Yesterday I predicted that there would be plenty of iphones to go around. I said there is no way that Apple is that stupid that they would allow folks to make more than them on the black market. There were 100 people in line at noon yesterday at the local mall. But I believed that by midnight you would have no problem. To hedge my bet I paid someone $100 to get in line.
6:40 I get the call. "I got it" and a few minutes later the iphone was in my hand.

As I watched the "Hit job" on the iphone over the airwaves during the last 2 days I wondered how much was reality and how much was desperation. By 9PM I knew the answer. DESPERATION at its' most desperate. The first edition of the iphone renders all others in catch up mode.
My review of the iPhone.......
All other devices are now obsolete.
And another heads up. I am no fan of Cingular/Att but when I went to several other countries in the spring, I carried a Verizon phone, a Sprint PCS phone and my wife's Cingular phone. Cingular was the ONLY one that worked in all countries. I did not have to call anyone to activate, it just worked! Both others NEVER worked regardless of their promises.
The net just got a little more mobile. Email just got easier and I am still counting how many devices are actually in the iphone and what is to come in the 2nd generation. Summer surfing just got a little better.
WELL DONE!! The bar has not only been raised, it has been moved and it will take years for anyone to catch up.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz
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