Life is Fragile. Death Watch for 2 of our Kitty Cats

Morning Folks!!

(Thanksgiving Day Update Below)

We have 7 pets. 6 cats and a dog. 4 rescued. Our oldest cat
“Bully” is 9. We just learned has cancer and is undergoing Chemo. We don’t know if he
will make it. We are waiting to see how he responds.

Bully on Left, Baby Bully on Right. Father and Son. Both Rescued. Baby was just minutes from being destroyed and even tho I was responsible for saving him, he hisses at me all the time to this very day. Good thing I am used to that.
Then on Monday “Pearl” was limping. So my wife took her to
the vet. They gave her a shot of cortisone. 24 hours later she was having
congestive heart failure which was a reaction to what they did not know existed
even tho a fairly common condition. So they had to put her in an oxygen tent and then my wife had to rush
her from the vet to the Animal Hospital. Pearl is an Abyssinian. Her little heart stopped last night but
they were able to revive her. The last we heard she is in “Very Critical”
condition. 50/50 of making it thru the night. The phone has not rung. That is
good. A bit scared to call.

Picture 696
Pearl in Back, Ruby in Front. Sisters that we just could not separate nearly 7 years ago. Proud Papa

So we are on “Death Watch” for 2 kitties today. Bully has a
son “Little Bully” and they are inseparable. We are worried about him as well.
Then “Pearl” has a sister “Ruby' and they have been together since the day they
were born. So plenty to worry about.

But the POINT of this post is just how fragile life is and
NOBODY is promised tomorrow or next hour. Life is short and delicate and
sometimes we lose sight of what is really important.

RIP Fluffy. Son of Bully, Brother of Baby. Half brother of Ebby and Blackie. Did not rescue in time.

RIP George. He would just plop down on my desk and I would have to work around him.

Cruise 018
Ebby. Same mother as Baby Bully. Sister to Blackie.

Blackie. Sister of Ebby. Half sister to Baby Bully and half or full sister to Fluffy

Freddy. He runs the place and let's us live here with him. ;-)
Have a great holiday. Enjoy your families. Stop and smell
the roses! Maybe a couple prayers.

Rick Schwartz

Update. Pearl survived the night. She was given a 50/50 chance of making it until this morning.
Update. Bully Goes in for 2nd round of Chemo in 1 hour. Being forced fed by Alina.

Thanksgiving Day Update:

Pearl is doing 'Awesome' was the word the docs used last night. She is out of the oxygen tent and breathing on her own. We expect to take her home today! She made it!!! A real miracle. Thanks for the prayers. She was gone.

Bully had his second round of Chemo and he is doing better as well. His personality is back, rubbies, and a lot more talkative. But he is still be forced fed, but things are looking better for Bully as well. His white blood cells are up and things for both kitties have stabilized

Monday Update...Both Pearl and Bully are resting comfortably but improvement is very slow and we just have to take it one day at a time.

So we have a lot to be thankful for today. We dodged TWO bullets for the moment.

December 2nd update. Pearl is doing great! She is back to her normal self as of yesterday and her surviving was a true miracle. She still requires rest as an heart patient would. Otherwise, she is doing fine and hope to know more for the long term tomorrow when the vet checks her.

Bully is day to day but is showing signs of getting stronger and is eating a little bit on his own. Today is the day we get results back from the first 2 chemo treatments. If his blood count gets better they will do a third and more intense treatment. If not, then we will evaluate with the vet and decide what to do.we would NEVER allow him to suffer. But we would also NEVER just walk away without giving him a chance to fight. Pearl was dead. Her tiny heart stopped beating. They massaged her back and today she is a happy camper again. We would NEVER just walk away but we would never keep any of them for selfish reasons if we see them in distress.

39 thoughts on “Life is Fragile. Death Watch for 2 of our Kitty Cats

  1. Donna Mahony

    I just lost a 20 year old cat last month, Rick. My prayers go out to you and your animal family. George will take care of them when they arrive.

  2. Kevin

    Prayers sent for Bully & Pearl.
    It’s sad that in life, our very best true blue friends, the dogs and cats we are blessed with and love so much, share our hearts for such a short time span.
    I had 4 wonderful cats who each lived past 15 years. I miss them all so much. They had such unique personalities.

  3. Rick Schwartz

    Thanks Donna. Pretty tough day here. I knew you would post something comforting. Thank you.
    I really hope George can wait just a little longer for some company.

