

    ps. Guess what- 35 million prospects, 100 million eyeballs on the Super Bowl. You do the math of the cost of acquisition of a customer with lifetime value when they are all ears.

  34. Chadi

    I disagree… You should never acquire a domain name or believe in a TLD for the sole purpose that you think”The Masses” would buy into it more. This way, you’ve put yourself behind the masses, and the result is a very temporal success victimized by trends that are prone to wither and die.
    If you look at any domain field in life, you’ll discover that the masses’ taste is greatly influenced by a minority who have vision and are capable of creating trends not following them.
    To create = to See ahead and above”The Average”, which means to be a leader not a follower. It takes more time and effort, but in the hostile competitive world we live in, it is slowly becoming”The Only Formula” for true success.
    There is no future for any keyword or TLD one would buy into just because one believes the masses has preceded you into liking it.
    You have to be German to know what the Germans really like, and a Shoemaker to know what Shoemakers really like. You can’t be all that, and if you can not be all that, than you should at least be yourself.
    speculate over the success and popularity of something you yourself like to begin with, but never jump outside your own mind and base everything on the temporal taste of those you believe to be”the masses”.
    In short, being myself, 3D.co is and will always be much more attractive than 3DVille.com

  35. BFitz

    Thank you for a pragmatic post about .CO. Yes the usual suspects are out posting (including me I guess) but your center position on the outcome is a breath of fresh air. It will take five years to fully mature, it will take development and content. Remember, Godaddy has an incentive beyond this launch: RENEWALS at $29.99 a pop. They also will need to justify their marketing investments and show the bosses they were right to get behind .CO. And, as you noted, if .CO fails the new extensions don’t stand a chance. So, how hard will Godaddy work to make .CO a success so folks will line up for the next one? Yes, there are other registrars but if Godaddy is not behind it, it won’t work. They are the every-day-man’s place for domains.

  36. AlanR

    Like DomainSushi said (nice post btw), you dotco guys are sounding desperate! The hype alone turns people off. The problem with speculators is they get so blinded by their own self promotion of what they are speculating on that they can’t see the other side clearly or at all. I know because I’m a speculator myself but my bets are on dotcom which has proven to be a pretty safe bet. It took years for dotcom to finally prove itself to be worthy.
    The general public/endusers will see all this hype about .co but won’t have any of the same bias that the speculators have so I’m speculating that within a year, dotco will fizzle. I’m sure that the GoDaddy ad on SuperBowl will do very well and there will be several hundreds of thousands of registrations sold and the dotco camp will be high 5ing each other and all the boards and blogs will be buzzing with excitement for quite some time but for all my friends who bought into all the dotco hype, I’m sorry to say that they will be very disappointed in the end. And for some, it will be another disappointment.
    No matter how smart someone is, or successful they are, no matter how many marketing companies that brag about their success, they have all had HUGE failures and will always have their share of failures! We all have so they aren’t any different. People like Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, have guessed wrong may times so no one or no company will always get it right all the time! I could be wrong about dotco but I have history to backup my theory that it won’t succeed. The dotco camp has absolutely nothing to backup their claims of why it will. And what disturbs me the most is a lot of people will lose lots of money because of all the false hope that the hype masters are giving them because of who they are.

  37. cm

    I must have misread/misunderstood the 3d.co vs. 3dville.com question and the debate that followed.
    As far as repeating myself…my brain is old..but
    not that bad yet…I don’t think:) Go check for me.
    Calling someone out that is on a totally different blog…isn’t to nice. Also, nice good cop, bad cop:)

  38. Anunt

    Listen Owen Faggot … if you think that the superbowl commercial for .CO is going to make any difference…you are an idiot!
    Let me give you an example: If i do a superbowl commercial trying to sell”SSL Certificates”…how many superbowl watchers are going to become my customers for this”SSL Certificates” … almost NONE…i dont care how good the commercial is…i will be wasting my money doing this commercial…same thing with .CO
    If they use this advertising money on google ads targeting the right group of customers…it will be much much better. Same thing with my example…if i spend over a million dollars on google ads with”SSL Certificates”, i will get much more customers than doing a freaking superbowl commercial.
    Targeted Traffic is million times better than eyeballs!
    You need to read this over and over and again and again…
    “When you see John Jones thru John Jones eyes, you will sell John Jones what John Jones buys”

  39. Zero

    I think the only way to make to the superbowl sucessful is to give free 3D glasses to anyone. With the 3D glasses the two letter will come like three letters .com. They will not see any difference.
    I think it’s the only way. No choice.
    In my view, .co begin to be valuable if the price to fall to zero.

  40. Sri

    I concur with you. A very accurate observation.
    Any innovation in the browser or the content delivery platform could even make the whole concept of domain names extinct. Domainers would do well to not inflate domain name values to such a level that the end users are motivated to invent alternatives.

  41. Landon White

    @ BFitz
    They (Godaddy) also will need to justify their marketing investments and show the bosses they were right to get behind .CO
    The only person Motorcycle Bob Parsons needs to justify
    the .Co”Marketing Scam too is God.
    “Who’s Cubicle do you Whore for”


    @ DomainSushi
    Please stop.
    Your posts are bordering on Con Artist
    proselytizing, and it’s giving .Com (the standard) a bad name.
    Seems like you are begging in your post
    So i ask you in all fairness …
    “Who’s Cubicle do you Whore for”

  43. BankofAmerica

    @ AlanR
    SAID: It took years for dotcom to finally prove itself to be worthy.
    .COM STARTED the Internet MORON ,,,
    where were you in the womb!

  44. laughing at ya !!

    this is a scream to read
    total pros here :)
    oh lord take me now
    ha ha

  45. Altaf

    Anunt said,”Targeted Traffic is million times better than eyeballs!”
    What are your comments? How many of you do agree with him?

  46. Anunt

    Altaf, targeted traffic is million times better than eyeballs if you are really looking for true results with huge profits.
    But if you are just looking for website traffic, you can get that with eyeballs!
    eyeballs dont bring in the money…while with targeted traffic, you will see the money come in…profits!
    eyeballs = popularity, but NO profits
    targeted traffic = no popularity, but big profits
    i like profits, so i like targeted traffic!

  47. Guy

    The canary is on life support.
    next years drops will need to be seen to be believed. the .co registry have done a good job spinning recent events, considering.
    next year will be carnage droptime. trust me
    the only person laughing is mike mann and the registry
    mike mann of course had all the best ones that he got as he owned the .com.co counterparts i believe, so had first dibs
    glad i never touched this turkey. hope no more domainers lose any cash on this.
    stick to .com and trusted cctlds that have lasted test of time like .de, .co.uk etc


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