Five auctions under one roof

Morning folks!!


Just wanted to give you some important mid summer


T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is #1 because we set the pace and
are not afraid to try new things. The first silent domain auction, the first
live domain auction and now, with that in mind, T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is proud to
present another ground breaking first in the industry. 
For the first
time at any domain show we are going to have multiple live auctions presented by
multiple auction houses. This is going to be a game changer! Howard and I have
nothing to sell. Our job is to promote the industry as best we can and also be
as inclusive as we can. In tough times like this there will actually be an
increase in domain acquisitions. Domains that would have never been sold will
now be on the auction block. Plus, with multiple companies promoting the live
TRAFFIC auctions in New York City, the bidding action and
excitement will be better than ever. Multiple companies trying to include end
users. Multiple companies competing for the best domains. Multiple companies
offering different type inventories at competitive prices. Multiple auctions with multiple auctioneers and different styles of auction.


As is stands now we believe there will be up to 5 different auction companies holding live domain auctions in New York City
in September. Moniker will continue to be the 'Premiere' auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. as
they have been. As you might imagine, this was not an easy decision. Monte and his crew have done a great service to us all over the years. Just sometimes what is good for one company may not be in the best interest of an entire industry. So kudos to Moniker for doing what others would not do when none of us knew the outcome. 
Last year the New York TRAFFIC show produced a record breaking
$12M in auction sales. I believe that is more than all other live domain auctions at other shows
combined for both 2007 and 2008!! We have the right location at the right time
with the best domain audience.
Including other
auction houses will be effective, good for the growth of the industry, make
things very exciting and open things up that will create lots of energy. Like I
said, this is a game changer and we are all big winners. More info will be
released soon.


We will also be announcing a T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
REWARD PROGRAM later this summer. This program will give perks/discounts to
future TRAFFIC shows starting at our San Francisco/Silicon Valley show next
April. Those spending $10,000 or more at the auction will be eligible for those
rewards. The reward program will be in effect during the New York City show in
September. The more you spend, the more perks you get.


That's about it. We are working hard to make sure
that TRAFFIC keeps way ahead of the pack. Since 2004 we have set the tone and
agenda for the industry by always providing cutting edge and trailblazing ideas
and agendas. Howard and I take great risks in an effort to bring the industry to
the forefront of marketing. Mix that with the biggest and the best and you get
TRAFFIC. We don't know the result of multiple auctions but it is going be a fun
thing to watch unfold. I expect we will announce the participants as early as
this week. I will update this blog with the companies as those companies commit.
Not only will this transform the domain aftermarket, it will transform the
auction houses that participate. Just look at the growth of our biggest partners
over the years. From DomainSponsor, to Moniker, to TrafficZ and others, TRAFFIC
has facilitated the growth of these companies. We are the 'King makers' and that
has been the bi-product of what we do and we can do it for many

Now just a few quick reminders.   
1. The group fees go up tomorrow (Tuesday)
The 5 pack goes up $1000.
The 10 pack goes up $2000.
2. The $1795
Preferred admission ends on July 31st.
So sign up now and save.
3. The hotel rates will be going up on August 20th. Book your
rooms now as we are already 65% booked and the rates will go up by $200/night.


Now back to your regularly scheduled summer!

Have a GREAT day!

Rick Schwartz
Update: We can now announce 4 of the auction companies that will be holding live auctions at T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Thought Convergence

8 thoughts on “Five auctions under one roof

  1. RV of

    Initial reports say that the Traffic NY 2008 will have 3 Live Auctions. Bringing it to 5 that will showcase the very best available generic domains for sale will be fun especially if there is a lot of buzz by each live auction company to attract end-user buyers.


    Thanks for the updare, Rick. Looks like another coney island roller coaster in the making. Are commissions going to be flat across all auction providers? The deadline for unlimited submissions is quickly approaching so when will potential sellers see options from other providers? Will submitting early to moniker result in locking up names resulting in the inability to submit to other auction partners?

  3. Rick Schwartz

    All auctions at TRAFFIC will be charging the same 15% fee.
    More importantly, the domains each action will be presenting will be prime domains with very aggressive reserves.
    Folks should concentrate on sending just a few great domains and not bulk unless they want to sell an entire portfolio.

  4. Rick Schwartz

    Excellent idea. Just hope I find someone that wants the Bronx. ;-)

  5. Rob

    Great move. Having been to numerous domain conferences over the last few years, the time for a”shakeup” was overdue. The same auctioneer faces and their same tired format was getting stale. Kudos to you for your creativity (and courage) to break the status quo.

  6. Anunt Patel

    Rick, are we going to be able to bid on all live auctions thru snapnames or do we have to be there in person at the auction?

  7. don

    It would be nice if there were some additional standards with the new format, such as all auction lists must be finanlized and made public a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the show starting and that the companies should be required to do some relevant pr work to help draw in some more interest. I like the idea of more auctions, also think it could have been broken up into a few auction themes…thanks


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