  4. Tim Davids

    we lost a one year old this week…took her for shots and fixing, woke up 7 days later and she was almost gone…rushed her to vet…2 hours later she didn’t make it. Vet said she prolly had a weakened imune system.
    We still have 12…they’re all like our kids.
    Good luck today Rick.

  5. Aron

    Sorry to hear this.
    My dog of 14 years died two months ago.
    It’s so hard to handle… and to say goodbye and adjust to life without your long-time friend.
    I’ll say a prayer for ya today.

  6. Chef Patrick

    Sorry to hear this Rick. I’m a big time animal lover.
    We just gave up two cats and a dog a few months back because my son had breathing issues. It was one of the hardest things we’ve had to do. Luckily we found them all good homes.
    Best wishes to you and your wife!

  7. Rick Schwartz

    And you represent all the lowlife scum buckets that exist out there. I think that smells much worse. How do you even live with yourself with that stink in your HEART??

  8. steven

    Very true reminder to appreciate everyday with those you love because tomorrow is no gaurantee.
    I hope everything works out for you and your cats.

  9. M. Roberts

    I had a long time family friend that lived within an hour drive of me for the last several years. I only visited him once during that time. We had lived near each other years before and always had great conversions and a good time visiting.
    Last week he died and I learned three four things at his interment:
    1. He was 82 not 62 as I thought.
    2. He fought in WWII at age 17.
    3. He actually died from tripping on a pallet at a store and the resulting head injury, not the years of battling heart disease.
    4. You cannot go back and make the excuses for not doing something seem any more valid after it is too late.
    Rick, your post, and an earlier one you made with a similar point are so true.

  10. Kevin

    Sorry to hear about the passing of your dog Aron. I know that pain when you’ve had a dog for that many years. It’s tough and leaves you with emotions in your heart that go on forever.
    @ Rick, glad they’ve made it so far through the night. Cancer can be grueling but I had one of my Shepherds live a full year after she was diagnosed with it. I did mostly holistic treatments to keep her going. Heard too many horror stories about the chemo actually doing more harm than good.

  11. AlanR

    Sorry to hear about your cats Rick. Hopefully, they will pull through okay! My dad has a calico cat that is 25 now and she still runs through the house. She won’t use the litter box anymore which is a problem.

  12. Rick

    @Rick. It’s just a cat buddy. Grow a pair and put the poor thing out of its suffering. Take the money you were going to waste giving it cancer treatments (rolls eyes) and donate that to a worthy cause.
    Don’t get mad. I’m just saying what every guest to your home has been thinking.

  13. Jo

    I wish your pets the best of luck.
    And I like to tell you that I appreciate your thoughts in this text.
    Thomas Bernhard, austrian author who is well known in Europe, once was saying:”Everything is useless, if we are aware of death”.
    It makes sense to find a balance between life and spirituality, between domains and heaven.
    I wish you all the best on your way.

  14. ScottM

    Hi Rick:
    I too have had 2 rescued cats. The first lived almost 20 years. Towards the end she had lymphoma and the feline specialist in Vegas said chemo can be very effective in cats and they tolerate it really well but not so effective for lymphoma type cancers. Without chemo she still lived almost another year.
    If your cat is limping or lethargic especially if elderly try this supplement called Cosequin (get the ones for cats, not dogs), you can buy it at Petsmart or 1800PetMeds, no prescription. You open the capsules up and sprinkle 1/2 the capsule on their food once a day. Close it back up and sprinkle the other 1/2 of the capsule on it the next day. Its like a miracle”drug”. It is not a drug per se. It has the same ingredients as Glucosomaine Chondtrotin for humans with arthritis.
    In cats and dogs that seem im pain or immobile all of the sudden perk up with this stuff within a day or so. Its a food supplement not a drug, ask your vet she will probably say its fine. By the way, I have only used feline specialists not general vets for my cats.
    My second rescue cat found me, only has one good eye but can see fine and looks like a minature mountain lion and pounces like one! She got named Pouncer but I would have liked to have been the one who registered!
    My thoughts are with you and your wife and your animal family.
    These animal family members are a blessing and a gift and make the home full of life and positive energy and karma.

  15. joezeppy

    Rick, really sorry to hear about Bully. I have a two cats who like getting in the way of my keyboard as well and they’re both getting old now.
    I’m glad they don’t hiss at me. We have a bird that we rescued that hisses at us all and yet, we still take care of it.
    Your comments about Baby’s behavior reminded me of a Bible verse, Romans 5:8.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Rick Schwartz

    Thanksgiving Day Update:
    Pearl is doing”Awesome” was the word the docs used last night. She is out of the oxygen tent and breathing on her own. We expect to take her home today! She made it!!! A real miracle. Thanks for the prayers. She was gone.
    Bully had his second round of Chemo and he is doing better as well. His personality is back, rubbies, and a lot more talkative. But he is still be forced fed, but things are looking better for Bully as well. His white blood cells are up and things for both kitties have stabilized.
    So we have a lot to be thankful for today. We dodged TWO bullets for the moment.
    @Rick, Put US out of OUR suffering. Lowlife loser. I am sure your”friends” would shun you if they knew your identity. Just saying what EVERYONE is thinking. Don’t even have the BALLS to post your own name.

  17. Matt

    Dear Rick,
    I am very very sorry to hear that Bully is very sick. Sounds like Pearl was healed! After awhile it feels like they are members of your family.
    Having no knowledge before that you even had cats, two years ago I found an all black cat outside my apartment and took him in and named him blackie. Very friendly cat. Awesome personality.
    I was super surprised you had a cat that looks exactly the same, with the same name!
    Thought you might enjoy that story. Hopefully Bully will recover fully and quickly as Pearl did.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Also I do not represent these links in any way but I would consider trying adding a SMALL amount of Turmeric to his diet. You can read more up on it here:
    Turmeric is regarded as safe in cats as a dietary supplement, it is thought to have an anti-inflammatory effect and there are owners who believe it is effective in treating cancer.

  18. Jessica

    Don’t we just love to put our pets on spotlight? :)
    Hey, late George looked just like my cat, No-Name! And yeah, he loves to lie on top of our printer and position himself in front of the computer (screen) to remind me or my brother it’s mealtime. what a way to catch our attention. :)
    Anyway, I know your anxiety, Rick. This happened to me several times before with our dogs. Two of them died after being confined in a vet clinic. Terrible moments I don’t want to experience again (for the nth time since I was a child)…Each time I feel like I lost a friend, a dear member of the family that I cry a river and silently wail like a wolf. And each time my brother comforts me by telling me that’s how life is… someday soon you have to say goodbye to a loved one, to your dog, or cat, even if it hurts you badly…you just have to thank God for his gift, for giving you many happy years with your pet…so you have to let go and learn to let go because that is the wheel of life…
    It’s been more than 2 years and now look what i got on my computer table? 2 pups scratching like crazy and I couldn’t do anything to stop the itch! Can’t put anything on them since they’re still very young so I’m sufffering too. I’m also itching now as they also sleep on my bed and most of the time I tuck them with me or carry them to prevent them from scratching and causing further damage to their skin…Maybe I really need to see a vet. :(
    I am happy that Pearl is okey now…I can sense the relief of your family…but at the same time, I feel sorry for Bully for his illness…Hope and pray he’ll recover fully.
    Things like this we share even if we’re strangers here…human emotion indeed is powerful – it transcends distance and crosses boundaries…it is love and affection for animals who treat us like family…who let us show the best in our humanity.
    as you said, we will never know when it’s time for us or our loved ones to say goodbye to this world… tomorrow is long and uncertain…so better make the most of each day appreciating things we oftentimes take for granted…loving what we have,, and thanking God for the people – and animals – he brought into our lives no matter their defects (read: shortcomings) and circumstances – it makes all the difference.
    Funny that last paragraph. :)

  19. Jessica

    Rick, you can append this to my last post:
    I just did some reading on pet care (to find remedies for dog itchiness) and found some good reviews of this product: Transfer Factor. I will try it on my pets. You should, too.

  20. domains

    wish them the best of luck Rick.hope everything turns out ok. I never trust anyone that doesnt love animals and kids. full stop.
    btw, have to say Freddy looks a hilarious character!

  21. Morgan Linton

    Really sorry Rick but glad to hear that Pearl is doing better now!
    We rescued a cat from Animal Rescue in Boston two years ago at the age of seven. They said that older cats almost never get rescued as everyone wants kittens.
    Really glad we did because we ended-up with an incredible cat!
    My girlfriend and I were both touched by your story and sending our good vibes to both Pearl and Bully.

  22. UFO

    You shouldn’t let troll posts through, you should delete them as they aren’t useful other than a wind up.
    Anyway, best wishes for your pets. I can see how owners can get very attached to them, its something that all humans with compassion have, those that hate pets I am sure would and do hate their own kids. Sad. They were probably hated as well.

  23. Bruce Gittleman

    Some helpful advice:
    Try to find a copy of”Pet Allergies: Remedy for an Epidemic”, Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM.
    Serve only clean water (NOT TAP or”Bottled.”) Try to locate a merchant that offers reverse osmosis water purification”vending” machines, which can usually be found at many food markets and health food stores nationally. Call: 1-800-GLACIER to learn if there’s such a merchant near you.
    At least once a day, mixed in with meal Missing Link Plus supplement powder. (Different formulas for Canines and for Felines.)
    Feed organic foods where and when possible.
    Gastric Dilatation Volvulvus:
    As a precaution against Gastric Dilatation Volvulvus (the”Bloat”), never serve DRY kibble to large deep chested canines and never feed from elevated bowls.
    Never feed anything containing Vitamin C derived from Citric Acid. Only Vitamin C from Ascorbic acid is okay.
    Beef, wheat, corn, dairy and soy should be avoided. If your dog or cat has itchy paws, itchy, runny ears and/or”hot spots”, eliminate the aforementioned known allergens and a”miracle” will occur in about two weeks.
    Pity the people who have never experienced unconditional love and pray for the animals who rely upon them for care.

  24. CurtisNeeley

    Interesting to see you care so deeply about pets. I cared about my domain names very much like that. How much should loss of a pet to an angry group be worth?
    is where you can see how 5:09-cv-05151 was started to try to get a jury to price the two domains that were cybersquatted.

  25. ScottM

    Great information Bruce, many thanks!
    Most feline-only practioners now only give the multi-year 3-year FVRCP shot instead of yearly. However most general veterinarians haven’t got the memo apparently and want to vaccine annually. Definitely if absolutely necessary only, get only a 4 (or 5) year Rabbies vaccine, if you get one at all. My feline practioner says that my cat’s initial Rabies vaccine 6 years ago probably is still producing immunity and it was fine to forego another Rabies vaccine for now if I chose to.
    My first cat had to get the yearly Rabies vaccine because I lived in Hawaii for several years, and it’s much stronger apparently than on the mainland. She developed an injection-site lesion which became cancerous and 2-1/2 years later eventually died of lymphoma, she had a number of lymphosarcomas that were surgically removed. She had a good long life of 19 years but I am convinced the Rabies vaccine, the Hawaii version in particular, took away a few more years of her life.
    If it’s not necessary and your cat stays indoors all the time, and you are not in a rabies-prone area, just get the vaccine once when they are young and put off any re-vaccinations of it as long as possible.
    For cats, I would say don’t use a general veterinarian who treats dogs and cats and other animals. Go with only an
    American Association of Feline Practioners veterinarian, you will be amazed at the quality of care they provide versus your previous experience at a general veterinarian.
    and find a feline practioner in your area, click on the 4th paw down.

  26. flash speicher

    You have nice family of such beautiful pets.It’s always sad for all (including pets) to loose someone who is so close to heart.I think you are very lucky person that you have such pretty pets.

  27. wanda

    Back in 99 I registered CatsTrust DogsTrust and two or three years back MissYou TV to augment the dot coms for my dotage when I can give something back to ones that ask nothing in return for the friendly company. No how you feel.

  28. Josh

    I feel your pain on pets. I’ve shed many a tear over my dogs over the years. :( You get attached to the furry little creatures in ways you don’t quite realize until something happens.
    I would encourage you to consider the quality of life the animal would have as well as any pain the animal might suffer during the treatment and afterwards (if any). The pet can’t weigh issues such as that like people do, only you can.

  29. Rick Schwartz

    December 2nd update. Pearl is doing great! She is back to her normal self as of yesterday and her surviving was a true miracle. She still requires rest as an heart patient would. Otherwise, she is doing fine and hope to know more for the long term tomorrow when the vet checks her.
    Bully is day to day but is showing signs of getting stronger and is eating a little bit on his own. Today is the day we get results back from the first 2 chemo treatments. If his blood count gets better they will do a third and more intense treatment. If not, then we will evaluate with the vet and decide what to do and when. We would NEVER allow him to suffer. But we would also NEVER just walk away without giving him a chance to fight. Pearl was dead. Her tiny heart stopped beating. They massaged her back and today she is a happy camper again. We would NEVER just walk away but we would never keep any of them suffering for selfish reasons if we see them in distress.


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